Guide to unlocking MLE video game characters has a guide on how characters in the Major League Eating video game become available.
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| has a guide on how characters in the Major League Eating video game become available.
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Rhonda Evans said
January 28, 2009 @ 8:40 am
There seems to be at least a bit of thought that went into determining the pairing for unlocking the video characters: (i.e. Joey with Pat, Tim w/ Crazy Legs, Sonya w/ Erik The Red.). Interesting.
Rhonda Evans said
January 28, 2009 @ 8:49 am
The way things are going, by the time the IFOCE has another contest, the game will need to be marketed with a nostalgic bent. New followers of CE will not be familiar with yesterday’s “stars.”
anonymous said
January 28, 2009 @ 11:48 am
Rhonda why do you care so much if the IFOCE has another contest ? One minute you blast the IFOCE then you praise them. What is so amazing is the fact that for every anti Rhonda remark you feel the need to respond back with your Rhonda knows best rebuttal. Maybe its about time you come clean with your true identity . People will have greater respect for you if they knew who you were but that can never happen. I think you know as well as i know that your identity is a character or figment of someone else imagination. Someone we know quite well. Rhonda Lee Evans my ass.
Rhonda Evans said
January 28, 2009 @ 12:17 pm
I’d have some (I have none now.) respect for you if you quit posting anonymously. You can keep going down that “RLE my a**” road if you want, but I’m not going to dignify anonymous comments by trying to “prove” who I am. That’s a hot one!
My care meter isn’t exactly pegged out about what you think jackass.
Wake up and drink (or wear) a Krystal!