Eats of Strength reruns
The first Eats of Strength episode will be rerun 3 times next week:
• Eats of Strength
INHD, Tue Jul 04 06:00pm EDT
• Eats of Strength
INHD, Fri Jul 07 01:30am EDT
• Eats of Strength
INHD, Fri Jul 07 03:00pm EDT
• Eats of Strength
INHD, Sat Jul 08 06:00pm EDT
Don “Moses” Lerman is expecting big things from his Eats of Strength appearance.
donmoseslerman said
June 30, 2006 @ 3:31 pm
This is Don ”Moses” Lerman speaking thank you for the plug . I will mention that my site moses news ,com is experencing technical difficulties in puting up posts , so bear with me , A happy Indepenence Day to all ….Don ‘Mpses’ Lerman
donmoseslerman said
July 2, 2006 @ 8:26 pm
This is Don Lerman channel 701 is running the promos for Eatas OF Strength. watch it….don lerman
WAKE UP said
July 6, 2006 @ 7:41 am
Don Lerman fails to mention that all the performers of that show did not recieve a red cent for their time and effort. The poor people in the studio audience got zilch as well. Similar to the last go around with HDTV , dvd’s of the show were promised to the performers and again they got nothing. If Sonya Thomas performed on the show everyone would realize something was up because she doesnt participate in shows of this nature unless some money is coming her way. Smart girl. Her agent must have requested a copy of the waiver sheet and laughed his freakin ass off Maybe everyone else should wisen up and realize that time is money and if you are not being compensated “you are being had” . The report was the Shea’s did not recieve any money upfront to produce these shows. and if it does well they get a cut or percentage from the sponsorship . Some say they put their own money into this. That remains to be seen. The waiver sheets that were signed(but shouldn’t have been) mentioned nothing about any of the performers earning a percentage from the show which in all fairness should have been a stipulation in the contract. How they could pull a move like this and get away with it is beyond me. Is everyone that stupid or is the loyalty to the IFOCE more important than money . What do you want, its free publicity. Oh god wake up and smell the coffee .
Mike R Geller said
July 6, 2006 @ 9:45 am here we go again 4 different updates of Lerman pics with the same line that we have heard for god knows how many years. I am retiring , i am not retiring, i will lose the weight, i am on hiatus, no more buffets, . Why oh why do we need to be subjected to this and all the people that reply to his posts have Jewish last names. You have to wonder if most of them are Lerman himself. Murray Goldberg. Robert Levy, Sal Levine(that one might be jewish and italian) . Shall we all vote to put this whacko on permanent IGGGG