USA Today reports that 1.2% United States households watched the 2010 Nathan's finals (corresponding to 1.677 million viewers) This is an audience increase of about 400,000 from last year, and about the same number of viewers as in 2007.


  1. Anonymous said

    July 9, 2010 @ 9:28 am

    That in an incredible number. Not one comment? C’mon guys, this is news. Think of what ESPN pays MLE for Nathans. There is a lot of money involved and almost none of it goes to the eaters. To each his own smack talk if you wish but I see golden opportunity. Think carefully about what eaters should have, talk together quietly or publicly, make a wish list, be serious and reasonable, make suggestions here, get it together to try to make changes. Kobayashi started something without knowing it. He’ll be back somewhere, I think MLE. But if the rest of you do nothing, it will be the same old thing……..a few people make a lot of money, the rest will be spending, spending, spending your own and arguing among yourselves. Work at this, brainstorm. I will start you off. Every eater who spends his time (and money for gas or whatever) should receive some kind of honorarium no matter how small for doing publicity. Just an idea.

  2. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 9, 2010 @ 9:57 am

    That IS big news. That number is amazing! I agree with Anonymous above. Koby did start something big, without necessarily trying.

    I didn’t think this at first, but I too think it’s a matter of weeks before Koby re-signs with MLE. It would be utter stupidity for him not to, assuming he has indeed moved to NYC, because he can’t make the kind of money w/o them as he can with them, as long as he’s states-based.

    If Koby eats at 20 MLE events, he’ll win AT LEAST 15 of them. And, believe it or not, that’s giving Joey, Pat, and Sonya credit, because 2 years ago I would have said 18 of 20.

  3. Anonymous said

    July 9, 2010 @ 11:02 am

    Agree with Rhonda. Koby will be back with MLE because he and they both need each other. Eaters please…….do as you wish with a journalism student (no offense Caroline but be careful what you wish for…….journalism is supposedly about facts, not fiction) but spend some time organizing yourselves to get better benefits, whatever you think they are. Fame is fleeting. So are sound bites and face time. Research is easy. Check the earnings on this website. Yes, it doesn’t include appearance fees but very very few receive them, and that includes the top ten. Everyone except numbers one and two, sometimes through four, are usually, no matter who they are, expendable in the eyes of MLE. GET ORGANIZED!

  4. Anonymous said

    July 9, 2010 @ 12:16 pm

    Oops……..not student but a journalist. Really sorry Caroline. The rest stands.

  5. SPBBBBMBBB said

    July 9, 2010 @ 12:24 pm

    and I know, at least 3 people out of those1,677,000 enjoyed my fabulous close-ups from the Charlotte qualifier…maybe next year, I can shoot for a on-screen credit

  6. Deraleak my balls said

    July 9, 2010 @ 1:12 pm

    Whatever happened to all the annoyamous peeps on other threads that were saying CE is now dead? And pepto ruined nathans? And it’s so boring noone was gonna watch? How come all the haters left? Come back guys!

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