Evolution of Wing Bowl men’s & women’s records
The tables below document the evolution of the men’s & women’s Wing Bowl records
2001 Jan 26 | 8th | 75 | 30 min | “Belly” Donna Villec | Wing Bowl 9 | Philadelphia, PA |
2004 Jan 30 | 1st | 167 | 30 min | Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas | Wing Bowl 12 | Philadelphia, PA |
2007 Feb 2 | 3rd | 169 | 30 min | Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas | Wing Bowl 15 | Philadelphia, PA |
2012 Feb 3 | 4th | 238 | 30 min | Stephanie “Xanadu” Torres | Wing Bowl 20 | Philadelphia, PA |
2014 Jan 31 | 1st | 363 | 30 min | Molly Schuyler | Wing Bowl 22 – national | Philadelphia, PA |
2015 Jan 30 | 2nd | 440 | 30 min | Molly Schuyler | Wing Bowl 23 – national | Philadelphia, PA |
Don Moses Lerman said
February 4, 2015 @ 6:59 pm
what happened to 2002 & 2003 ?
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
February 4, 2015 @ 7:32 pm
The record was not broken in 2002 & 2003
Don Moses Lerman said
February 4, 2015 @ 7:41 pm
it looks like your just omitting wingadoor and DonLerman
anonymous said
February 4, 2015 @ 9:06 pm
He is Don .He does it all the time and also ignore Seiken updates too
Don Moses Lerman said
February 4, 2015 @ 9:18 pm
Let me just add to my last post…what it seems that what you have done is put forth a fact that would deliberately omit Don Lerman & wingadoor it was very cleverly crafted. Let me add that I was the one who pioneered the wing bowl along with Kevin Lipsitz and Dave O’karma for non Philly residents,and came in 2nd in 2003 and 3rd in 2002.
Bell Curve said
February 4, 2015 @ 10:11 pm
This post is about the evolution of the record. Do your homework and look up the definition of evolution. OJ make a valid statistical chart by showing the years of broken wing records. No disrespect to Don or Bill, but they did not break any records. This isn’t about pioneering. As for Brian Seiken, he is irrelevant to this topic since he never once participated.
Seriously? said
February 4, 2015 @ 10:26 pm
E-v-o-l-u-t-i-o-n of the r-e-c-o-r-d-s. The only thing ‘left out’ is that pointing out that Winador and Lerman did not break the record when they competed. As you can see 97, 99 to 03, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2013 do not appear either because, follow me now, the record was not broken in those years either.
Anonymous said
February 5, 2015 @ 8:03 am
There wasn’t a separate out of town division when you competed, Don, and you didn’t increase the record. Read the damn post!
Anonymous said
February 5, 2015 @ 8:11 am
1999 – 113 wings, didn’t beat the previous record.
2000 – 90 wings, didn’t beat the previous record.
2001 – 137 wings, didn’t beat the previous record.
2002 – 143 wings, didn’t beat the previous record.
2003 – 154 wings, didn’t beat the previous record.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
February 5, 2015 @ 8:44 am
Wow … just, wow.
Wow is right! said
February 5, 2015 @ 9:00 am
Is someone looking for attention?
Anonymous said
February 5, 2015 @ 9:14 am
Let’s talk about how easy it is to break records when the wings get smaller every yr since 2012. Pat, Molly, Jamie, Stephanie, no one could eat the wings Joey and the rest ate and still put up those numbers. No one. People don’t care cause now it’s obvious that it’s rigged.
Anonymous said
February 5, 2015 @ 9:15 am
Why does it only say national next to Milly?
Anonymous said
February 5, 2015 @ 9:57 am
9:15 AM – because there were separate local and national divisions those years.
Don, you were not the “pioneer” for out of town eaters you think you were:
Wing Bowl 8, 2000 – Michael “Curly von Burly” Sarian Middletown, PA – it’s 106 miles from Middletown to what was the Wachovia Center. I would say Michael was not a Philly eater.
anonymous said
February 5, 2015 @ 10:25 am
According to Joe Menchetti in the wingbowl prior to when the IFOCE got involved i think 2002, Menchetti stopped eating because he was scared Lerman would throw up and let Lerman beat him Dont know how true that is because i was not there Don was a good eater when there was really very little to beat except for maybe hardy jarvis and booker. Want fact thats fact. In Don mind he was a pioneer Ground breaker yes world beater NO. Decent eater yes. He beat Russel Machover to win the matzah ball contest with 12 which gave the contest the recognition it didnt have before. Lerman last hurrah was when he jumped all over Leon Feingold with 6lbs of baked beans in a minute and change which was impressive but Feingold was never anything to write home about Lerman might as well competed against himself that day. To this day Lerman is still bitching about a third place Nathans finish from 2001 that was given to Charles Hardy instead of him
anonymous said
February 5, 2015 @ 10:34 am
IFOCE would hype specific eaters back in the day that were nothing more than mediocre or local heroes at best . A clear example of that was Dave Coondog O’Karma who was expected to win the first Buffalo wing contest in 2002 only to be crushed by a legit powerhouse like Oleg Zhornitsky. Memory serves correct O Karma finished out of the money altogether . If O Karma flew out to NY to go up against Goldstein in bologna instead of complaining that he should have been flown out , he would have crushed Goldstein and set an impressive bologna record , Instead the legendary Gus Shaeffer whom they practically picked off the street was inserted as his replacement
anonymous said
February 5, 2015 @ 12:15 pm
How dare you defy the legacy of the great Don Moses Lerman? When IFOCE opens the doors to CE hall of fame , Lerman statue holding the tablets will greet you before you enter the building
anonymous said
February 14, 2015 @ 2:02 pm
Shoudt should be thrown out Case Closed