Takeru Kobayashi will attempt to set a record for most bunless Hofmann hot dogs eaten in 10 minutes at the New York State Fair in Syracuse on August 26.
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Curious said
August 15, 2012 @ 4:36 pm
Looks like Kobi’s going back to eating against himself after the lame showing his “slew of world famous eaters” gave him at that Burrito debacle. Such a non-event that not even one media story came out of it. Kobi still got $5,000 and only had to pay the other chump eaters minimum wage. But, I think Maggie gets that if Kobi keeps on eating against those lame independent eaters his reputation will just get worse with the media. Safer to eat against yourself and just claim you’re the number one eater. That’s evident by promoting in this story his bogus hot dog “record” he claimed for his roof top stunt and 2011 and ignoring his Crif dog crap fest against eaters which, like Burritos, only showed at best his competition can only eat half of what Kobi can eat. The media seem to get the joke of it — so what Kobi can destroy a former 19th ranked MLE eater? Where’s the news in that? But, if Kobi keeps on going to that well of trying to get sponsors to pay him to eat against bad eaters soon the sponsors will catch on too. Maybe that’s what happened with the West Coast Hot Dog eating contest being canceled. The sponsor puts money into an event that that recieves very little coverage and the only one making any real money is Kobi.
Anonymous said
August 15, 2012 @ 5:59 pm
I still feel sorry that Kobayashi, with his huge talent, was not better able to negotiate for himself a good contract with MLE. Alternatively, I wish that he had carved out a far better way to come to the US and take full advantage of his special visa and make competitive eating grow. To me it is not about him versus MLE or the Sheas etc. It is that in a lifetime very few Kobayashi come along. He has squandered his talents and is slowly diminishing his own reputation and doing not much for competitive eating. He may be making money, but he is a solo showman. I do not see much for the future for him. What I do see is that competitive eating continues to grow and independents have many more options. That is excellent.
Anonymous said
August 15, 2012 @ 7:04 pm
436, 559 Why don’t you put on your own event? How sad you cannot celebrate this fellows accomplishment. Only in your sick mind would your ridiculous post appear to be at all valid. You must have a lonely and pathetic life.
anonymous said
August 15, 2012 @ 9:35 pm
704 must be Ohhhh dirty maggie mae they have taken her away and she never walk down lime street anymore
anonymous said
August 15, 2012 @ 9:37 pm
Yeah 436 is the great Joey Jaws Chestnut
Insider said
August 15, 2012 @ 9:39 pm
Curious. almost all of what you posted is incorrect and contradictions.
it was a taco contest not Burritos… B
In Southern California it had plenty of publicity, through ESPN LA (ESPN… you know the people who broadcast Nathan’s), KROQ probably the biggest radio station in Southern California, The TV show “The Dr’s” filmed a segment, and various newspapers covered the event. just because eatfeats didn’t post it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. MLE did a real bang up job promoting the Hooters qualifier in Detroit and Pulled pork Sandwiches (3 whole people in the crowd). Point Indy scene.
So Kobi doubles a former 19th ranked eater… (although your math is fuzzy, 65×2=130 not 106) but Joey practically doubled even tripled all eaters ranked 7th and below him at Nathan’s… Now whats the fun in that? I guess you’re saying anybody ranked 19th and below currently isn’t worth a shit?
Chronic tacos billing these eaters as “a slew of world famous eaters” is actually more acurate then MLE calling ALL their eaters “The best competitive eaters in the world”… Actually ONE and ONLY one is the best Competitive eater in the world at Hot Dogs. BTW, George Shea called Stephanie Torres the greatest rookie female eater ever at the 2011 finals, mad respect paid to Sonya right there huh?
Derby Deli wasn’t cancelled because they didn’t want to pay Kobi, it was exact opposite, it was cancelled because Koby couldn’t compete due to his Hofmann’s contract. So the sponsor called it off… What you don’t realize is, an indy sponsor cums all over the notion that Koby may go to their event. Hell they’re rather thrilled to pay Koby a $5k appearance fee then shell out $10k to MLE just to have a contest, then come up with aditional $4k+ to attract some of MLE’s REAL talent. Afterall Koby, as far as name recgonision goes is still the king of competitive eating if you like it or not, no matter how hard they try to make Joey the king, he’ll always play second fiddle to Koby in that regard…
Nathan’s and MLE has had plenty of exhibitions where Joey, Pat or (enter name here) eat solo… So what’s the difference between that and what Hofmann’s is doing with there new signed talent?
It’s clear you fear Koby and the indy eaters are starting to steal business from MLE, posting your hate on here isn’t gonna change that or convince anybody otherwise. You really should get used to it!
Curious said
August 16, 2012 @ 10:39 am
Maggie (insider): Not Joey but thanks for the compliment. ESPN LA is not national ESPN and pretty lame rebuttal as to why you couldn’t get any press, not even a local tv station. By the way “The “Doctor’s” wanted a bunch of MLE eaters, they turned it down because it is going to be a negative piece on competitive eating. So way to screw the community of independent eaters. Nice public relations prep work. So enjoy MLE sloppy seconds. All the lower ranked eaters at Nathan’s deserved to be at Nathan’s because they earned their right to be there winning qualifiers so everyone has the utmost respect for them. If they were selected by Chestnut to attend Nathan’s then everyone would lose respect for lower ranked eaters at Nathan’s as reporters do for Kobi’s fixed events. A little advice, when you lie to reporters you lose all respect from the media. So, when you lie that Kobi’s the best at hotdogs you demean reporters who know Joey beat Kobi three years in a row the last time they met. But, I am glad you finally admit that Kobi just uses lower ranked eaters and it’s really all about him evidenced by canceling events like Derby Deli. The respect you and Kobi have shown the independent eaters is that they are at best only worth one-fifth of what Kobi makes.
Curious Fan said
August 16, 2012 @ 10:56 am
If it wasn’t all about Kobi, why didn’t Derby Deli have the hot dog contest anyway? No reason to cancel the contest just because he isn’t allowed to compete in it.
Curious said
August 16, 2012 @ 12:24 pm
One more thing about Derby Deli, now they admit Kobi can’t do the contest because Kobi signed a contract. NOW DOES EVERYONE SEE THAT KOBI LEFT MLE BECAUSE HE’D NO LONGER BE TOP DOG AND HIS EGO COULDN’T TAKE IT? IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH A MLE CONTRACT AND THAT WAS JUST AN EXCUSE. They even admit that now when Hoffman wouldn’t let him compete at Derby because of a contract he signed. Kobi and his people were just lying to his fans about not wanting to be subject to a contract. So don’t believe anything these Shysters tell you. He’s was willing to throw an organization and sponsor under the bus that helped make him famous simply because Kobi couldn’t be a stand up guy and say I’m going on my own to see if I can make more money. Now he’s screwing over independents who are to starstruck and craving for attention that they can’t even see they’re being used for minimum wage. All you people who hate MLE for not sharing the wealth are hypocrates now that you see what Kobi is really all about. Kobi’s just worse, he’s keeping ALL the money, canceling contests for other independents, and doing it under a big lie that he’s really looking out for independent eaters.
Insider said
August 16, 2012 @ 1:08 pm
The fact that you think I’m Maggie just shows how out of the loop you are.
More contradicting statements… more BS… same Koby sucks, MLE rules yet Koby’s appearance fee is less then MLE’s fee? Have you even been to MLE contest, people only want to see Koby (not knowing he’s MLE anymore) Joey and sometimes that small Asian girl aka Sonya, nobody knows or cares about anybody else, that’s a fact. Same goes for Koby, and as a matter a fact, PETE has a big following, probably just as much as Joey in terms of recognition, that’s just reality! Jealousy and fear of your precious MLE losing business are we?
Nathan’s qualifiers are flawed. They need to take the top hot dog numbers not qualifying winners. I’d be pissed if I spent $1.5k plus traveling to 3 qualifiers and my numbers were 26,27 and 28, then some other eaters gets lucky in choosing a qualifier with no competition and wins with 24… You have a lot of nerve to say Koby has fixed events, when MLE has been handing out passes to Nathan’s for CLC for years!
Who cares if the Doctors segment is a negative one (that’s just your own assumption based on zero facts), any press is good press, besides, the general public isn’t interested in CE or doesn’t know there really is a sub culture for it out there… Another bone head move on MLE’s part to not accept the invite, actually my guess is MLE wasn’t getting paid enough so they declined. Not to mention the top 3 at tacos, Koby, Pete and Damon are as fit as can be and have 6 pack abs, if I were sitting at home and the doctors tried to put a “non healthy” spin on competitive eating and I saw those 3 guys on stage, I would call BS… Now if they put Joey’s fat ass up there I could see their point. Maybe that’s why they rejected the Doctors invite, not enough compensation and they didn’t want to show the world for what Joey really is, a fat pompous drunk that looks like a gargoyle! If CE made me look like him then I would stay away too. Sorry but, MLE is going to have to share the spotlight, it’s already starting to happen.
Good thing you hide behind an anon name, because you just insulted ESPN… ESPN LA, Boston, (fill in city here) are all affiliates of ESPN, you moron!
I will say this though, I respect MLE EATERS as very talented, The top 6 are better then any Indy eater not named Koby, & and beyond is up for debate, but I don’t respect how MLE the BUSINESS does things and how they mistreat MOST of their eaters, which is why more and more will eventually leave if things don’t change, another thing that is starting to happen.
That’s something you’ll have to ask the folks at the Deli Derby… It’s not Koby’s fault… actually Koby is showing loyalty to a hotdog brand now, something “Curious†slammed him for not being in the past, now is pulling a 180 and slamming him again for being loyal… damned if he does, damned if he don’t… Contradictions to the MAX. I think “Curious†is confused… maybe “Bi-Curious†is a better screen name.
Damon Wells said
August 16, 2012 @ 2:00 pm
Curious said
August 16, 2012 @ 12:24 pm
Now he’s screwing over independents who are to starstruck and craving for attention that they can’t even see they’re being used for minimum wage.
I was MLE for almost 3 years. In those 3 years I LOST roughly $3k (travel expenses vs actual prize money). Yes, I got an all expense paid trip to Coney, something I’ll cherish forever and won’t put a price tag on. I will admit I couldn’t keep up with the top dogs of MLE to constantly get in the money, but honestly, not many can… MLE asked me (some can say USED me) to do multiple media things to promote contests, their brand and sponsors with little to no compensation. Actually I could argue that I was more attention crazed while with MLE for doing these things for free or on my own dime then I am now… For the record, I know I maybe coming off bitter, but I’m truly not. I tried my hand at MLE it wasn’t a good fit for me, so I moved on.
I’ve been Indy for 2 whole months now, I’ve earned close to $2k… my travel expenses roughly $100… So speaking for myself my average MLE annual earnings were -$1,000. 2 months of Indy work, close to $2k in the pocket & AYCE ice cream at Farrell’s for year and if I had to put a price tag on that I would say $1k-$2k. No I don’t expect this to stay a constant, point is even winning $500 a year is more then what I did with MLE. So for me, I’ll take that minimun wage you speak of. THANKS!
Curious said
August 16, 2012 @ 3:53 pm
Insider: Out of loop huh? Hey everyone want to know the real inside secret that even the self proclaimed “insider” doesn’t know. MLE eaters have been turning down just about every bad events and appearances for the last two years that Kobi the self proclaimed king of competitive eating winds up doing as sloppy seconds. It’s like clockwork, everytime an MLE eater denies a demeaning event, Kobi, so desperate for attention winds up doing it a month or two later. It would be sad, if team Kobi, so ignorant of this didn’t brag about Kobi doing these negative events. Meanwhile, Kobi’s actually getting disrespected by those who made the offer and laughed at by the MLE eaters who first got the offer. Schedulers start with we’d really like to get top MLE Nathan’s eaters like Joey and Sonya, and when turned down they settle for that Kobayashi guy who lost to Joey and went crazy storming the stage. Hey team Kobi, next time Kobi gets an offer why don’t you ask (local restaurants, record recorders, minor league baseball, foreign tv, local festivals, etc.) if they’ve asked MLE eaters first? So Kobi, even though you’ve lied to fans about contracts, slammed former sponsors, ate at crappy contests, you still manage to entertain. Thanks for the laughs.
Anonymous said
August 16, 2012 @ 4:06 pm
I know for a fact The Doctors segment isn’t negative.
Anonymous said
August 16, 2012 @ 7:25 pm
A non negative television segment about competitive eating was turned down for other reasons. It did not matter about it being positive or negative. There are lots of reasons behind the scenes for why contracts are made or not made. Once again eatfeats is filled with lots of speculation which is fine because there is nothing official on here unless some comment is made directly from the source. That does happen sometimes but not often. This is what eatfeats is about. It is fun, entertaining, sometimes has very interesting comments, sometimes not. It’s a community with all of the good and not good that that entails, just like life.
anonymous said
August 16, 2012 @ 9:56 pm
Insider why dont you get a real life and stop worrying about someone else that is making money while obviously you arent. It wouldnt take much to figure who you are. You were a former IFOCE member that didnt see eye to eye with the Sheas so you either went indy or hooked up with aice or whatever they call themselves. Hell you just might be the chairman .
Anonymous said
August 16, 2012 @ 10:16 pm
Maybe Doctors should have personally asked Badlands Booker to be on their show. Now we have a story.
anonymous said
August 17, 2012 @ 2:01 am
do any of you get the picture? Kobi setting a record for this Kobi setting a record for that . It is getting very redundent and very vain on his part. Let him set these record breaking challenges on his own and stop getting the media involved. When he took the stage at Coney in 2001 it was all about him him him. As long as you people support this ego tainted jackass he will continue to thrive on it and make loads of cash
Curious said
August 17, 2012 @ 11:00 am
Damon: You going independent is not the issue. Not that it matters, but I and most people think it was a good move for you. Greater exposure, more opportunities and money. However, the issue is independents getting used by Kobi’s greed machine for his sole benefit is not helpful and is actually hurting the independent eating community and competitive eating as a whole. I know by your posts that you sound like a very selfless and modest individual. But Kobi’s using you. Kobi was criticized after his rooftop stunt for not eating against anyone, so now Kobi goes and eats against independents at cut rate prices to quash his critics. Put it this way, I know your modesty may accept taking one-fifth of what Kobi makes for coming in second. But, do you think Stephanie Torres is only worth one-twentieth of what Kobi makes for coming in fourth? Kobi’s left a trail of destruction over individuals and people he’s used for his own selfish benefit. “Fee Kobi” lying about Nathan’s and MLE saying he won’t sign their “slave-like” contract. Now he signs a contract with Hoffmann’s. Storming the stage. Just this year he does Crif Dogs and that same week signs a Hoffman’s contract. Embarrassing then paying independents below their worth. West Coast Hot Dogs. I could go on.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
August 17, 2012 @ 11:16 am
When Koby doubled the previous HDB record in 2001, it was and should have been about him. Everybody else just shared a meal. Even now, as an independent, he has no peer.
I too think it cheapens him challenging, versus congratulating other eaters on, recently set MLE records. And that’s because of a deeply bruised ego—-the man’s human. Most omnitalented people have quite an ego, which is what drives them to achieve, in the first place.
Kobayashi remains the face—-THE legend—-of competitive eating. It was a single act by one man which launched CE as we know it today. That man forever remains Takeru Kobayashi, and he is even better today than he was 11 years ago. If I were a competitive eater, I would be humbled and honored to eat alongside the man.
anonymous said
August 17, 2012 @ 11:54 am
He ruined it for guys like Booker Jarvis Lerman. 25 hot dogs and buns were within reach until this jerk raised the bar to the point where only one or two eaters in the last 10 yrs was able to surpass or come close
Anonymous said
August 17, 2012 @ 12:36 pm
Now that is a funny comment, blaming Kobayashi. Really? What Kobayashi did was staggering. At that event Kobayashi was a complete newcomer though he had won contests in Japan. Arai was the champion and was interviewed, asked what he expected to be his number the next day. He said 33. No one, absolutely no one expected to see what Kobayashi did. They ran out of numbers, remember? If you like making silly comments just to see the names BJL again be my guest but really, Kobayashi was amazing and set the bar so high that many began to step things up. Even today in hotdogs look at the numbers overall. Everyone who eats below 30 is in trouble or competition with many many others to even make the stage.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
August 17, 2012 @ 1:38 pm
Damon … I admire your attitude; I really do. Your perception is on target, and I agree w/ Curious that you seem modest and selfless, even though you are rapidly becoming one of the top tier eaters out there.
Curious: I don’t think Koby is “using” anyone, as no one is forced to eat with him. People do so of their own volition—-either in hopes of finishing in the money, or just for the pleasure of eating in a competition with the legend himself.
Curious said
August 17, 2012 @ 1:57 pm
Kobi currently has his problems. His ego and selfish behavior seem to have gotten the best of him. Now, I haven’t spoken with him in years. But, to say something good about the man is that he never was ego driven during his early to mid MLE years. I’ll never forget the time when Kobi went up to an eater who clearly didn’t eat what the eater thought was their potential. Kobi through his interpreter pointed out that the total the eater ate would have been a world record two or three years ago and the eater should be proud of that. I thought that was touching. That type of behavior is usually ingrained in one’s personality, so I don’t think it’s gone away. I just think lately he’s doing a good job of hiding it. Maybe his current Kobi and Kobi only mentality of lying and stepping on others to keep him in the spotlight stems from anger brought on from poor decisions he and his top advisor initiated two years ago. Those “Team Kobi” sycophants he has chosen to hang around of late probably haven’t helped either. Oh, and it’s not fair and you can’t fault the man for being a great eater and raising the bar for other eaters. That’s just jealousy and I’ll have no part in that. The issue for Kobi is he currently thinks competitive eating is about one person — himself.
Damon Wells said
August 17, 2012 @ 2:00 pm
I think we are going to RESPECTFULLY agree to disagree on this one. MLE and Koby do what they need to do in order to survive, I’ll never fault anybody for that. Unless of course they’re physically hurting somebody else in an unlawful way.
It’s obvious you’re loyalty is with MLE, like you said, not that it matters, my guess is you are an employee or a top eater. If I was in your position or at your talent level (if you are a top eater), I’d probably share the same opinion, but I’m not, so I can’t. I’ve met Koby twice now, each time he was extremely kind to me and my family and for that as a person he has my respect.
From a business standpoint, it’s a dog eat hot dog world (little CE pun to lighten the mood) out there. I really can’t see your point on how what Koby is doing as hurting COMPETITIVE EATING, I can see it hurting MLE’s business though. Sure he signed a deal with Hofmann’s right after Criff, I don’t know the ends and out of what Koby agreed on with Criff Dogs no more then you do, but what’s the difference between that and what MLE does after a contact with one of their sponsors has expired? Krystal’s is no longer around, so that opens the door for another burger sponsor, would Slugbers be around if Krystal’s was too? MLE has a set price to have a contest, the sponsor has the option to accept it or not, if they want MLE eaters they’ll have to pay that premium, if they decide not too, then they have the right to go elsewhere, rather it be All Pro, Team Koby, WLOCE or just on their own. Call it sloppy seconds if you like, I call it a business making a business/financial decision. Correct me if I’m wrong since you seem to have more info then I do but, doesn’t the sponsor set up the prize structure for their contest? As eaters we have the right to choose to compete or not in any contest, no matter what the prize structure is. Stephanie taking 1/20 of what Koby won isn’t anymore right then MLE taking $8-10K (this is what I hear is MLE’s base price… again, I’m not INSIDER, so I really don’t know for sure) to have a contest while in most cases the EATERS hope to win part of a prize pool of far less. So I really can’t be sympathetic about who’s being greedy in that regard. To answer your question, no, I don’t feel used by him, no more then I felt used by MLE, it is what it is and I accept it, just like I accepted my MLE contract.
Looking back at this whole thread, it’s kinda laughable, 4 years ago I would have never guessed CE was filled with so many politics. How nice it would be to blissfully go back to the ignorance where I thought it was just about eating and having fun.
Randy Santel said (Registered June 2, 2010)
August 17, 2012 @ 2:09 pm
This is going to sound fairly ignorant, lol but I have a question that I have been wondering for a long time. I have never met the man or even cared enough to research anything, and I am not too involved with competitive eating at all, so I will just ask it. Why in the hell does Kobayashi not just learn to speak the English language? It is not that tough to learn, and I feel he could make 3 or 4 times as much money (maybe more) if he could just communicate with TV people and everyone else. To be the most famous eater in the world and barely clear 6 figures $$ is just ridiculous to me I guess, especially in the world we live in today. If anybody has any insight into that, I would appreciate a response. Thanks!
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
August 17, 2012 @ 2:42 pm
Randy, I suspect that Koby knows more conversational English than we give him credit for, as English is taught in grade, middle, and high school in most Asian countries, I believe. But he, like many people of Asian heritage, may have the mindset that if he can’t speak near perfect English in public he will appear dumb, so he refrains from trying. Not losing “face” / avoiding public humiliation is very, very important to people of Asian culture.
Over the last twenty years and change during my intermittent travels throught Asia, I have run into more than a few Asians who speak a fair amount of conversational English, but they don’t want to try speaking it in public for that very reason.
Damon Wells said
August 17, 2012 @ 3:00 pm
Thank you for such kinds words, Rhonda, that made my day!
BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)
August 17, 2012 @ 4:08 pm
@Damon – When I explain the politics of competitive eating to people “outside the circle”, they’re always shocked about how opposite of simple it is, lol
Anonymous said
August 17, 2012 @ 5:09 pm
Randy makes a very good observation and asks a good question but underestimates the difficulty of learning English for many people, particularly those not learning a language closer to English. Rhonda’s answer is partially true but incomplete. Japanese study English from early on but most do not get beyond the simplest of understanding. And some people have natural affinities for learning languages (speaking) and others do not. In Kobayashi’s case Randy is certainly correct that if he were to really learn to speak and not need a translator, he could make lots more money. He came here, however, without a true agent. He was probably naive. He expected to do Nathans and whatever else he wanted. He had never lived here under MLE. No professional agent accompanied him or advised him. Blame it on a woman. He still does not have a professional agent and has undermined his chances by having done what he has done. Are you his Facebook friend? Have a look at who he hangs out with and spends time with. If he lives alone and spends lots of time speaking Japanese, he isn’t going to learn nearly enough to give even the simplest answers. He can understand a lot now (watch his interviews closely), answers simple things but cannot get along without a fully fluent translator. He is floundering here and there. No if onlys because it is too late for him to be MLE. What he really did want was to take back the Nathan’s crown. But he blew his chances to do that and still would not come back later, sticking to his Free Kobi. Again, blame it on a woman if you wish or he made his choices. He must be two years into his three year visa. He might be able to get an extension but only if he has that special talent which was how he got it. He cannot be a competitive eater for his whole life so whatever he does and earns here or wherever for the next few years, that’s it. My opinion.
anonymous said
August 17, 2012 @ 9:24 pm
Kobi is a good guy..I competed against him many times, hung out with him in hotels, played some sports with him..Kobi can understand English,can talk if he needs to..He knows what people are saying.
Anonymous said
August 17, 2012 @ 9:42 pm
It is wonderful that we are blessed with an authority figure as anonymous 5:09.
Anonymous said
August 17, 2012 @ 10:19 pm
That may all be true 9:24 but he still cannot give an interview without a translator or represent himself. He can be a great guy to compete against and play sports but he could do so much more if he had a real agent and/or could really speak English. He cannot attain the level he would need in the time he has on his visa even if it is extended. He is not doing immersion. He should hire a professional agent separate from having a translator.
Anonymous said
August 30, 2012 @ 11:44 pm
Koby has you all fooled. He speaks the English language just fine. He won’t speak it in public for the exact reasons stated above: losing respect as a competitive eater, struggling to make money, not being in the spotlight, and can’t eat competitively forever.
He has been working on his master plan for the past 2 years since the Nathan’s arrest. He soon will be the headliner for the new musical ROSETTA STONE commercials.
Mark my words! My English words!