The Daily Star has an article titled "Dark and twisted history of Mukbang eating influencers after deaths and controversies"
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Anonymous said
March 2, 2025 @ 12:39 pm
JJ Da Lion, jackedeats, and stef2hungry are the British versions of Jack Legath.especially JJ. Look at all the food he posts on IG. And he tries to brag letting everyone know he’s on his second challenge of the day. Or “just finished another challenge 2 hours ago…”
Cool bro, you can throw up food and then eat more later. You’re a hero. Not impressive at all—it’s the oldest trick in the book. Let’s see you do a 5 kg challenge in one sitting without leaving the camera frame. jacked eats isn’t much better. He think he can claim to be in a calorie balance after his 20k calorie cheat days because he’s a bodybuilder. Anybody can tell just looking at you that you’re not keeping all that food down
Anonymous said
March 2, 2025 @ 1:51 pm
Jack keeps it down you hater