“Gluttonous Queen” gets good TV ratings
This translated blog entry says that the “Gluttonous Queen” contest broadcast on TV Tokyo April 2 received good television ratings. Hopefully this will result in more eating contests broadcast on Japanese television, including contests in which Americans compete.
Mega Munch said
April 17, 2006 @ 1:15 pm
Speaking of television ratings, congrats Trencherwomen on being the subject of Ryan Nerz’s latest blog entry at http://www.eatthisbook.com. Also congrats on being listed on the site’s links page. I say “speaking of television ratings” because tomorrow night (Tuesday), Nerz will be interviewed on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which, of course means a traffic spike to Nerz’s website, which hopefully translates into more traffic for Trencherwomen (and more awareness for competitive eating in general).