Brian “Eatin'” Keaton in Baltimore Sun

The Baltimore Sun has an article about University of Maryland student Brian “Eatin'” Keaton. Like Sonya Thomas, Keaton was inspired to enter competitive eating after watching Kobayashi at the Nathan’s finals. Like Kevin Lipsitz, he has competed against a canine in an eating contest. Keaton might have debuted at the 2005 pizza eating contest in Camden, NJ:

Keaton, an agricultural economics major, got his start not long after his Kobayashi epiphany. He learned that the New Jersey state pizza-eating championship, an all-comers event, was to take place a few towns away. He entered, downed a large cheese pie in 10 minutes, and finished fourth, but ahead of several established pros.

Comments (3)


  1. Anonymous said

    April 16, 2008 @ 5:41 pm

    Just started and already bettetr than the girl.


  2. jack said

    April 16, 2008 @ 5:45 pm

    thats pretty cool

  3. sue said

    November 18, 2008 @ 11:05 pm

    wow! I think that’s so hott, can I have your phone number??

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