"Furious" Pete Czerwinski's facebook reports that he has been prevented from competing in the finals of the Washington, DC Wing Bowl.
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Anonymous said
January 25, 2010 @ 3:55 pm
You can’t have it both ways. Once you’re a professional as he claims to be, you can’t run out and play in the amateur pool. Their rules are pretty clear. He’s just trying to hustle the locals. Very nice.
Furious Pete said (Registered July 21, 2008)
January 25, 2010 @ 4:52 pm
Think is it said no one part of an organization. Before I drove down for the qualifier I asked them and told them what I have done, what my history was and that I was from Canada (there were no rules posted at that time) and they said they didn’t have a problem with it. I got to the contest 2 hours before and told them again the situation and they said it was cool.
Then 4 days after the qualifier they decide its not a good idea. I am not playing both games….I wouldn’t have driven down otherwise.
Yep, he's a amateur said
January 25, 2010 @ 4:59 pm
Here’s the real news. Pete admits he is not a professional eater and can only beat amateurs. The last time he competed against a good eater he lost. This guy has never beaten a top eater and never will. I feel sorry for any gullible fans that actually bought his tee shirt and thought this guy could compete with the pros.
"Tiny" said (Registered March 5, 2008)
January 25, 2010 @ 5:35 pm
They should throw you a gas stipend. At least.
Yep, he's a amateur said
January 25, 2010 @ 5:41 pm
Now that Pete’s an amateur here is a list of his upcoming calendar of events:
Next week: Bumfock, ID — Girl Scout Troop 241 annual cup cake eating competition. His website fans says he clearly is an odds-on favorite.
Two weeks: East Jessus, MI, — Elk’s club annual cookie eatoff. 67 year-old Manfred Oglestien is expected to give Pete a real run for his money once he gets his dentures refitted.
Three weeks: Sell new new “Pete’s No Pro” tee shirts to gullible fans and write on website how he smoked those his last two competitons.
Four weeks: Video of Pete is posted sobbing and eating by himself in his kitchen while he repeats to himself “I’m the best eater in the world.”
Furious Pete said
January 25, 2010 @ 7:20 pm
I agree Tiny.
Furious Pete said
January 25, 2010 @ 7:25 pm
“Yep, he’s a amateur”…
Shit I need more fans like you! You rock man.
lotta hate said
January 25, 2010 @ 11:15 pm
dont hate da player hate da game
Anonymous said
January 26, 2010 @ 1:00 am
Wise up a little bit FP. Someone (a pro) saw that you had qualified and they got pissed and called them I am sure. You have to pull a Menchetti or Boone and keep it all top secret. If someone thinks you are getting a piece of their pie they will whine and scream and threaten legal action against the sponsors to try and leverage their way in. Some of these dbags get off on ruining somone elses fun. I wouldn’t doubt if it was yephesandamateur who obviously has no class.
I don’t see anyone lining up to compete against you. You were beaten once in a short sprint yephesandamateur needs to get a life or go f himself. Too many haters on here.
anonymous said
January 26, 2010 @ 2:11 am
On this site nobody pets poor pete’s ego like they do on facebook and bodybuilding,com. Without even looking at facebook or the other site i can just picture all those comments from his “pest” like friends saying that the DC wingbowl is a sham without Pete.
J-W said
January 26, 2010 @ 8:21 am
Anon. 2:11, do you need a friend? You seem like you could use one.
anonymous said
January 26, 2010 @ 8:50 am
Pete is from Canada and is not accustomed to the jealous backstabbing that goes on in other states. The snitch haters are miserable individuals that have nothing else going for them in life so this is how they get even They think by getting Pete eliminated from competition will increase their remote chance of winning
"Tiny" said (Registered March 5, 2008)
January 26, 2010 @ 11:10 am
Pete, there are times (some contests) where you just have to NOT say what you have done.
I got shafted in Toledo because of my “past” eats.
If their rules state that you are not supposed to be part of an organization, and you know your not, keep it shut man.
And thats why its best to be part of an organization.
And I’m super glad to be part of the BEST organization.
anonymous said
January 26, 2010 @ 11:31 am
Yes i do will you be my friend? If you decide to be my friend i will be your friend too
Anonymous said
January 26, 2010 @ 11:42 am
anon 850
There is a very special place reserved in hell for those miserable people.
I bet when people get a hold of them, they really get the sh*t pounded out of them.
They probably scream like little girls when they are getting their butt kickings too.
These are the people who sit around and wonder why their lives suck so bad and why they are such losers.
Bad Karma sucks when it comes back around.
Karma will level the scales again.
Then the whiner, hater dbags on here will be even more miserable and they will dish more hate and the cycle will just repeat itself over and over again.
And they will STILL sit and wonder whytf their lives suck soooooo bad.
Grow up or shut up all you hater dbags.
Mega Munch said
January 26, 2010 @ 11:43 am
Gotta give Yep He’s An Amateur points for humor. How ’bout it, Pete… any plans to take it to the next level and go officially pro? (By the way, I wouldn’t blame you one bit for wanting to keep your amateur status and the freedom it affords.)
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
January 26, 2010 @ 11:48 am
Putting others down does not elevate oneself. Unlike the reasoning behind the “Misery Loves Company” axiom, the only ones miserable are the ones participating in the aforementioned tactic.
Okay, that’s enough for the remainder of January.
Lonnie from D.C. said
January 26, 2010 @ 1:13 pm
I stumbled accross this site bymistake.What a bunch of backstabbers that congreate here.This looks like alot of fun doing eatig contests.
I checked out this Pete Guy and He checks out as a pretty nice genuine Person.Its the rest of you that have mental issues.
Chill out People and look in the mirror.You might surprise how big of a loser you rally are.
anonymous said
January 26, 2010 @ 2:32 pm
Lonnie from AC glad now you see what congregates on this site and why guys like Brian Seiken used to enjoy this site until hostile losers started trashing him because he asked for a little kindness from the fans, It brings me to tears to watch these animals attempt to break down Pete’s integrity with disgraceful hurtful remarks
Mr. Animal said
January 26, 2010 @ 4:01 pm
“But Petey is the bestest eater in the whole world, can’t those animals see that?” replied Anony 2:32, sobbing, his face buried in his Hello Kitty pillowcase. “I know,” said Anony 2:32’s mother, “don’t worry Petey’s a strong boy.” “But … I LOVE PETEY,” cried Anony 2:32. “There I’ve said it. I LOVE PETEY and I want the whole world to recognize my furious man-on-man love for him,” Anony 2:32 added, jumping out of bed, grabbing from the nightstand his rhinestone-framed photo of Petey, while hugging and kissing it. Later that night, Anony 2:32’s mother peeked in on her son talking to Petey’s photo. “Oh, my love, those mean animals are disgraceful, hurtful, and made me cry,” Anony 2:32 sobbed.
Get real! said
January 26, 2010 @ 4:03 pm
Stumbled on this site by accident??!! Sure – yeah, everyone finds it that way.
Listen, your boy just got caught trying to do something he HAD to know in his mind wasn’t on the level – that’s it. If he couldn’t figure that out, then he really isn’t very smart for a college guy and all. The sponsors can do whatever they want – it’s their money and their contest. Maybe they “stumbled on this site by accident,” too. Oops!
You other shower pals with the anger, karma, and hero-worship issues – drop another ‘roid and get over it.
anonymous said
January 26, 2010 @ 8:05 pm
Pete pay them no mind you are a legend amd an asset to the sport
Rules said
January 26, 2010 @ 8:29 pm
It’s states very clearly in the rules that it’s for people who live in the DC Metro area…. Pete does not. Done.
On another note….. once you’ve been a professional something, you can’t go back to amateur. That’d be like Tiger Woods after winning a bunch of Pro golf events declaring himself no longer a part of the PGA and trying to go back and win an Amateur golf event.
You may longer be part of an organization, but you can’t un-professional yourself.
Amateur said
January 26, 2010 @ 9:56 pm
That’s the best. Furious Pete solidly beat people like Gentleman Joe most of the time. And let’s not even mention the “World Champion Dale Boone”… . Boone got beaten by Pete all the time. But Boone just put this one clause in his Mickey Mouse organisation stating that no matter how many times he loses, he is still the world champion. Boone, you are such a loser. You lose to everyone, but you still dare to call yourself “World Champion”???? The top 50 of IFOCE could beat you easily. Hell, my grandmother could beat you.
DC Real Amateur said
January 26, 2010 @ 11:17 pm
Yeah, he’s a real ASSet – thanks a bunch for traveling to another country so you can try to sandbag a contest at my neighborhood restaurant. Good news – I’m now in the finals and guess who’s not? Come back to VA real soon – not.
anonymous said
January 27, 2010 @ 1:36 am
Do you notice why Pete rarely comments on this site? Because nobody ever tells him he is the greatest like they do on bodybuilding.com. After making him out to be another Muhammad Ali do you think he wants to come back in this room and hear just the opposite ?
Pete doesn't get it said
January 27, 2010 @ 10:49 am
Pete you did wrong, he and his fans should just admit it. Think about it. Isn’t Sonya Thomas from that area in VA? Apparently, she understood that competing against amateurs wouldn’t be fair. Yet, I only wish the “Blackwidow” did show up to that contest against Pete, kicked his butt, and sent him back home to Canada crying. It would of taught him a good lesson. But I guess Sonya’s too classy to demean herself and compete against someone not in her league in both eating and judgment.
anonymous said
January 27, 2010 @ 12:25 pm
sonyas noy allowed to compete by the ifoce
anonymous said
January 27, 2010 @ 1:50 pm
I think Pete knows already that the magnificent top seven in the IFOCE rankings can beat him which is why he does challenges on his own
John said
January 27, 2010 @ 4:10 pm
Hey Get real
Get real man!!!!!!!!!
anonymous said
January 27, 2010 @ 8:26 pm
the hot headed roid rammers on bodybuilding,com that worship the very floor that pete walks on
maybe you should consider someone else point of view and realize there are set rules that needto be followed
Lonnie from D.C. said
January 28, 2010 @ 12:25 am
I just became a Furious Pete fan.At least he has a good personality not like get real and the anon bad attitude morons that cant backup what they say.Pete you make fans happy all ver.Maybe this will ctch o with others to do the same.Long live Pete
DaveUK said
January 28, 2010 @ 3:56 pm
I’m a realy fan Pete, keep those bicepts pumped while eating, pro or amature, just keep doing what you do. Some of us admire you, others are just a bit envious. One this is for sure. You provoke are reaction. No such this as bad publicity.
Jim said
January 28, 2010 @ 4:26 pm
Thats right Lonnie
Pete has class not like alot of the bloggers that congreate here.Go Pete
true fan said
January 28, 2010 @ 7:30 pm
The only fan clubs worth joining are toro lerman and seiken
anon said
January 28, 2010 @ 11:57 pm
Go get some tissues Pete. You won or got paid to eat that makes you a pro. They just used you, it will be ok your groupies will keep you confident.
Ann said
January 29, 2010 @ 8:33 am
Sounds like jeleous folks around here
anonymous said
January 29, 2010 @ 2:31 pm
ann the only jealous people are the one over 40 that cant eat this good shit anymore while this asshole that runs the site teases us day in and day out with these challenges made to order for kids whose internal organs havent even been broken in yet
Over 40? said
January 29, 2010 @ 2:44 pm
Sonya and Bob are both over 40 and i doubt they are jealous of anyone when it comes to eating — particularly Pete
Hanna Rice said (Comment pending approval)
December 12, 2023 @ 8:09 pm
I appreciate your creativity and the effort you put into every post. Keep up the great work!