The twitter for Big Mama's pizza in Los Angeles reports that the 54 inch pizza challenge was completed for the first time today by a 7 person team, resulting in a $1000 award. Pictures of the challenge (with the identity of several members hidden) are available.
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It's Obvious said
April 26, 2010 @ 3:13 pm
Ben Monson, Damon Wells, and Kevin Ross, it couldn’t be more obvious from the pictures with little question marks over your faces. If you are going to break the rules, let them take pictures, and then try to get away with it and lie, you guys are serious douches. Just cop to it, don’t run around like a bunch of cheating wives because you have already been caught.
nathanbiller said (Registered January 29, 2007)
April 26, 2010 @ 4:17 pm
Great job Kevin Ross!
Teenage Wasteland said
April 26, 2010 @ 4:36 pm
Way to be a douche bag, It’s Obvious. I don’t know what’s more pathetic, the fact that there are “rules” preventing grown men from eating oversized pizzas or people like you who whine about those men.
Benjamin Monson said (Registered October 1, 2009)
April 26, 2010 @ 5:18 pm
LOL seriously you think I ate 7 pounds of asparagus then drove almost 500 miles in one day to eat a bunch of pizza? sure if i was getting paid 1,000 myself.
It's Obvious said
April 26, 2010 @ 6:20 pm
Ben, come on man it is so incredibly obvious that is you standing directly in front right behind the check and in all of the pictures that you are clearly visible. Your height, weight, stature, head, and hair are 100% you. Stop the lying dude, it is not making you look good right now. If you did actually drive and not fly, it only takes 6 hours to drive from Sacramento to Los Angeles.
Stalker? said
April 26, 2010 @ 7:15 pm
Sounds like you really know this guy. What next? are you going to prove that he was there by the saliva you collected from the napkin he used that you retrieved from pizzeria’s garbage latter that day? The you can compare it to the hair, blood, and stool samples of his that you have collected. GET A LIFE LOSER!
anonymous said
April 26, 2010 @ 7:49 pm
Great job you guys..Why shouldnt you be alowed to do this.The top 5 in the eating league gets all the perks and promo, cash cab, millionare show, tv spots,free travel and so on.So good for you,and great job..
It's Obvious said
April 26, 2010 @ 7:56 pm
Using logic to make a point is not stalking. I don’t really know this guy, your wrong, it’s just so obvious. Anyone who has seen a 2D picture can make that determination. That’s the point.
Anonymous said
April 26, 2010 @ 8:40 pm
I think what is Obvious is that whether or not they did it, you are being a douche bag trying to out them.
Teenage Wasteland said
April 27, 2010 @ 9:34 am
Sounds like somebody’s feelings are hurt because they didn’t get an invitation to the big pizza eating party.
anonymous said
April 27, 2010 @ 10:02 am
Look the only comp eater that did jail time and is currently serving time in rikers island for stalking another competitive eaters is jo rose gavonne. talk to the shea about conducting a nathans qualifier in prison yard
anonymous said
April 27, 2010 @ 12:53 pm
Ben, I was there in the backround, you WERE there,Kevin and Damon were there.You guys did a great job doing it period..Ben you also went to Seattle to do a challange and won a plasma TV.Why hide it?
Teenage Wasteland said
April 27, 2010 @ 1:53 pm
What a coincidence anonymous 12:53. You just HAPPENED to be at Big Mama’s pizza in Los Angeles on the day those guys came in to break the record? You’re full of it. You weren’t there and I’m guessing the fact that you weren’t invited is the reason your vagina hurts so bad over this.
Why hide? said
April 27, 2010 @ 2:09 pm
Look, I’m not with the IFOCE nor do I have a position on eaters being allowed more flexiblity in doing these type of eating challenges when under contract with the IFOCE. But having been around CE longer than most people, let me try to give a perspective on why IFOCE can be considered a hard ass on this issue. When someone like Ben, who signed a contract saying he would not participate in any eating event without IFOCE approval, participates in these types of eating challenges it becomes much more difficult for the IFOCE to secure a contract with a company to hold a true CE event with real money. In the long run, it therefore hurts Ben and other eaters for a shot at real money. So Ben won $250 and plasma TV? Someday he and other eaters might have had a shot at a pizza eating CE contest wort thousands in prize money, which is less likely to occur when he doesn’t think long term and agrees to do these challenges. It also hurts Ben particularly, because if an IFOCE contest is set up with a pizza company, the sponsor would express not to have Ben participate because he has already lent his defacto endorsement to another company. So, anony 12:53, that’s why Ben would want to hide his participation in this eating challenge.
What contract? said
April 27, 2010 @ 3:28 pm
These three should simply be dropped by the IFOCE for the same reason Scuillo, Toro and Vandam were dropped – they violated a contract as if it was a joke. If there is no penalty for violating the contract, what’s the point? I’m sure many other eaters will want to know that their contract is meaningless and they can do whatever they like.
anonymous said
April 27, 2010 @ 4:06 pm
To Teenage Wasteland,I was there,they know who I am..Im only saying good for them..They will never get the same oppertunity as the New York crowd or the top 5, so I say good for them..
Anonymous said
April 27, 2010 @ 4:15 pm
So I guess Ben, Damon and Kevin are already convicted of said crime without any real proof? To be honest those three look more like Scuillo, Toro and Vandam then they do Ben, Damon and Kevin. Those of you complaining really do sound like a bunch of jealous tattle tails. wah wah wah!
Who ever are the mystery 3 pizza eaters, GOOD JOB!
Why hide? said
April 27, 2010 @ 4:20 pm
“What contract”: Actually, dropping an eater from a contract isn’t really a penalty. Particularly, for someone like Ben who felt he has a legitimate claim at the top five some day. However, since they are under contract, they may see invitations upcoming contests start to dry up. When an eater loses the opportunity to get their name out their at nationally covered events and make real money, that $250 “pizza party” eventually might not seem to have been such a great idea. Besides, if I were a sponsor I wouldn’t want an eater who signs their name to an agreement then violates that agreement at every turn they get. Trust is an important thing in the business world, and like it or not, competitive eating is fun but it is also a business. To the sponsor the eaters and eating contests represents publicity and endorsement opportunities. How can an eater be trusted to go to an event a sponsor paid for, eat their product, and then go out and endorse another product the next day. I know Ben wants to be a top eater, but he’s not going to accomplish that by going to penny ante local events and ignoring the big picture. His friends might have nothing lose when he eats at these challenges, but he’s not doing himself any good if he wants to be a top eater.
Mega Munch said
April 27, 2010 @ 4:29 pm
Good points Why Hide? But I don’t think one or two (or even three) ranked eaters doing a pizza eating challenge at a restaurant is going to impact the Shea’s ability to ink a contest deal with, say, a Three Brothers Pizza or Pizza Hut.
Three guys posing for a picture on a website isn’t nearly the same thing as what the Shea’s offer potential contest sponsors. As someone who works in public relations in an advertising agency with food and beverage clients, I’m assuming the services the Shea’s provide extends beyond the organization and staffing of the actual eating contest (which draws a crowd, another difference between three guys eating a pizza and a high profile eating contest).
That’s the part we see, but what goes on behind-the-scenes is what a lot of the sponsorship money pays for. As PR guys themselves, the Shea’s probably offer pre- and post-event public relations and media relations services, which is where the real return-on-investment lies for the contest sponsors.
Our trio of eaters can’t begin to provide that kind of benefit to a small pizza shop. Still, I can see your point and maybe that rule is in the contract with that in mind. I sort of agree with defacto endorsement argument, but I also don’t think Pizza Hut would be upset if Joey Chestnut or Koby were to suddenly try to break a pizza eating record using Dominos pizza.
Why hide? said
April 27, 2010 @ 5:44 pm
Mega: You’re are right that IFOCE offers more to sponsors than just top eaters and I really don’t see them sweating over some kids eating for their 15 minutes of fame at a local pizza shop. But, for an eater like Ben, potentially a rising star, it does send a message of trust, or lack there of, if he violates an agreement he signed his name to. That’s what is so sad. It’s so bush league — we’re talking $250 bucks. Next time Ben’s “buddies” invite him to the “big pizza party” I hope he respectfully declines. I know he’s young, but if Ben does want to make it to the big times he has to understand what his signing his name means and may potentially represent someday to potential promoters and sponsors. Because believe me, if TK or Joey went out and started eating other nationally recognized hot dogs, Nathan’s would really have a real problem that and I wouldn’t blame them. If Ben hopes to rise to that level he has to understand that or he may never get there. Regarding Pizza Hut and Dominos, it’s a pretty competitive field and I do think they would be concerned regarding product endorsements and product loyality. But, that’s an argument for another day. Good points.
Benjamin Monson said (Registered October 1, 2009)
April 27, 2010 @ 5:50 pm
You can say what ever you want about me because I don’t care anymore. Some of you guys are worse then little girls. I hope you are happy with you indiscretions because I am no longer going to post on this sight anymore. No you didn’t hurt my feelings or really offend me, just waisted mine and other’s time with your egregious remarks.
Crazy Legs Mom said (Registered February 16, 2006)
April 27, 2010 @ 5:55 pm
Why sign a contract if you do not intend to fulfill it. Bending rules is immature. So much of what is written here is pure speculation and opinion, as is, I guess, appropriate. But If eaters want something different, they need to deal with their organizations directly. Biting the hand which feeds you is always not a good idea.
Crazy Legs Mom said (Registered February 16, 2006)
April 27, 2010 @ 5:59 pm
I should have added that I have no opinion about Ben or any other eaters about who did what or did not, just responding to the general notion of contract. Everyone should know by now that I do not like negativity and hurtful comments on here or in life, anonymous or not.
Anonymous said
April 27, 2010 @ 6:13 pm
Master Benjamin have you any grey poupon?
Anonymous said
April 27, 2010 @ 6:30 pm
Thanks guys! he was one of the few real eaters that posted on here and a not to mention a decent guy. way to push people away so now we can just talk to Beautiful Brian (no offense to Brian) and other people who are not involved in the upper echelon of competitive eating.
aro said
May 1, 2010 @ 8:30 pm
Check out the images
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