Joe Menchetti records segment for Fuji TV has an article and video about “Gentleman” Joe Menchetti recording video footage that will be televised during the AICE vs. Japan contest
Menchetti put on an eating display for about an hour Friday, but much of that time was spent setting up camera shots and bringing out the food.
In that time, he ate five hamburgers, two plates of French fries, three slices of pepperoni pizza, a 12-ounce steak, five hot dogs, half of a stuffed bread, two bottles of water and two cans of diet Coke.
David R. said
December 11, 2007 @ 1:24 am
That was a good video. Menchetti can be an asshole at times and rub people the wrong way but he made that pathetic eating organization something when in reality it is nothing.He is the only marketable commodity they have. Chowhound should thank his lucky stars that Menchetti decided to eat for them . He enjoys eating and is one of the few eaters that is enjoyable to watch as an eater.
joey b said
December 11, 2007 @ 3:50 pm
Hickman isn’t marketable? MTV must have had it all wrong.