Will Millender reports that "Furious" Pete Czerwinski did his qualifier at Go! Go! Curry! in 35 seconds, the best time in 2010. If no one else qualifies today, the five finalists will be Pete Czerwinski, Will Millender, Joe Menchietti, Paul Arcaria and Brian Kenny Pham. Brian Seiken did a qualifier in 57 seconds, which would have qualified if he opted to participate in the finals.


  1. Nawlens Oyster said

    May 20, 2010 @ 9:35 pm

    Hey OJ any information on the ACME Oyster Eating competition for June 6th? Just curious if anyone know anything about who was going this year.

  2. beautifulbrian said

    May 20, 2010 @ 9:40 pm

    Thats all it takes OJ a little kindness every now and then and my hate comments will disappear from my site and your site for good . I would love to compete in the finals but two factors to consider. Appearing in a contest with Boone and Menchetti is not only a conflict of interest but a conflict as far as getting my ass handed to me by the both of them. Not worth it .

  3. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    May 20, 2010 @ 10:41 pm

    Here is the oyster festival website, which does not list any competitors


  4. Anonymous said

    May 20, 2010 @ 11:06 pm

    Surely Pat Bertoletti will be there.

  5. Anonymous said

    May 20, 2010 @ 11:08 pm

    Brian Seiken is the fabric that holds together the sport of competitive eating!

  6. Anonymous said

    May 21, 2010 @ 10:15 am

    yet again, another ranked eater doing a non IFOCE event and nobody wants to ban him, but Ben drinks some malts and you call for a town hanging!


  7. Lynch Mob said

    May 21, 2010 @ 11:38 am

    Anony: 10:15: I’m sure Ben appreciates his buddies using any chance they can to remind everyone that he lied and violated his contract. Particularly, when his buddies try to defend Ben by accusing other eaters of being liars and cheats. Keep up the good work.

  8. Not Ben's friend said

    May 21, 2010 @ 1:36 pm

    I was pointing out the double standard, not directly defending Ben. I’ve never met him nor am I a fan of his so I could care less.

    Truth is EVEYBODY does challenges, they just don’t finish them as fast as Ben does and thus they get NO press at all.

    No where in the IFOCE contract does it say “challenges” are not permitted, it says non sanctioned IFOCE events (like what Brian Seiken and Damon Serigent did) are no no’s…

    The only thing Ben is really guilty of here is having talent, and maybe when he does these challenges in the future he takes a little more time to not make it so obvious…

  9. Anonymous said

    May 21, 2010 @ 2:55 pm

    The argument goes that when a restaurant puts special items on its menu designed to challenge big eaters; when an eater travels a great distance to attempt such a challenge; when a restaurant publicizes the successful completion of the challenge; and/or when a prize is awarded to whoever finishes the challenge, then you’re basically staring at an unsanctioned “event.”

    It’s not that hard to understand.

  10. Lynch Mob said

    May 21, 2010 @ 3:55 pm

    Not Ben’s friend: Keep digging that hole for Ben. Hey, I’ve got an idea, after Nathan’s why doesn’t Ben go on line and eat Hebrew National Hotdogs for free so he can show everybody how much faster he is than Joey, Bob, and Koby. With Krystal coming up, afterwards Ben should go eat White Castle Hamburgers. They would just be challenges, so who cares and it would only make Ben more famous and that what he really craves — screw everybody else. Also, overarching false statements that other eaters “don’t finish them as fast as Ben” and “get NO press at all” shows you really don’t know much about competitive eating. If you’re a fan of Ben fine, but you don’t need to falsely dis other eaters. Because , Pat and Sonya, who recently did IFOCE sanctioned challenges for ESPN, Fox and other media with jalapenos, are looking forward to seeing Ben eat jalapenos on a major network. And, while not a fan myself, that Pete guy seems to get pretty good press and he’s pretty fast too. By the way, claiming you are another eater is a lie to whomever he told that to. So, Ben may be guilty of being a talented eater, but he is also guilty of lying and cheating on his contract. Saying everybody else does it doesn’t make Ben less guilty of those facts too.

  11. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    May 21, 2010 @ 4:05 pm

    He is also guilty of eating babies and being devilishly handsome.

  12. Mega Munch said

    May 21, 2010 @ 5:07 pm

    I saw him eat a kitten on a dare once. The dude is hardcore.

  13. I do know Ben said

    May 21, 2010 @ 5:09 pm

    Anon 2:55 and Lynch Mob

    HAHAHAHAH wow, you guys really get worked up! Maybe if you saved that fire for the table or in your training you can stop bitching about Ben and make a name for yourself instead of trying to phase out a good eater so u can move up one spot.

    you don’t know the circumstances in which Ben did those challeneges (you weren’t there) so all you have are your assumptions.

    btw, I do know much about competitive eating!

    good day!

  14. I know said

    May 21, 2010 @ 6:06 pm

    you guys dont seem to get the picture with all this Ben stuff now do you. All these so called fake hate comments are posted by friends of his so his pompous ass could muster as much publicity he can get his hands on. This was the sheas poor mans version of Furious Pete . They figured it wasnt much of risk factor promoting him as opposed to the rock star fanfare Pete would have gotten if he became a member of MLE .

  15. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    May 21, 2010 @ 8:04 pm

    The difference for brian s. Is that he didn’t actually compete. He was trying to show up porkslap.
    I think these guys should do whatever challenges they want to. Honestly, I know ben very little, but I get the impression that he used kevins name as a joke. I think its pretty obvious when you let your picture get taken, that people are going to find out your real identity. It doesn’t look like a hidden camera…

  16. beautifulbrian said

    May 21, 2010 @ 9:22 pm

    I was not trying to show up porkslap i merely wanted to test the waters because my eating ability in the popularity poll has sunk to an all time low. My time just happened to be the third best ahead of his. My intention was to try to beat or come close to menchetti or the second best time which was yours. When i beat porkslap record in cheesesteak time, again his time of 3:56 just happened to be the one to beat according to the owner. .In that particular set of circumstances yes i was trying to show someone else up and i think everyone knows who that is. Its not on record so whatever i accomplished wont go in the record books . Dont get bent out of shape for nothing

  17. CE? said

    May 22, 2010 @ 1:56 pm

    Competitive Eating is controlled by the brothers. This has NOTHING to do with who’s the best eater, just who makes the most money for the brothers. There should be just ONE organisation. And one organisation that does NOT try to make money. THEN it is a fair competition. Let Gentleman Joe and Furious Pete compete against Joey and Pat. Until then, we will always have people like Boone calling themselves world champion. Boone can only travel around the world and compete against minor eaters. But STILL loses lots of times. If anyone does NOT deserve the title “world champion”, it’s Boone.

  18. No respect said

    May 22, 2010 @ 5:13 pm

    How low can you get . showing up a guy twice your age . .Why not let an old time legend of the sport have his day in the sun for at least a week. You can do us all a big favor and eat 66 hot dogs in a practice video instead of showing everyone how fast you are

  19. anonymous said

    May 23, 2010 @ 10:44 am

    Brian was nice enough to give another Brian Pham a chance to get in the finals. Either way someboy with the name Brian would have been competing

  20. Just sad really... said

    May 23, 2010 @ 11:21 pm

    to hear about a contest a hundred years ago when everyone else that was there has moved on. We only hear from the one that it still can’t let it go. They all have the dignity to have their records and memories. Not hating, just kinda embarrassed.

  21. anonymous said

    May 24, 2010 @ 7:44 am

    Just sad what contest are you referring to? The only one that talks about contests from the pre millenium era is don lerman

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