has an update on Michael Solano, who had a near death experience and lacked a pulse for four minutes after choking during a crab cake eating contest held September 24 at Michael's Cafe in Timonium, MD. Solano thinks that he might have experienced a mild stroke and received the $500 that was designated for the contest winner.


  1. KevinRoss said

    October 18, 2011 @ 8:54 pm

    Very interesting to hear about the details of his near death experience. Sucks though that people who aren’t very experienced choose to push themselves too far in contest. Careful out there people!

  2. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    October 18, 2011 @ 11:37 pm

    I was supposed to be at this one, but I had to take my mom to the hospital and couldn’t make it.
    I am both glad that the dude is ok and that I didn’t leave before finding out my mom had an issue and good on the promoter for giving him the money, though it is likely to keep him from suing, lol.
    Longo and Gorman can provide some insight as they saw it go down…

  3. Dr. Safety said

    October 19, 2011 @ 11:00 am

    NOTE TO INDEPENDENTS AND THOSE THAT SPONSOR CHALLENGES AND CONTESTS: ALWAYS HAVE AN EMT ON SCENE DURING A CONTEST OR CHALLENGE!! MLE won’t even let their eaters do tv interview eating demos without an EMT on scene. It’s particularly frightening when I see this college league forming up. Do it if not for your loved ones, but one tragedy will cause challenges and contests to go away. It happened in Japan when some bone heads had kids doing eating contests. Contests in Japan were halted and still haven’t returned to what they once were.

  4. Seiken Ass Fan said

    October 19, 2011 @ 12:48 pm

    I’ll save Brian Seiken the trouble of having to post here:

    Brian Seiken has an update on Michael Solano. Seiken says he had a better near death experience and lacked a pulse for five minutes after choking during a crab cake eating contest. Seiken thinks that he might have experienced a huge stroke and should receive the $500 that was designated for Solano.

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