Milton Parker of the Carnegie Deli dies at 90
The New York Times reports that Milton Parker passed away at the age of 90. Parker purchased a share of the Carnegie Deli in 1976 and handed control to his son-in-law, Sanford Levine, in 2002. While the Carnegie Deli hosts a pickle eating contest in even numbered years, the first eating competition it sponsored used a different food:
The Carnegie had opened in 1938; knishes came half a century later. In 1988, Mr. Parker placed them on the menu — but only after staging a publicity-seeking knish-eating contest.
The favorite was Jay Resnick, the 1985 Brighton Beach Baths knish-eating champion. The $250 prize went to Mark Litman, a soft-drink route salesman from Brooklyn who said he had never before eaten a knish. In 15 minutes, Mr. Litman downed four and half knishes. Each whole knish weighed in at one pound — an indicator of Carnegie deli portions.
A 1988 article about the knish contest is available in the New York Times archives.
beautifulbrian said
February 5, 2009 @ 12:21 pm
When i defended the pickle title in 2004 Milton was there in a wheelchair and i spoke to him briefly about him and his partner Leo Steiner who’s vibrant personality made the deli what it is today. As a deli customer back in the 1980’s you were always greeted at the door by Leo and Milton while one of them would stop by your table to ask if you enjoyed the food. He gave the business over to Sandy Levine a few years later. Thoughts and prayers go out to the Parker family
Anonymous said
February 5, 2009 @ 12:57 pm
I don’t believe for one second that Beautiful Brian wrote that very kind comment. Heartfelt and not a single complaint or insult…must be the work of an impostor.
OJ…to paraphrase the real Seiken, check the IP address please.
Dory said
February 5, 2009 @ 4:13 pm
May his Pickle rest in Peace
Gimme a Rimshot said
February 5, 2009 @ 4:40 pm
odds are since he was 90 his pickle has been resting in peace for a while already.
Johnny Ogelthorpe said
February 5, 2009 @ 6:13 pm
To Dory and and Gimme a rim shot don’t you have any reverence for the newly departed you should be ashamed of yourself , you ‘ll never do half a much in your life as this man accomplished his life
rende logun said
February 6, 2009 @ 9:27 am
I consiede r those rimarks anti simetic espcilaly the one about the pickle.
Gimme a Rimshot said
February 6, 2009 @ 10:00 am
yeah totally. that comment
“May his Pickle rest in Peace”
is totally wrong!!!
Rhonda Evans said
February 6, 2009 @ 10:22 am
May God bless Mr. Parkers’s soul and the loved ones he left behind.
anonymous said
February 16, 2009 @ 10:03 pm
Don Lerman is there a pic of you embedded into your scale which voice activates everytime you step on it? “thank you for weighing yourself. This is don moses lerman you just lost 15 lbs” ” “thank you for weighing yourself this is don moses lerman you just lost 40 lbs”
Don''Moses'' Lerman said
February 17, 2009 @ 5:54 am
toanon1003pm, don’t knock me I’m trying to lose weight and doing the right thing for my health and appearance