Nurses to picket Heart Attack Grill

The Heart Attack Grill’s news page says that the Center for Nursing Advocacy is attempting to organize picketing for that restaurant in which customers will be handed a pamphlet protesting the nurses outfits the restaurant’s waitresses wear.

Comments (2)


  1. Gentleman Joe said

    October 21, 2006 @ 2:09 pm

    That Dr. Jon is better than the Shea’s. He’s going to get national attention news network coverage for that. He ought to feed the nurses as a thank you for picketing /protesting.

  2. Laura said

    October 22, 2006 @ 12:18 pm

    I’m a nurse and their work uniforms don’t bother me, because that’s all they are, work uniforms. I don’t feel like sexy nurse outfits at Halloween are offensive either, but I’m also not uptight and I don’t get offended easily. Maybe if they were picketing because of the unhealthy theme of the restaurant then it might make sense for the nursing community to band together to raise awareness about the obesity epidemic of this country. All the more power to the Heart Attack Grill though, get your publicity and prosper. The Erbivore and I might visit next weekend depending on what he feels like eating before the fry bread competition and I would love to meet Dr. Jon.

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