Entertainment Weekly mini-book reviews

(From The Tube Sock Destroyer) The current edition of Entertainment Weekly has mini-book reviews of the two competitive eating books which award a grade of B+ to “Eat This Book” and A- to “Horsemen of the Esophagus.”

There is a new book out called “Insatiable” which might be why the title of Jason Fagone’s book was changed.

Comments (8)


  1. liz said

    April 18, 2006 @ 4:19 pm

    And yet, Eat This Book by Eugene H. Peterson came out in January, and Tyler Florence’s cookbook, out last year, also bears the same name.

  2. The Tubesock Destroyer said

    April 18, 2006 @ 7:11 pm

    Titles can’t be copywritten, right?

    Hey OJ, if anyone uploads the Daily Show segment to YouTube, can you link to it? I don’t have cable…

  3. Dave said

    April 19, 2006 @ 1:42 am

    There was an X rated movie that came out in the early 80’s called insatiable with marilyn chambers

  4. Mega Munch said

    April 19, 2006 @ 8:34 am

    I’m about halfway through Eat This Book (I’m a slow reader, and its makes my hungry so I’m constantly raiding the fridge.). So far it’s okay. I can’t wait to read Horsemen though. I’m looking forward to Horsemen and its (hopefully) objective voice. While Eat This Book is witty and gives good insight into various eater personalities, it just feels too much like a glowing, tongue-in-cheek promo for the IFOCE. If you read between the lines close enough and you can just picture George and Richard Shea chuckling over the manuscript and suggesting embellishments for Nerz to add to his tales of eating contests and eater biographies.

  5. The Realist said

    April 19, 2006 @ 9:15 am

    Yeah, whatever, Mega Munch. I don’t think that’s how Ryan wrote his book. He’s not a puppet. He’s a writer, and he’s talented and funny in his own right. I think it’d offend his own sense of independence to include the embellishments of the Sheas in his book, as clever and well-intentioned as they would be.

  6. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    April 19, 2006 @ 11:23 am

    I believe the Shea’s commisioned & edited the book. Nerz works for the Shea’s as Mc & a bad judge (Sunrise) My guess is he would admit (privately) to being a puppet of the Shea’s, just a well compensated one. I don’t deny that Nerz is talented & funny in his own right, or that the book is probably entertaining.

  7. JohnnyB said

    April 19, 2006 @ 1:26 pm

    Menchetti ,don’t talk smack about judging unless you were there. And if you don’t know if they edited it no one cares what you think. Keep your belittling comments to yourself. You will never know what happened unless you saw it. I was in contests where people had questionable debris in cups, dunk tanks, etc. If you don’t come out on top you have to accept it and work with the ifoce to make sure it never happens again. It’s not easy judging a contest by yourself.

  8. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    April 19, 2006 @ 3:55 pm

    Maybe there should be more than one judge who’s not primarily there to sell books & entertain the crowd instead of judging.

    I admit its strange even to me, but based on speedeat’s 47,000 plus hits, quite a few people care about my comments. Even w/irregular updates.

    I would agree w/ working w/etc. but it happens w/the same people time & time & time again. & against the less active, eloquent, friends of, etc.

    What comment by me recently on trench was belittling?! If you’re commenting about stuff on Speedeat, thats another story.

    The more I think about it… Go F yourself JohnnyB. I don’t need to be at a place to know what happened. Unlike, the Shea Stadium qualifier last year I had more than one witness, & I know the relationships betwen the people involved, & prior eating, favored son, etc. history.

    The “winner” in Fla. has a history of questionable calls, urges contrary, extremely messy eating, etc. Can I call him an out an out cheat… No. Do I believe him to be someone who will try anything, allowed or not to win… without doubt. Sadly, he’s not the only one!

    Funny thing is, I like him personally. I understand if he doesn’t feel the same…anymore

  9. takipçi satın al said (Comment pending approval)

    September 20, 2021 @ 12:05 pm

    takipçi satın al

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