MLE video game release thread
I will place reviews and other information about the Wii Major League Eating game in this post as they become available. The release time is scheduled at noon eastern.
Please place your gamer tags in the comments if you are interested in playing over the internet.
update Serious Eats has challenged other food blogs to online play.
Not interested said
July 14, 2008 @ 12:15 pm
Unless i’m in the game it doesnt interest me
Philly Guy said
July 14, 2008 @ 12:22 pm
I’m on the online mode as Philly Guy
Philly Guy said
July 14, 2008 @ 1:04 pm
My friend code is 2707-3325-5658. There aren’t many people doing the online. I guess everyone else has a day job.
shazam said (Registered June 27, 2007)
July 14, 2008 @ 11:09 pm
The game is very good. Well worth the $10.
shazam said (Registered June 27, 2007)
July 14, 2008 @ 11:39 pm
My friend code is 2277-8365-1668.