Daily Beast interviews Takeru Kobayashi
Daily Beast has an interview with Takeru Kobayashi where he expands on recent critical comments made on twitter about Joey Chestnut:
If you ask me, do I want to compete with him? Mmm, not necessarily. I don’t even want to be in the same room with him. The face he gives you in the movie—he says something different every time, so it’s difficult for me to trust that those are his words, or if they’re George Shea’s scripted words, and where his feelings are coming from. It’s stressful for me to compete against, much less be around, a person who has that kind of personality. So I just choose not to be around him.
and George Shea:
It’s a manipulation game for him. If I always have to wonder what the truth is, or that they’re going to manipulate the truth when I’m taking something so seriously—I can’t be around a human that I can’t trust.
Kobayashi also mentions an upcoming alternative competitive eating league. He will attend a watch party for The Good, The Bad, The Hungry tonight at Rochelle’s in Manhattan.
Anonymous said
July 2, 2019 @ 3:52 pm
I don’t need to see them compete in HDB. Chestnut would crush him.
Anonymous said
July 2, 2019 @ 4:01 pm
I do not think Chestnut would crush Koby.
Simple Carbs said
July 2, 2019 @ 5:07 pm
Chestnut is best at HDB. Koby is best at most other foods.
anonymous said
July 2, 2019 @ 5:12 pm
Chestnut beat him 3 straight time 07 08, 09 what makes you think Kobe would beat him ? On a different note i agree with Kobe about not wanting to be in the same room with him. Everything about him that dppey adam sandler grin his hand motions before a contest is about as infuriating as one can get . Cannot stand his ass
anonymous said
July 2, 2019 @ 5:24 pm
they should make an espn special on the wall of shame Why is jarivis lerman booker and the other legends of the sport images erased , yet Conti is the first face you see in the middle of the wall ? Many have to wonder who the fuck is he and what makes him such a legend? Even Chestnut takes a back seat to him on the poster. When the truth comes out in the special Rich Shea will admit they are close buddies and he demanded that Conti image appears front and center stage
anonymous said
July 2, 2019 @ 5:25 pm
Will there be free food? If so Gavonne come and get it
garbage said
July 2, 2019 @ 8:47 pm
I actually watched 5 min of this bullshit and realized once i saw Grizzly Adams Conti Bullemic Janus and the Shea brothers throwing their two cents in it is quite obvious this is an MLE Shea brothers presentation darling Shut it off and went about my real life business
anonymous said
July 2, 2019 @ 9:45 pm
I agree with garbage nothing in this film that we did not know already Same snakes lying through their teeth especially at the end . For all intent purpose this crock of crap should have premier at the 8th st playhouse in NY but the producer was able to hook up with ESPN or maybe blew the station manager to get her movie into the right hands
anonymous said
July 2, 2019 @ 10:12 pm
Here the problem with this documentary. You dont know who is telling the truth. On one end you got George Shea claiming he contacts Kobe every year but he wants nothing to do with them. On the other hand Kobe will probably deny it and say he never heard from him. So someone is full of shit . If Sheas did actually try to reach out to Kobe , a monetary attachment would go along with it. However the Japanese are set in their ways screw them over and youre dead to them and no $$$ amt will change their mind . In Kobe mind they are evil and manipulative narcissits I commend him for standing his ground
anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 6:22 am
Ridiculous nonsense Notice that shoudt boone just to name a few got zero face time. Goes to show you who had final say in editing. Lets not forget Seiken who gets cut out of everything .
anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 7:19 am
I for one hope that this film marks the end of these pathetic documentaries on Chestnut Kobayashi and the nathans contest. They are repetitive and boring . The naive fools might be thinking that Kobe gave away his training secrets when he spoke about dissolving bread in very hot water, Just the tip of the iceberg my friend . He never mentioned a word about the 50 different supplements he used before the contest . Some of them could have been steroids. The photos were leaked 10yrs ago on a website (might have been BB) while he was in training .
anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 7:23 am
the title never switched hands which meant no rubber matches Chestnut beat him not once not twice but three straight times . What would be the point of Kobe competing against him again in 2010?
Anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 11:26 am
There were many things I did not know already. While Joey isn’t highly intelligent and is not empathetic, he is also not full of himself. His parents add something to his profile. Kobayashi, on the other hand is quite bright though overly sensitive. The segments with him in Japan were very touching. He speaks of his problem with his jaw and it makes sense. He also said he did not understand American culture but has come ti a place of freedom. I believe what he says. George, not so much.
Piewood Pizza 🕠Barrie Ontario said
July 3, 2019 @ 12:48 pm
Kobe was dropped by Piewood Pizza in Ontario in 2017. They used to name there burgers after him. I’ve met both, I think Kobe is just being a Crybaby. Joey is the best in the world. And he’s a good normal guy who can speak good English.
Not Seiken said
July 3, 2019 @ 1:33 pm
Documentary was awesome, no mention or sight of me, plenty of Allen Goldstein to make the vein in my head burst.
Anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 1:59 pm
Koby takes no “pills” or steroids. BB is blowing smoke everywhere.
anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 3:59 pm
Kobe posted a pic of his training regime when he was on his power lifting kick along with a closet full of supplements that a pharmacy counter wouldnt have enough room to shelve. Do you think im just making this shit up for attention? Go ask him if you dont believe me
anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 4:00 pm
Highly intelliegent ? I gotta laugh at that one Highly intelligent.
anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 4:02 pm
i notice baldie goldstein got zero face time No wait check that 1/16 of a second at the very far end of the table same spot he had in the 2006 Krystal finals
anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 4:05 pm
Kobe and Chestnut are real role models who eat pig intestines and cow brains . Yeah i want my kids to grow up just like them Heroes of the stupid
anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 4:11 pm
where ws Allen Goldstein in the film? My only guess is anyone under 5’5 whose hair never moves gets zero face time in the cutting room
anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 6:13 pm
Seiken amongst others were pioneers of the sport but Seiken was instrumental in bringing media attention to competitive eating before anyone else did. Hes been shitted on and banned from any mle media coverage since god knows how long. He could care less hes moved on to bigger and better things Working on his own production company and flips houses in his spare time making a fortune . He doesnt need mle like allen goldstein needs them. Hes still crying that they threw him out and removed him from his inflated ranking which he never deserved in the first place
Anonymous said
July 3, 2019 @ 7:18 pm
Seiken did bring attention to CE but it was always negative, dissing eaters, families, friendships, MLE, the Sheas. He was Mr. Gossip who contributed nothing positive. Thank goodness eatfeats came along. He should be happy that he is allowed to continue his negativity in anonymous comments. Production company for what, making a fortune? like Trump, show us your tax returns.
anonymous said
July 4, 2019 @ 6:39 am
None of your business how hes making money be grateful he even shared that info with you. Jealous? Hmm ? Hmm? The negativity the gossip was all in good fun for the thick skinned and certainly you were not one of them. You speak of negativity yet you preach that very work by dwelling on the negative instead of the positive and many of his contributions were positive . You are nothing but a fuckin hater so no matter what he did you would still find a reason to hate him because you never liked him from the get go Correct boy wonder?
anonymous said
July 4, 2019 @ 6:43 am
Was that Chestnut mom and dad in the film? They looked like his grandparents
anonymous said
July 4, 2019 @ 11:22 am
He anony 718 if it true that Seiken comments represent 80% of the comments , then it doesnt say much for eatfeats fanbase . I would suffice to say that 8 out of the 10 recent comments on the right hand side are Sieken comments That is truly sad
ESPN movie stunk said
July 5, 2019 @ 7:21 pm
Honestly i think the movie produced by Joe Ruzer a few yrs ago Hungry was much better than this piece of shit At least Beautiful brian had a role in the movie They made sure that Brian did not even get one second in the film I wonder who made sure of that ?