Comparing eating records in different disciplines
Mike Woolridge of the UC Berkeley School of Information has written a paper titled Comparing Apples and Oranges: Normalizing Competitive Eating Records across Food Disciplines, which calculates and compares the rates of ingestion for 23 records on the IFOCE website.
liz said
June 23, 2006 @ 10:06 am
I love this research! Someone needs to raise some money for Mike to do a long-term project. I’m curious how the eaters respond. You’ll notice that the numbers say Don Lerman’s performance with beans was a better showing than Koby with hot dogs or Sonya with cheesecake, comparatively.
donmoseslerman said
June 23, 2006 @ 7:54 pm
THIS IS DON LERMAN , I’m happy with this research ,it gives some respect to my greatness in competitive eating, in as far as the beans go 6 lbs in 1min 46 sec is nothing short of an unbelievable feat , give me the credit I desrve ….don lerman
the boy king said
June 23, 2006 @ 9:27 pm
toot toot don, toot toot