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anonymous said
May 25, 2012 @ 8:26 pm
You enjoy Crazy Legs ? Nothing more than a fraud and a cheater. I’m.surprised OJ Rifkin plugs him after that ridiculous announcent he made at Dorney park abtetive out his moratorium from eating websites. You say the mass public enjoys him but every single media venture has gone down the toilet. Zen of competitive eating Co commentator on.spike tv down the toilet. What do you expect when you show up in a studio with a $3 dress shirt and a pair of shorts that looked lime they were plucked right out of the salvation army truck
the great gavonne said
May 26, 2012 @ 1:35 am
Sounds like jealousy 2 me.I know first hand how everyone hates u when u r great.To reiterate about UnEdible:I wouldn’t waste my saliva on that talentless piece of filth.She must have sucked Richard Shea’s cock real good 2 get a shot at CitiField.Queens is my turf-stay the fuck in Jersey u demented ho.
Marcos The Monster Owens said (Registered August 16, 2011)
May 26, 2012 @ 7:08 am
Crazy Legs & Maria you guys did great yesterday. @ Gavonne you need to get a life. The days of you stalking & harrasing people is going to come to an end soon. Play with fire & you will get burned. You must like prison if your up to the antics that landed you in there in the first place
the great gavonne said
May 26, 2012 @ 8:39 am
Marcus u r more of a bitch then UnEdible & a bigger coward than Seiken.When I asked u a simple question on fb instead of answering me u blocked me like the pussy u r.Take your tongue out of that skanks ass & be a man for once.
Pat From Moonachie said (Registered December 10, 2005)
May 26, 2012 @ 8:48 am
Facebook conversation:
Jo Gavonne Rose: ” Why did u drop me as a friend?What’s the deal,Pat?” (march 13th)
Patrick Philbin: “Hey Jo, I think it was because you shit-talked someone I liked ..probably a female (not Jill) ..I’m not sure which one but I’m NOT a big fan of guys that do that (eg: Beautiful Brian) comes off as bullying to me’s not that big a deal ..being my fb friend ain’t that important.” (march 18th)
Jo Gavonne Rose: “Who exactly do u think I “shit-talked”?Wait,ur not evev sure which 1?Sounds like a buch of crap 2 me.More than likely someone told u some bullshit & u swallowed it hook,line & schwinker.UR right,being ur friend ain’t that important-admitting why is.Now I can boo u like every other stooge who can’t take a joke.Just remember:U don’t have the mighty IFOCE backing u.There’s no Shea 2 hide behind when I u rank u out so bad it makes u cry.I thought u had more brains than 2 confuse me with my ‘great gavonne’ character.” (march 19th)
..Jo, I don’t care if it’s you or your shitty “character” BOTH clearly haven’t learned your lesson from your governmental “time-out” ..just sayin.
the great gavonne said
May 26, 2012 @ 9:14 am
Live by the sword,die by the sword.On a comepletely different subject,why is UnEdible competing at Citi when she lives in NJ?Why did Booker & Janus compete in Jersey when they live in NY?MLE manipulates who eats where to guarantee who they want at Coney.It’s all so phony & fake I’m amazed there r people dumb enough to think these so-called contests r actually real.Just like they did with Laura Loser last year.The roster for July 4th is set before any of these qualifiers even begin.I predict George Shea will b indicted 4 fraud sometime in the near future.He is the biggest crook on the face of the Earth.
beautifulbrian said
May 26, 2012 @ 10:19 am
Pat i never stalked any of your pathetic platonic female FB friends so stop making up lies about me . I made a comment about how her weight loss surgery transformed her from night to day and that was that. The both of you took it to another level calling me all kinds of nasty names when there was no need for that. Stop playing prince charming to the rescue cause it aint getting you layed now is it? . You have two sides to your ugly personality. On the net you come across as online tough guy and in person it’s this lovable little fat teddy bear that wouldnt harm a fly. Im not a fan of yours either
just sayin said
May 26, 2012 @ 10:25 am
I think Marcos Edible and anyone else competing at Citifield on June 2 should call Rich or George and have this maniac banned from the Citifield property . Obviously Gavonne is up to his old tricks and off his medication ready and willing to wreck havoc on the event. I might also suggest that the comment he made about Edible sucking Rich Shea cock be fwd tp
Pat From Moonachie said (Registered December 10, 2005)
May 26, 2012 @ 10:45 am
“..transformed her from night to day” ..No Brian, THAT wasn’t private messaged a woman that had weight-loss surgery to tell her that she looks better now and she was “GROSS & DISGUSTING” before..that’s fucked up and you’re a total scumbag for doing that ..apologies don’t mean shit to me..anyone with half a brain wouldn’t have done it in the first place ..I’ve never started a fight in my life but i’d gladly tell that to your face and you can do whatever you like about it because you’re such a tough-guy ..PS, maybe i’ll get laid if I put rat’s nest on my head and call it “hair” ..whatcha think, Brian??..oh, yeah..YOU DON’T THINK!
Pat From Moonachie said (Registered December 10, 2005)
May 26, 2012 @ 10:51 am
..and read the post again, dummy. I used you as an example of a “BULLY” not a “Stalker” ..which IS what you are.
Marcos The Monster Owens said (Registered August 16, 2011)
May 26, 2012 @ 11:54 am
I don’t want to go back & forth on here with you saw me @ the Feast of San Genaro last year & didn’t say 1 word to me you said I lied & cheated my way into a contest when that wasn’t the case then continued to harrass me coming up with fake profiles. I chose not to reply but this back & forth is getting annoying. You can say all of this stuff behind a computer screen but you had an opportunity to say something to me in person & didn’t seize it. At this point I’m done now its less about talking & more about actions. Ultimately its up to you. If you like prison then keep it up you’ll be back there shortly
beautifulbrian said
May 26, 2012 @ 12:29 pm
Pat you must be madly in love with this woman to take such a hostile stance against me. God should strike me down for using such profanity. I call it as i see it pal ok? Go fuck your self asshole i could care less what you think of me . I wouldnt apologize to you for shit cause thats exactly what i think of you . Rats nest on your head wont do the trick either. Im not a tough guy Pat just someone that tells it like it is .You talk a good game on the internet. Real proud of . I guess it takes a real man to curse someone out with the bedroom door shut. Grow a pair of balls PIGGY! BTW great job with the chilli
Pondering said (Registered July 22, 2010)
May 26, 2012 @ 1:15 pm
Calling it as I see it, BB has reverted to a less than journalistic way of telling things as he sees them. He is not the only one. Just happens to have made the last comment. This has nothing to do with competitive eating. More like competitive let’s tear each other down. It isn’t entertainment, it is foul and bullying and nasty and nothing MLE would want to have publicized. Wonder why invites are fewer? It is all here to see. Want something? Behave like a grown-up. You may or may not get it but you surely will not writing this stuff.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
May 26, 2012 @ 1:25 pm
Oh some of my favorite threads involve you sci fi monsters, keep up the great reads and the internet tough guy thing.
Pat From Moonachie said (Registered December 10, 2005)
May 26, 2012 @ 1:25 pm
I must be madly in love?..Really??..that’s the kind of fucked up perception of reality that led you to being a BULLY ..which isn’t that far from being a STALKER ..that’s why you and Gavonne are Two peas in a pod..the only difference between you two is a prison sentence..let’s see what the future holds for you…oooh! insults..ya got me!
Anonymous said
May 26, 2012 @ 3:24 pm
HERE WE GO AGAIN! Gavonne brings out the best in everybody.
beautifulbrian said
May 26, 2012 @ 4:07 pm
Whatever Pat cool it you getting all bent out of shape for nothing. Watch the diabetes or you might lose another toe getting stressed out. I have to.wonder if this is the same pat I’ve seen at contests
Dave Wagner said (Registered July 6, 2011)
May 26, 2012 @ 7:25 pm
I’m with Dax on this one. You two (BB and Gav) are embarrassing. But it makes for mildly-amusing entertainment, from a distance.
beautifulbrian said
May 26, 2012 @ 7:52 pm
Dave i had the ultimate respect for you after you came through with a gift that not only caught me off guard but was also a kind generous gesture on your part. Lately ive lost a ton of respect for you with some of your asshole remarks especially the one you just left. You can email me privately and we can discuss the reason for your sudden 360 approach . You really disappoint me dude
Anonymous said
May 26, 2012 @ 8:53 pm
You mean a 180 approach
Anonymous said
May 26, 2012 @ 11:00 pm
Seiken, any respect you ever had toward anybody is one way. You always feel that people owe you. You will hang anyone out to dry on your website, as long as it serves your purpose to get attention. The name Brian Seiken conjures up less than desirable feelings (mildly stated) in anyone who knows anything about you. You use the internet as a weapon for personal attacks. Your loyalty to anyone is based on the premise: what has he done for me lately? You are a trouble maker’s trouble maker. The fact that you choose to not acknowledge that shows just how self-centered you are. I am certain that each person who reads this post cannot deny what I am saying is true, except you, of course. You are so very predictable.
Anonymous said
May 26, 2012 @ 11:18 pm
Gotta be 180. No one is stupid enough to the additional 180 with him.
Trailer Park Rash said
May 26, 2012 @ 11:53 pm
Yet another thread succumbs to a Seiken hijacking. Can someone please inform me what is beautiful about brian?
beautifulbrian said
May 27, 2012 @ 7:30 am
anon 11pm you know what you owe me after all these years of harassment under an assumed name? Your real name you pathetic no life fool with no life except . You sound like an elderly school teacher with 30 yrs in the Board of Ed trying to lecture someone on bad behavior. You know what you mean to me? Absolutely nothing. . You are cowardly piece of garbage whos negative perception of me goes in one ear and out the other. . Go play with your pecker to relieve some of the tension or if you crave one of those maybe i can be of some assistance Have a very shitty day
Anonymous said
May 27, 2012 @ 9:05 am
Another expected comment by Seiken at 7:30 this morning. Exactly as predicted, it goes in one ear and out the other, because there’s nothing in between to stop the exit.
Pondering said (Registered July 22, 2010)
May 27, 2012 @ 10:05 am
Really Brian, you always use the exact same excuse for your response to criticism. When you know exactly who is trying to tell you something, even as a friend with good intentions or someone you disagree with, you still do not take what they say into consideration. This is why you are not fully respected and one of the reasons you are not invited to do lots of media.
Truly sad said
May 27, 2012 @ 11:18 am
So sad that there are still people that hate Seiken or are jealous of him because he has given so much to the competitive eating table while they can only post here and post negative remarks about the man. One would have to assume that the negative comments about Seiken stem from comments he made about them on bits and pieces which were more than likely the truth. Really Brian this and Really Brian that just proves the incredible obsession they have with Seiken. It will never end will it?
beautifulbrian said
May 27, 2012 @ 11:33 am
Pondering, my response to criticism is as follows. Fucking with people under an assumed name no matter how intelligent you might come off as, defeats the entire purpose . In your case that is exactly what you are doing right? I would gladly accept friendly advice from a friend if i knew who that friend was. By hiding that fact you are accomplishing nothing but instigating trouble and at the same time making me out to be some sort of crackpot so everyone else that visits this site will hopefully see it your way. Ive been on to your shit since day 1 . Cant pull the wool over an old dogs eyes. Get a life dude and stop worrying about me. I do my thing i got my schtick nobody can change that
Anonymous said
May 27, 2012 @ 6:11 pm
It’s just Brian’s schtick. He’s really an outstanding person.
beautifulbrian said
May 27, 2012 @ 7:35 pm
Normally i post in spurts and then you wont hear from me for a month or two because this blog is not worthy of my opinions in regard to competitive eating. I just want to give a shout out to Millender and Brunelli who put on a stupendous show yesterday at Go GO curry. They ate till they burst and from watching their performances no doubt they would do extremely well as major league eaters. Easily top 25 material. Brunelli really picked up his game immensely The Japanese dude that flew in from Japan did very well. I know i had my issues with Will but i would like to forgive forget and move on. I admire anyone that takes pride in not only being a comp eater but is also willing to push himself to the limit . Great job guys
word to the wise said
May 28, 2012 @ 9:17 am
The qualifier everyone is waiting for is Citifeld. If Gavonne is dumb enough to show up there will be trouble . I would advise him to stay away if he knows what good for him
beautifulbrian said
May 28, 2012 @ 9:53 am
I just received this comment from Joseph Rose Gavonne on my youtube video LA Beast Belated Birthday present
Listen up u lying coward pervert.If u ever show up anywhere in NYC I will embarrass u so bad in front of that fat ugly sad excuse for a woman who I wouldn’t let blow me.Your day is coming real soon.George Shea will be indicted for fraud & MLE will be over,just like your pathetic life.Every lie u write is just making it worse 4 u u half-assed cunt
Anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 9:58 am
Well, you’d also be wise not to visit. You know he will be there.
anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 10:04 am
Why is that? I am not Seiken i have nothing to worry about 9:58
Jailhouse Rock said
May 28, 2012 @ 10:19 am
Brian that is the beauty of electronic postings. You now have a documented threat against you personally, as well as a slanderous comment against the ifoce and George Shea. Take it up with the police and get that vicious, deluded, sociopathic a-hole locked up.
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
May 28, 2012 @ 10:20 am
A link to the youtube comment:
anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 10:29 am
Marcos or Edible will take care of him
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
May 28, 2012 @ 11:04 am
Every time I read a Gavonne comment about a women, I get a gross feeling in my stomach, this Dood has some crazy issues with women.
Anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 11:23 am
The truth is that he is intimidated by women. JGR has no self esteem but wants people to think he does. He can’t even stand himself.
beautifulbrian said
May 28, 2012 @ 11:28 am
As crazy as this may sound i have a slither of pity for the mentally ill. Like a stray cat that never had a home , someone in his family is not looking out for him or the criminal justice system is not following up on this matter. Im thinking that when he was released from prison he did some research as to what he can and what he cannot get away with . I did some research on my own contacting local authorities and the FBI and you will be shocked at how much freedom he actually has. In order to nail this c-sucker ass he has to actually make a direct threat to someone life on the net using his real name or put his hands on me or anyone else as part of a physical confrontation, At that point its safe to say it would be all over for him. Im waiting for him to dare try something like that or worst scenario pull out a gun or a knife which i wouldn’t put past him. . Internet stalkers become killers right before your very eyes. As far as MLE and the Sheas, i informed George and Rich prior to the Nathans contest last year and it basically went in one ear and out the other. He not only showed up, but became volatile and arrogant. There is a video to prove it. My biggest mistake was to react to the bullshit so he get his rocks off by videotaping my reaction with his cheap cell phone camera. I love the Sheas but in this instance they did nothing to alleviate the situation. In a sense i cant really blame them because they have a huge contest to run and the last thing on their mind is some verbally abusive fanatic screwball becoming verbally abusive with me or anyone else in Coney Island. However they could have taken some affirmative action to show that they are looking out for their members by contacting the authorities. I did all the leg work on my own . With that said i would never show my face at the Nathans finals ever again unless i am assured that that sicko is either locked up in prison or a mental institution. The best the cops could do was give him a half ass warning and chased him away instead of escorting the fucker to the 63rd precinct. He convinced one of the judges to get him an all access pass which allowed him access to the back room to feast on hot dogs fries and chicken fingers.. What does that tell you about NYC legal system? Any other state they would have fried him for eyeballing someone the wrong way. Let someone else handle this creepo i got better things to do
Yup said
May 28, 2012 @ 11:33 am
What does it tell you Brian? It tells you that somebody only cares about $$$ and not safety of people lives. Greed at it’s ultimate worst!
Anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 12:36 pm
Brian you just bring attention to yourself with all of these doings, negative attention. You provoke and seem to enjoy provoking. If you could remove yourself from being the self-centered attention seeker and focus on someone else JG would go away and pick on someone else. I am not condoning his actions, not at all, but really, picking fights with your own organization in public, well, if that is your schtick, schtick to it. But you are fooling no one with your supposed good intentions. Ranting against the police, public safety, all good points but honestly, you admit that you have little recourse anyway. This is not about competitive eating, period. JG gives you something to write about, videos to make. When he doesn’t take up your attention, you pick fights with someone else or chastise OJ for seemingly playing head games because he does not post your every link or video. Sympathy for the so called mentally ill………really, it does sound crazy just as you sound like a person who has anger management issues. Get a life and stay off these topics so that the rest of us can enjoy competitive eating as it was meant to be enjoyed and presented.Be part of the conversation on here but do not keep being a broken record over and over.
Anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 1:37 pm
It tells me you’re a YUPpie.
anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 2:07 pm
Hopefully BB will take this Gavonne comment to the police and have this lunatic thrown in the slammer where he belongs. The guy is a menace to society.
Anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 2:42 pm
Twelve thirty six, that’s good stuff. Very accurate, and great advice. My guess is that Brian will be offended, however, and tell you where to go.
Nice guy #3 said
May 28, 2012 @ 2:48 pm
Enjoy the sin of gluttony yeah 12:36 you make this sport seem like a beautiful thing you stupid idiot. Enjoy destroying your insides and eat some cheetos.
Anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 2:54 pm
Nice guy #3 might be Brian Seiken. Typical rant by him when the truth surfaces. Anything to divert attention away from himself.
beautifulbrian said
May 28, 2012 @ 4:13 pm
1236 you are making a total ass of yourself because of your personal problems with me. Stop avoiding the issue at hand by bringing your hate for me into this forum. Its a chip on your shoulder regarding Brian Seiken so why dont you just admit it ok? We were discussing someone other than myself and by trying to find fault with me you give that crazy boy another reason to strike back. We are this close to a majority rues and you have to go fuck it up with your continual hatred towards me. . You are totally wrong with your perception of Gavonne. Doesnt matter if you ignore him he comes back for more either way. . Check out my website . Is there even a hint or trace of his name on any of my links or pages? No . He might stay quiet for a few weeks or a month as the medication sets in, but before you know it he’s back on FB or on my youtube page harassing people under alias identities. I guess if someone leaves a threat message on my youtube page and i choose to give CE a heads up on it , thats your idea of Seiken bringing attention to himself. You got problems dude serious ones. Stop hating on me cause i could smell the hate through each and every sentence in your comment. You get off on this for quite some time attempting to play the role of the house shrink. Its getting played out find someone else to stalk that has real anger management issues. I’m just an entertainer
beautifulbrian said
May 28, 2012 @ 4:15 pm
For the record i am not Nice guy 3
anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 6:18 pm
Nice guy #3 hit it right on the nose. !2:36 with that stupid comment “Let us enjoy competitive eating”, how on earth can anyone take you seriolusly?
prophet said
May 28, 2012 @ 6:39 pm
If i were Gavonne i would think twice about showing up at Citifield on June 2nd. I can almost guarantee he will not like what is in store for him
Anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 8:57 pm
All are too afraid of Gavonne.
Fan of Will, BBrian,Gjoe, Arnie, Jill, Mle, Ape, Edible,Marcos,Goldstein, Shea's, Moonachie, etc... said
May 28, 2012 @ 10:20 pm
Manchetti looked like he was afraid…that he’d kill you, without a camera in his face.
anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 10:34 pm
Nobody is afraid of him you idiot. If anything they are afraid of what they might do to him
anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 10:52 pm
It is my understanding that Cookie Jarvis called George Shea last year suggesting that Gavonne be banned from Coney Island. George response went something like “What does this guy look like? ” Rich response was “I cant ban the guy from showing up” Here is the difference . When it was brought to Arnie Chapman attention that Gavonne was stalking Jill Stoler he made sure that Gavonne could never show his face at an AICE event ever again
anonymous said
May 28, 2012 @ 10:57 pm
Note how the dysfunctional retard says “I got nuthin against you buddy” Several months later he threatens Menchetti & Will Millenders l life through one of his Riker Island homeboys Rodney Banks on Facebook
BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)
May 29, 2012 @ 8:04 pm
That’s one of my fave CE related videos of all time…
anonymous said
May 29, 2012 @ 8:12 pm
I think.menchetti said two.words obviously and thank you . He still deserves an Oscar i
the great gavonne said
May 30, 2012 @ 11:08 am
Dysfunctional retard?My Riker Island homeboy Rodney Banks?Pretty strong accusations from a punk who’s afraid 2 put his name.Hey prophet,there is nothing going 2 happen 2 me on Sat. because the last time I checked IT’S STILL A FREE COUNTRY!I have the right 2 express myself & offer my opinion.I have no worries because I haven’t done anything 2 break the law.They can’t ban me from anywhere because it isn’t MLE’s property.These crooks r lucky they get 2 use these locations 4 free.They won’t in the future since Mayor Bloomberg is getting hip 2 the fact that they r a homophobic & anti free speech organization.And telling someone that u r going 2 embarrass them is not a threat.When I said his life will b over it’s because MLE IS his life.The dude who calls himself Rhonda should shut his pie hole since he’s already been outed as a guy who works in MLE’s office.I wouldn’t b surprised if Rhonda was that retard looking Antonelli guy-he’s got nothing 2 do but sit in the office & play with himself all day.It’s not like there’s a lot of business 2 attend 2.Marcus(Uncle Tom)Owens saw me at the cannoli contest & when I approached him he ran away like the sissy that he is.Seiken continues with his lies.I don’t have a camera phone & I didn’t get my pass from a judge I got it from a (world famous)eater.2 B continued…
dear gavonne said
May 30, 2012 @ 12:00 pm
Gavoone i think it is safe to assume that if you show up at Citifield and say something stupid to anyone at the table before during or after the contest you will suffer the consequences and get cursed out punched in the mouth or worse. Then again i think you crave a physical confrontation with a man for personal pleasure like jerking off non stop for at least two weeks straight. You have the right to show up anywhere you want or write anything you want but i advise you to keep your trap shut and your camera in your pocket or you will have trouble . That is a guarantee
anonymous said
May 30, 2012 @ 12:03 pm
I think that famous eater is Pat Bertoletti. Pat if that is true you are total douchebag moron with no morals at all.
anonymous said
May 30, 2012 @ 12:08 pm
Since Gavonne is an expert on work ethics in the office claiming that “Antonelli”( its Antolini, you half wit), has nothing to do, them maybe MLE should do the right thing and hire Gavonne as president of marketing operations . Now finally some real work will get done . I cannot think of a more capable individual to run the show
the great gavonne said
May 30, 2012 @ 1:40 pm
dear gavonne is obviously Seiken since he’s the only pervert who puts a sexual connatation on everything I write.I sure as hell won’t keep my camera in my pocket & I have the right 2 boo & hiss whoever I want.My initial statements about Maria [last name redacted – ojrifkin] being a pig r based mostly on her tweets.Have u ever read this garbage?Sick,perverse trash;some of it about children & worse.I mean,not even funny or clever in any way,just dirty & creepy.If I wrote this shit they’d b looking 2 put me away.She’s obsessed with her bodily functions,like bowl movements,which is a trait most associated with drug addicts(e.g.Whitney Houston).I’ve seen her close up at contests & she looked doped up.I could b wrong,maybe she’s just naturally dopey.I won’t approach her but if she has anything 2 say 2 me I will certainly listen.She won’t ’cause she knows I’ve got her number:She’s just a Suicide Girl reject without the real edginess.Most of u r not intelligent enuff 2 understand the difference between Jo Rose & the great gavonne.Gavonne is a pig.JR is the sweetest,most wonderful boy in the world.Learn the difference.As 4 the G-Joe video,as I’ve said before I was very ill that day,otherwise i would have stood up 2 that blowhard.It’s funny that crap coming from Millender,every time I stick a camera in his face he’s got nothing 2 say.Let’s see if he’s got any balls this year at Stinky Cheese.
anonymous said
May 30, 2012 @ 2:19 pm
OJ the off topic comments are what makes this site roll. The threads that focus on back and forth bullshit on how Joey is better than Pat or Kobayashi is boring redundant and played out. Maybe Rhonda Evans enjoys those type of debates but i certainly do not. The Edible twitter comments are somewhat perverted and attention seeking. I do not find anything funny about them but yet certain parties find them so entertaining that they re tweet them throughout the internet. Would not be surprised if Crazy Legs is having sexual relations with Edible since he broke up with his girlfriend two years ago
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
May 30, 2012 @ 2:41 pm
Oh, I do enjoy those types of debates, 2:19, as they address competitive eating. However, I find the topics you enjoy discussing unworthy of attending to, and I’d hope MOST of the real fans and supporters of CE—-you’re not one of them, evidently—- feel similarly.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
May 30, 2012 @ 7:09 pm
Hey Gavonne, do you smoke bath salts? cause you are as bi-polar as a hooker on Sunset.
Dave Wagner said (Registered July 6, 2011)
May 30, 2012 @ 8:30 pm
lol, ten points to Dax for that one.