TMZ reports that Jay Leno finished a 1.5 pound burger at Fatburger in Beverly Hills in 5 minutes.
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anonymous said
August 7, 2014 @ 9:01 am
sound like he and sieken should team up for fake 1 pound challenges
anonymous said
August 7, 2014 @ 12:06 pm
Its so predictable that an ignorant comment would appear right after the post .when i say ignorant you cant even spell seiken name correctly.
anonymous said
August 7, 2014 @ 12:09 pm
At least seiken took a video to prove he ate the burger and in less than half time leno ate it. Leno holds up a certificate something the great El Toro would do.What does that prove?
El Toro said
August 7, 2014 @ 2:10 pm
It proves as much as your moms ass is worth…..nothing.
Anonymous said
August 7, 2014 @ 2:30 pm
lol why always so much hate …..
beautifulbrian said
August 7, 2014 @ 6:41 pm
Fat burger just opened a few blocks from my job. I think ill give it a shot so i can hear from the usual haters saying the burger was hollowed out and i’m a fat slow slob..Haters make me smile
Anonymous said
August 7, 2014 @ 8:14 pm
Fat burger for a fat slob
anonymous said
August 7, 2014 @ 9:16 pm
You are always a fat slob til you take a video with the shirt off.
KevinRoss said
August 7, 2014 @ 9:44 pm
I’m sure he finished it, but in 5 minutes? I find that hard to believe. The sheer physics challenge of trying to get the burger past that giant growth below his mouth that he calls a chin. . .that alone would slow him down too much for it to take only 5 minutes.
Anonymous said
August 7, 2014 @ 10:16 pm
Dr Smelkin is going to torture his fit body for your viewing pleasure while explaining the contents of his hollowed out grease burger.
anonymous said
August 7, 2014 @ 11:02 pm
The warped minds of some of these people are comparable to the munsters . Tell them they are lousy in bed thats ok . Tell them theyre a lousy eater and its the same as telling them theyre worthless. Bizarre if you ask me
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 12:14 am
The only eaters worthy of showing off their physiques are kobe and furious pete. The other fat slobs like the goldsteins for example have to wear dark 4x teashirts to hide the flab that gets worse as they get older
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 12:17 am
Ya gotta love a guy like Gavonne.He fears nobody and puts you in your place no matter who you are.
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 12:23 am
I would love for one of the goldshits or anyone else who plays internet tough guy to call seiken a fat slob or any other deragatory comments to his face let alone try and put their grimy hands on him. Oh would that be a costly one. Punkass go jump on a chair next time you see a cockroach
Anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 12:38 am
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 6:49 am
I am sure either Goldstein would call you a fat slob to your face although what’s the point. They probably prefer not to be in the same zip code as you. As for laying a hand on you, they both have alot more to lose so why waste their time. All this eatfeats banter & name calling doesn’t mean somebody wants to throw fists. Maybe that’s how you think. Probably the mental paranoia that looms in your think noggin. Everyone knows Sicko would run to the authorities and try to benefit monetarily if a fight were to happen. We saw him from Gavonne like a whiny infant, didn’t we?
Anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 8:42 am
If flab gets worse as you get older, then Seiken should look like Jabba the Hut. Isn’t he like pushing 60?
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 9:41 am
Seiken has no beef with Gavonne anymore so stop instigating shit pussy ass troublemaker . Second the video clearly shows Gavonne backpeddling as Seiken is coming towards him. You werent even there to watch what actually transpired. Millender is prob the only viable witness but since he hates Seiken he prob remain silent instead of telling the truth, Seiken did not run to the cops you dickface. He told the police captain whom he happens to know personally to keep a watch out just in case problems arise . Coney Island is packed in July 4 and its hard for them to see everything so Seiken went back and told the officer what happened. He wasnt scared you atrocious ass. He was protecting his job in case he smacks the guy and gets hit with an assault charge . He could easily get fired. Seiken should take a slug at someone just to please your sorry ass? When he loses his job youll be laughing your ass off. No some people are not as dumb as they look SHITSTEIN . Not sure which Shitstein left that remark but if it was you Gorilla , lets not forget when Gavonne was ragging on your kids and you told Seiken how badly you wanted to jack him up but thought about it later on “ohh i dont know if i should mess with this guy he might get his prison boys to watch his back” Like all bullies big bark little bite . Eat a another jar of Ragu sauce
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 9:47 am
I am sure either Goldshit would just stand there and say nothing to Seiken. Direct confrontations in person are way different then what goes on here so STFU . And BTW if you think your scoring points with OJ followers by dragging Seiken name through the shit box , your wrong. They probably think your just as childlike and pathetic as he is Guess what not Seiken here
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 9:54 am
The challenge itself is pointless. Cost $12.99 and if you finish it you still have to pay for the burger They can take the certificate and the photo and shove it you know where ? Leno did not pay for his burger they probably paid him for the publicity
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 10:03 am
Listen to this “They both have alot more to lose so why waste their time” Like maybe all your rotted teeth for starters So your assuming you can take a shot at him anytime you want and nothing will happen to you or he wont defend himself Laugh of the century Is anyone out there willing to film that for YT cause that would be classic . ? Just try and lay a hand on the guy let alone a finger and you realize what a sorry ass mistake you made .
Gr8 to be 8 said
August 8, 2014 @ 10:52 am
“If touch me, I’ll beat you up!’
“No you won’t. I’ll beat YOU up!”
“I’m a really tough senior citizen!”
“No, I’m REALLY tough! Tougher than YOU.”
“I’m a complete moron, you sorry ass fool!”
“I’m MUCH more of an idiot than you”
…and today’s NY educational system has problems? Sounds like it’s been damaged for a long time.
Anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 11:13 am
The only hand that should be layed on Seiken should be holding a wash cloth and strong soap in it.
gourmand said (Registered December 1, 2013)
August 8, 2014 @ 11:34 am
“The only eaters worthy of showing off their physiques are kobe and furious pete.”
There is also Ronnie Hartman, Kevin Strahle, Ben Monson, Brian Dudzinski, Juan Rodriquez, Pate Davekos, and Randy Santel. I’m probably forgetting some people.
Anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 12:15 pm
I for one would love to have seen Coondog and Chapman beat the crap out of Seiken and watch him cry like a bloated sissy just like when he got arrested in Tennessee for driving on a suspended license. I’ll bet his ass stunk up the jail.
Anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 2:18 pm
Lol bunch of whiners on here. Enjoy life and quit the useless complaining.
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 3:11 pm
Ha ha midget getting pissrd off
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 3:45 pm
Funny how seiken is perceived as a fat slob when the first 36 yrs of his life he had difficulty putting on weight. Not in your case
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 3:47 pm
There is also kevin la who? Ha ha please i needed a good laugh for today
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 4:52 pm
You wouldnt last one hour in prison before you piss in your already shit stained underwear shitstein
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 5:51 pm
Not a bunch . Only one whiner that has an obsession or fetish with roaches and shmelkin
Anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 7:14 pm
If Shmelkin goes to prison he would be known as the Stinkman of Alcatraz
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 7:45 pm
I don’t know whether to laugh at these comments or pity them but one thing is certain whoever is writing these jokes is a great comic writer
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 8:16 pm
Wonder what miki sudo thinks of this nonsense
anonymous said
August 8, 2014 @ 10:39 pm
If Goldstein would just come clean and admit he talks to himself on occasion and sports a liberache special, then i think we can resolve the differences
Anonymous said
August 9, 2014 @ 11:52 am
Not that it matters or that anyone really cares but does Seiken actually think no one knows he wears a wig, and a cheap one. Just look at the fiberglass / acrylic strands of doll hair that stick out of his hat or dirty doo rag. That wig was made by the Dow chemical company or maybe Dupont Corp. The only material that can stick to a scorched, charbroiled scalp.
anonymous said
August 9, 2014 @ 7:49 pm
Funny 11:52. Pubic hair head.
anonymous said
August 9, 2014 @ 8:54 pm
He doesnt wear a wig . You were a wig Goldstein. There are very few age 50 and up and even younger than that , that have a full head of hair without even a trace of a receeding hairline. Dont hand us that bullcrap that its in the genes. Genes my ass You got a fuckin mop on your head a Liberache special that was fitted so perfectly to your scalp with a combination of crazy glue and elmers . Thats like trying to pull cement off your scalp. No wonder why you felt confident enough to allow your pea brained cuz to tug on it during that pathetic video you wasted your time recording I can just imagine if they ever had to remove that mop for emergency purposes. You would need general anestesia to remove that shit. A local wouldnt do the trick . Prob need an additional dose of morphine Al Pacino Phil Spector John Travolta Sly Stallone they wear twppays and openly admit it why cant you ? This is not to say that some were fortunate and still retain a full head of hair even in their 70;s but not you . Your a fake and a fraud and you have an odor
anonymous said
August 9, 2014 @ 8:59 pm
Look Goldshit even if Seiken opinion isnt worth dog shit from the gutter , an expert cosmetologist who does hair transplants insisted that what you got on your head is not yours. She saw a pic of you in the 2004 matzah ball qualifier which you should have burned a long time ago
anonymous said
August 9, 2014 @ 9:20 pm
Speaking of LA Beast i would love to see a video of him dancing moving and grooving with his shirt off attempting 4lbs of roast pork lo mein while trying desperate to hold in his fat stomach
anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 6:45 am
Joey Chestnut said Shmelkin wears a hairpiece in this video
Anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 9:43 am
Sieken plays fat near death Elvis well
anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 9:44 am
If i were Chestnut i wouldnt talk about toupee
anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 10:42 am
This entire board is getting really pathetic
Sigmond Fruit said
August 10, 2014 @ 1:00 pm
Sounds like Seiken is projecting his own attributes on others that he is jealous of.. Wig, body fat, bad breath and odor, etc, etc. This type of behavior is usually from lonely souls with no family or friends and have nothing to look forward to except going to a dead end and mindless job and coming come to a dirty apt with nothing to greet him except the roaches and a fancy blender.
anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 2:15 pm
Funny how mentally ill outcasts to society like goldshit all of a sudden have degrees in clinical psycology
Night Deposit said
August 10, 2014 @ 4:03 pm
My turds flow freely here.
anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 5:44 pm
It doesn’t take a degree to recognize your mental issues.
Sigmond Fruit said
August 10, 2014 @ 7:21 pm
“Ill outcasts to society” Another projection by Mr. Seiken.
anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 8:18 pm
Look who’s talking . A narcissist will always blame someone else because they have no faults of their own. Take a good look in the mirror Goldsthit you got big time issues or you wouldnt be on this site to begin with
anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 8:40 pm
OJ can you ban this idiot goldshit from this site so we can have normal discussions about comp eating instead of hearing about his roach and odor fetish and gay obsession with Seiken
anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 9:09 pm
wah wah wah boo hoo. Listen to me whine like a bitch too. Another one of Sybil Seiken’s head characters.
anonymous said
August 10, 2014 @ 10:21 pm
The only one with the roach fetish is the slob who lives in an apt with thousands of them.
La cucaracha said
August 11, 2014 @ 12:06 am
If anyone out there has the balls , collect a slew of roaches in a zip lock bag and pour them over Goldshit Liberache special , It would be worth its weight in gold to watch him squirm while doing the La cucaracha on the nearest chair he can find like he did on May 27 2007 LOL LOL LOL
anonymous said
August 11, 2014 @ 6:28 pm
I would like to collect some roaches. Brian, where do you live so I can get a nice variety of big, small and everything in between from your filthy kitchen.
Anonymous said
August 12, 2014 @ 10:43 am
If you can’t caputre a suffucient amount of vermin from his kitchen area, I hear his bedroom is quite active.