Philebrity reports that Takeru Kobayashi will be at the renaming ceremony for Harrah's Philadelphia (formerly Harrah's Chester) on Friday and will attempt to break his cheesesteak record. Tony Luke will also create a 20 foot long cheesesteak for the occasion.


  1. anonymous said

    May 8, 2012 @ 10:08 am

    It also says he is eating one canoli a 10” pizza and macaroni and cheese

  2. Pondering said (Registered July 22, 2010)

    May 8, 2012 @ 11:03 am

    Once again, it just seems that he is scrambling for opportunities. With such talent, I think he squandered his opportunities with MLE. But I doubt that he agrees, which is good. I wish him only the best, he has amazing talent.

  3. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    May 8, 2012 @ 12:27 pm

    Making the most of opportunities!

    I’m sure he is getting paid a substantial sum to travel about 100 miles from home, smile, wave, & have a large meal.

    This is the kind of thing the Shea’s probably wouldn’t even have mentioned to him. It would have automatically gone to Crazylegs for less $$ & probably a whole bunch more $$ in the Shea’s pockets.

    I’ll make another Nascar comparison re:loyalty. (Past posting) Kyle Busch had Nas as a sponsor for…yrs. Out of nowhere Monster is now one of his sponsors. I don’t know the particulars, but once a sponsor ceases to be a sponsor there is no loyalty. Until Crif dogs, when did Kobi knowingly eat or let it be known that he was eating a hot dog other than Nathan’s?? If anything, his loyalty to Nathan’s (or hope that they would smarten up & leave the Shea’s) probably has hurt him financially the past 2 yrs.

  4. Walter Lippman said

    May 8, 2012 @ 1:51 pm

    GJ: Kyle Busch never went out of his way to dis former sponsors like Kobi constantly does with Nathan’s and MLE (continuing his “Free Kobi” crap). So, it’s not what you or I think about Kobi’s loyalty when it comes to corporate sponsorship, it’s about Kobi’s reputation among the media and the corporate world. Fact is, he constantly did eating demonstrations on non-Nathan’s products even when he was with MLE to stuff his wallet, not thinking long term about how his disloyalty reflected on competitive eating as a marketing tool, Nathan’s, MLE, or MLE eaters. And, don’t think it wasn’t noticed by other companies when Kobi went out of his way to make Nathan’s look bad storming the stage, the final straw in underscoring his lack of product/personal image awareness, selfishness, and being a loose cannon. His subsequent hotdogs stunts (rooftom and now Crifs) are just further evidence he can’t be trusted with product name association (Kobi’s an embarrassment now). Therefore his rep is mud as a spokesperson and no major food corporation will touch him. Today Kobi finds that he can only do generic type food demos and contests for Guinness, desperate local chains (Crifs) hoping to make it big, local radio stations, or non-food related companies like Harrahs and

  5. Kobi FAN said

    May 9, 2012 @ 9:21 am

    Once again Mr. Lippman, you are the one that is misinformed. Kobayashi never “rushed” the stage at Nathans when he was arrested. Kobi was welcomed up on stage by almost everyone. The police officers on duty were shaking his hand and taking pictures and practically brought him onto the stage. It wasn’t until one of the Nathans officials wanted him off the stage when hell broke loose. The police then told him that he had to leave the area and he refused to go quietly. Right or wrong decision, who knows! Was it publicity? Yes it was although not good publicity. Doesn’t seem to have tarnished who he is.

    The rep of Kobayashi is far from “mud” and he is anything but a “loose cannon.” He did not constantly do other then Nathans hot dog events while with the MLE either. Show us some proof if you believe this is factual. Where do you get this proposterous info from? The man is simply trying to use his name, which is known in almost every household nationwide, to write a new chapter in the world of competitive eating. Does everyone know the name Joey Chestnut? I would bet that anybody that does not follow competitive eating will not know the name of Chestnut. Kobayashi is a nice guy and very gracious to all who ask for pictures.

    I will always remain a fan of his and so will millions of others. Sounds like you may be a member/friend of the MLE crew with an agenda to bash Kobi.

  6. Walter Lippman said

    May 9, 2012 @ 10:43 am

    Kobi Fan, you’re the one who needs to get their facts straight. Stop putting out misinformation. Kobi stormed the stage, and was arrested (resisting police suggests that he was not welcome — so ergo he stormed the stage). You’re drinking too much of Kobi’s Kool Aid. That’s Kobi’s problem, he and his handlers think sponsors put on events so that Kobi can gain publicity. When in fact competitive eating is nothing more than a marketing tool to gain publicity for the sponsor, and without sponsors there would be no competitive eating, competitive eaters, or Kobayashi as a recognized public figure. Eating other hot dogs while with the MLE? Preposterous, huh? So when I show you the proof that he ate other hot dogs will you now admit you’re wrong? In just one out of many instances: “Most Hotdogs Eaten In 3 Minutes. Takeru Kobayashi, of Japan ate 6 hotdogs in 3 minutes on August 25, 2009 and holds the world record. It was broadcast on Fuji T.V.” I can show you other examples if you would like. Kobi thinks competitive eating is just about him and any sponsors (that pay his way), organizations (that get him publicity), and fellow eaters (without of which their would be no competitive eating contests) be damned. Nope, not a member of MLE just a former Kobi fan.

  7. Anonymous said

    May 9, 2012 @ 2:31 pm

    All I can say is that we need more people like Booker, Crazy Legs, Sonya, Juliet, Cardboard Shell, Big Sexy, and a few others. in competitive eating. Kobi is a wonderful person, and one of the greatest eaters ever, but Kobi needs competitive eating at this stage more than it needs him.

  8. tired anonymous said

    May 10, 2012 @ 1:58 am

    It is understood that Kobayashi was never under any contract with the MLE while living in Japan? I don’t know the answer but while living in Japan he seemed to have full rein on any contest or challenge available to him without the MLE giving him grief. Therefore, there was no need for product loyalty.

  9. anonymous said

    May 10, 2012 @ 9:47 am

    He had full reign on any contest in Japan or anywhere else because nobody knew about it. The Sheas go on this site or someone directs them to it. When Koby did the meatballs in Brooklyn NY it was not sanctioned by the IFOCE and it was at that point they said lets make this guy sign a contract once and for all

  10. Walter Lippman said

    May 10, 2012 @ 11:14 am

    The only person who thought he could do what he wanted when it came to being in Japan or Timbucktu for that matter was Kobi. And, that underscores his lack of loyalty. If it even has a chance being seen in public, every eater except Kobi knows that you don’t eat another product. It’s just common sense and general ethics in competitive eating. Heck even for a TV show demonstration, you should always have Nathan’s on hand. About one month after getting a paid trip to New York and who knows what other fees by Nathan’s in 2009, and his ego hurt that he got beat by Joey, there he is dissing Nathan’s, Joey and other eaters contracted to Nathan’s by eating non-Nathan’s hot dogs for his own personal Guiness record broadcasted all over the world by Fuji on You Tube. There’s plenty more examples of Kobi placing himself and ego over product sponsors and the other eaters who have the common sense to stick to their word when it comes to product loyalty. Crif Dog beware, the day after your staged event, Kobi will be eating Hebrew Nationals or any other hot dog company that can come up with the cash. For Kobi it’s show me the short term money baby, and screw everyone else, sponsors, and other eaters’ future prospects for competitive eating sponsors.

  11. anonymous said

    May 10, 2012 @ 1:57 pm


  12. Walter Lippman said

    May 10, 2012 @ 2:11 pm

    Nope, not Richard Shea. But thanks for the compliment.

  13. anonymous said

    May 10, 2012 @ 2:26 pm

    Amazin that you say that Walter for there are some IFOCE members that stay loyal because they are grateful for the little things like getting confirmed and being able to participate in MLE contests.

  14. Walter Lippman said

    May 10, 2012 @ 2:53 pm

    I would say that every competitive eater from Joey Chestnut to Joe Schmo do competitive eating because they love the sport and apprecitate the recognition of their talents. Competitive eating is too hard from a contest standpoint and promotional standpoint not to have other reasons to participate other than just for the money. I would also say that every MLE competitive eater is grateful to be able to participate in MLE contests as the best venue for eaters to display their talents. But, sticking the theme of this string, I would also say that Kobi displayed little if any loyalty to MLE (the organization that promoted him), eating sponsors like Nathan’s (the companies that paid him), his fellow MLE eaters (the people he ate against to gain public recognition), and competitive eating’s future (limiting it to being only about Kobi). If you would like further examples I would be happy to provide them. I already enlighted Kobi Fan that he was wrong thinking it “preposterous” that Kobi would publically eat another hot dog after being paid by Nathan’s.

  15. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    May 10, 2012 @ 3:27 pm

    Isn’t it difficult to find ANY hot dogs in Japan. Please post said vid, I couldn’t find it.

    If the Shea’s were offered 2 mil instead of a mil?? by BallPark, i’m pretty sure they’d take it as soon as contract was up w/Nathan’s & if the contract was long, they’d search for a way out.

  16. Anonymous said

    May 10, 2012 @ 3:32 pm

    2:11 pm Mike Antolini is MLE’s internet bitch boy! Using aliases on this web site and others in order to defend MLE while bashing any non MLE contest or competitive eater. I will eat his hat if I’m wrong

  17. Anonymous said

    May 10, 2012 @ 3:34 pm

    There are Nathans in Japan.

  18. No need said

    May 10, 2012 @ 4:34 pm

    for personal insults here. Mike has done nothing to you. You’ve probably never even met the man. He does a very good job. Don’t be a (bigger) jerk.

  19. Walter Lippman said

    May 10, 2012 @ 4:59 pm

    Hmm, “Bitch Boy” now there’s a cogent response to all the truths written about his holiness Kobi. Desperately keep guessing on who I am since you can’t refute anything written about Kobi. Fall back on your cult’s old reliable to without evidence smear and blame others for Kobi’s own self centered actions and behavior. I enjoy the Pavlov response of Cult Kobi blaming the wrong people for Kobi. Waah, Kobi shouldn’t do contests that hurt the interests of those that paid him — it’s MLE’s fault. Waah, Kobi, can’t eat at Nathan’s — it’s MLE’s fault. Waah, Kobi can only do crap fest contests now — it’s MLE’s fault. Waah, Kobi can now only eat against washed up and thrown out MLE eaters — it’s MLE’s fault. Waah, Kobi idiotically storms the stage and gets arrested — it’s MLE’s fault. Waah, Kobi’s being outed on EATFEATS for his greedy nature — it’s MLE’s fault. Eat up, I recommend a “Free Kobi” hat because I’m not Mike either. Once again though, I appreciate the compliment. It’s inconcievable that anyone other than MLE people recognizes Kobi’s faults huh? Wow you guys really are brainwashed. Anony 3:34, of course there are Nathan’s in Japan. Kobi didn’t care and probably just wanted to dis Nathan’s after his loss in ’09. Remember blame others.

  20. anonymous said

    May 11, 2012 @ 6:31 am

    I am an MLE eater and will go on record as saying that Mike Antolini is a jerk. Keep your anti-Kobi rant up Walter because it falls on def ears. Your personal biased agenda means nothing to those that read this blog and certainly it won’t change a thing in the world of competitive eating.

  21. Anonymous said

    May 11, 2012 @ 7:21 am

    An anonymous going on record. As one anonymous to another, I’m going on record as saying anonymous 631 am is a jerk for saying M.A. is a jerk whether he’s a jerk or not. Go eat jerk chicken or beef jerky you jerk-off.

  22. anonymous said

    May 11, 2012 @ 8:13 am

    I will go on record in saying that someone that works in the Shea communication office in NYC does frequent and post under an alias identity on this site. I think everyone is well aware of that. Right Rhonda?

  23. anonymous said

    May 11, 2012 @ 1:56 pm

    Is Conti or Janus considered part of the Shea communication’s office?

  24. anonymous said

    May 11, 2012 @ 2:48 pm


  25. Walter Lippman said

    May 11, 2012 @ 3:27 pm

    Wow Kobi’s Cult is great. Instead of responding to the truths that have been pointed out regarding Kobi and his Kobi first, Kobi only, pay Kobi policy. Kobi’s cult goes wacko, with how dare someone point out that the emperor has no clothes. Who would reveal such things (even though they’re true) about our lord and savior. Nope, I’m not Conti, Janus or Shea’s communication office, twice again thanks for the compliment. But keep trying, this is fun to watch the last two days Kobi love club go nuts and point fingers, name names of people with no evidence. It really underscores their ignorant, head in the sand mentality perfectly. The names of the people they have already mentioned must be laughing their butts off. Hey, maybe I’m the guy on the grassy knoll?

  26. Walter Lippman said

    May 11, 2012 @ 5:09 pm

    Huh, no more names thrown out of who in the evil MLE the Kobi detractor is? Did you all stop at once to gaze up admiringly at your Kobi posters? Would one of you guys at least do that swearing “Bitch Boy” thing again? That was funny. You know you could save some time and just get an MLE organizational chart and accuse the detractor of being all those people at once? Okay, as you take a “time out” in writing in here on who it is that could say such horrible truths about Kobi, I’ll go away and check back with you later and see what names you came up with. But stay away from sharp objects while I’m gone. By the way, have you considered what you would do if you did find out who I was? Would a band of “Kobyites” attack me in lavender colored “Free Kobi” ninja outfits? You need to ask yourselves, What Would Kobi Do (WWKD)? Remember kids — Kobi first, Kobi only, shut up and pay Kobi.

  27. Flo Rida said

    May 11, 2012 @ 5:25 pm

    Your right 6:31; Antolini is a prick a small inconsequential prick but a prick all the same. Both Sheas have no balls (girlie men) so they put Mikey on the dirt details. It pretty safe giving him this task as he really doesn’t know enogh to do any damige his act is jiberish except it aint no act. Kobi is god like in CE world as all others bow to his superior eating ability and his world status as the best eater ever. The top eaters for MLE are a bunch of drunk slobs always getting shit faced right after they puke up what they eat at a contest. Yep they puke up all that great sponsored food back up (how fn ungraetful). Kobi is a clean cut gentleman who has not ruined his rep by guzzling wine, booze or gizz like the top eaters representing MLE like Joey Chestnut be doing

  28. anonymous said

    May 11, 2012 @ 6:44 pm

    Hey Walter, you ever think that maybe the others have jobs and lives and their entire life doesn’t revolve around the posts on here.

    Good point Flo Rida. You never hear about Kobi yacking up the sponsors food and not once did he tweet about how disgusting Nathans hot dogs are. The fact that MLE eaters badmouth Nathans dogs constantly would sure point out disloyalty in my eyes. How dare they put down the sponsor of the MLE’s biggest event. Shame shame. As for getting drunk, yeah it is pretty gross when some of these MLE eaters get shitfaced, especially at Wing Bowl. Oh wait, more disloyalty. Aren’t the Sheas against the Wing Bowl yet many of the eaters show up there.

  29. anonymous said

    May 12, 2012 @ 1:48 am

    Every major league eater that shows up at wingbowl should be suspended until further notice. What a spit in the face to the organization that did so much for them and that;s the thanks they get?

  30. I hate Franks. said

    May 12, 2012 @ 8:25 am

    US Male shot George Shea to death at wing bowl, mobster style. That is the greatest thanks any MLE eater can give to the powers that be. How you like them apples anonymous 1:48? We live in America douche bag get drunk,stoned show up wherever the hell you want that’s liberty, fuck loyalty, I’ll take liberty over that shit any day of the week. Did so much for them my ass the eaters who make money earn it while the organization that thinks they own them the (eaters) rake in millions.

  31. neilthem said (Registered January 14, 2011)

    May 13, 2012 @ 1:56 pm

    Competitive Eating was originated by the event on the 4th of July in Coney Island in 1916. Nobody paid any attention to this until Kobayashi won and then EVERYONE HAS HEARD OF KOBAYASHI AND NATHANS. It gets national and global attention, in fact. Thus, Kobayashi put Competitive Eating on the map in the Modern Era. In fact, with all due respect, most people in the USA have NEVER heard of the sheas, joey chestnut, or mle or the secret federation called ifoce. Would anyone really care to debate those points? Kobayashi would have been a total fool to sign any restrictive agreement with the sheas. Kobayashi is nobody’s fool. He happens to be a very smart guy. Most of the comments in this forum are reasonable and respectful. The ones that blame Kobayashi for not dealing with the sheas are simply ignorant and non-sensical. Don’t begrudge the man his fame. He shows respect to literally everyone with the only exception being to those who would deprive him of the right to do what is best for his sponsors and himself. Sure sounds like jealousy when the few on this forum go into attack mode. Get over it already.

  32. anonymous said

    May 13, 2012 @ 3:30 pm

    You are right 156 hut also remember that without slick PR guys like the sheas kobayashi can only go so far . If he can make more money on his own hooking up with sponsors that he can make equal or more money with,then more power to him

  33. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    May 13, 2012 @ 4:20 pm

    Mortimer Matz, who handled Nathan’s PR in the 1970s, admitted fabricating the 1916 origin of the hot dog contest in a 2010 NY Times interview.

  34. neilthem said (Registered January 14, 2011)

    May 13, 2012 @ 5:22 pm

    Anonymous 330- Kobayashi has been independent of the sheas for several years and his career and visibility have only increased. No disrespect to ‘slick marketers’ whatsoever, so long as they are ethical and willing to pay fairly for talent. Don’t underestimate the role of Maggie James and folks like Don Povia; they are largely behind the scenes but are true Marketing professionals. Kobi’s “gigs” don’t just fall out of the sky. Sorting out the right opportunities and then making sure they are harmonious with their sophisticated branding themes is not a small job.

  35. anonymous said

    May 13, 2012 @ 7:47 pm

    Honestly I dont think Koby has to sell himself at all. If you have a unique talent or skill people in marketing media will find you. He has a gift that few can duplicate

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