
“Humble” Bob Shoudt’s website has been made much more visually appealing without losing any functionality. The site has been divided into subpages, one of which is a blog.

Comments (4)


  1. Rich LeFevre said

    September 14, 2005 @ 1:28 pm

    You’ve done a great job with your site, Bob! Keep up the outstanding work on both fronts!


    September 14, 2005 @ 4:48 pm

    conradulations and best of luck on yours site……don moseslerman

  3. Bob said

    September 14, 2005 @ 8:55 pm

    Thanks guys. It is a little something that I am trying to do for fun. I appreciate the kind words.

    Don – I love your videos on your site That is great that you have those as they will provide good memories for years to come.

  4. Sam said

    September 14, 2005 @ 9:27 pm

    Both Bob and Don’s websites are great, along with this one of course. As Bob mentioned the videos on Don’s website are great. My friends and I love “the daily show” video the most. I can’t watch it enough, it is so funny. I think I have watched it about 10 times and still I can’t stop laughing.

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