Comments from yesterday afternoon's post not pertaining to the contest in Singapore have been moved to this thread.


  1. beautifulbrian said

    October 29, 2011 @ 4:14 pm

    Its funny how less than 2hrs after i mention Stonie video on bits and pieces OJ Rifkin just cant wait to show me up. Why dont you admit that you frequent my site 24/7 , find something you neglected to find , then assume credit for it. Nobody sneakier than you OJ, Here comes 936 the eatfeces shrink and all his alias names ready to chop me down. Its coming Stay tuned!

  2. same scene said

    October 29, 2011 @ 5:00 pm

    Yeah its coming alright . The guy is so predictable and obsessed with you . Brian this Brian that. Brian’s ready for a tantrum blah blah. Anyone ever think it might be A-bomb Lane?

  3. beautifulbrian said

    October 29, 2011 @ 5:37 pm

    Get a Clue 10/12/11 10:08 under the Bens Chilli thread and BB Go Nappy time 10/20/11 1:45 pm under another recent thread are examples of that one and the same stalker. The nature of the comment is usually similar in text . I can tell you in 5 seconds who it is. All i need is the IP location which is city and state. If you have a wordpress blog you have access to that info as the administrator . No need for the IP address. Of course OJ would never make that info privy to me

  4. Hank Fan said

    October 29, 2011 @ 6:43 pm

    Rhonda + Hank = OJ

  5. Anonymous said

    October 29, 2011 @ 6:46 pm

    Brian it’s on youtube!! Everybody can access it.

  6. Jusadik said

    October 29, 2011 @ 8:20 pm

    If you have no life other than trashing other people, then it doesn’t really matter who those other people are. Stonie is trying to do the best he can. He doesn’t worry about anything more than being good at the table and trying to do good things. A middle-aged man could learn a bunch from a teenager. That’s one of the reasons that Matt will be a legend in more than his own mind.

  7. beautifulbrian said

    October 29, 2011 @ 9:19 pm

    646 i think its a no brainer everyone can access it but it seems kind of strange that right after i posted it, Oj just happens to post it right after and please dont tell me its just a coincidence. This has happened “mega” times

  8. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    October 29, 2011 @ 9:44 pm!/MattStonie/status/130351097146654720

  9. Pay attention said

    October 29, 2011 @ 10:25 pm

    What does the comment have to do with the price of beans? Was Seiken trashing Stonie you idiot?

  10. Claude Rains Brains said

    October 29, 2011 @ 11:02 pm

    Seiken you bitch when OJ posts things before you and now you bitch even when you post stories first. How much time needs to advance before it’s okay for OJ to put up things after you? You remain responsible for and are deeply submerged in your own misery. I have never seen a situation where you were happy.

  11. beautifulbrian said

    October 29, 2011 @ 11:47 pm

    Yeah it will change something you fool because at that point you wont have the upper hand by hiding behind anonymous and we will both be even. Get this through your head. You come on here thinking you can convince the fans that visit this site that i am a detriment to the sport when your actions justify the same with your belittlement of me. Remember what Rhonda Evans said fool! Elevating one self by berating others accomplishes nothing but only elevating your own insecurities. Go to hell thats my three words for you. COWARD!

  12. cant win said

    October 29, 2011 @ 11:49 pm

    If i were Seiken i wouldnt waste my time posting here. Its like damn if he does damn if he doesnt. He cant win no matter how right he is and no matter how wrong OJ Rifkin is and if you look at the situation at hand , OJ appears to be the thief and Seiken the victim

  13. Dan Gerfield said

    October 30, 2011 @ 4:08 am

    Seiken is a serious characterization of Rodney Dangerfield, who obsessively goes out of his way to find ways that he is victimized and disrespected in his own mind. Everyone except Seiken knows this is true but few will agree on line.

  14. Dark Reflection said

    October 30, 2011 @ 4:32 am

    If Seiken really reflected the true spirit of comp eating, it would have no followers or participants.

  15. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    October 30, 2011 @ 8:57 am

    Seiken continues to assure his own downfall and fall from grace. Going after other eaters in his own organization time after time, even on Facebook’s MLE site, is really beyond belief. Seiken is hungry but only focussed on tearing down others and getting attention for himself. Honestly, this whole thing is crazy. Eatfeats may be Deep Throat but it certainly contributes greatly to the sport.

  16. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    October 30, 2011 @ 10:38 am

    Congratulations Matt on both your win and your videos. I only watched one but thought it was excellent. The camera was very steady, the selection choices also good. We are lucky to be able to see these events via YouTube. The gallery is also very interesting, looks like a great new sponsor. Wonder how the product tastes and whether or not it is available in the States but not enough to make a big search. But if I did search for wontons and now know the name of the brand and saw it, I would buy it. That is what the sponsor wants so missions accomplished. Matt, you are a star!

  17. beautifulbrian said

    October 30, 2011 @ 11:00 am

    I will go up against each and every one of you anonymous COWARDS even if i have to do it myself. Go to hell and get a life and more importantly stop scrutinizing every little thing i say. You know im right and OJ is wrong. Just post your name and be a man or woman for once in your pitiful life. Post your name and stop avoiding the issue. Post your name Post your name Post your name Post your name . I can do this all day if you like . Post your name post your name.

  18. anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 11:01 am

    Brian tell em eatfeces eatfeces oink oink oink Seiken reported it first yes he did yes he did

  19. anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 11:30 am

    For someone that his hated on this site Seiken seems to gain the most attention with the most comments

  20. The REV said

    October 30, 2011 @ 12:24 pm

    eatfeces eatfeces oink oink . Let us all band together and destroy this site which has destroyed relationships amongst eaters in MLE. Seiken is not the enemy OJ Rifkin is. Several IFOCE members are no longer IFOCE members because of OJ Rifkin and

  21. The REV said

    October 30, 2011 @ 1:10 pm

    eatfeces eatfeces oink oink. OJ Rifkin refuses to post BB updates. OJ Rifkin is a spiteful vindictive prick. OJ Rifkin takes delight in others posting negative remarks about Seiken. No good piece of sh

  22. Anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 1:47 pm

    This is like X-rated kindergarten!!

  23. Anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 2:29 pm

    Please eatfeats keep the post, keep the Matt Stonie, Larell, Stallion Italian and move everything else to an off-topic. Maybe then we can talk about the topic. Or ban Seiken or Seiken, finally reveal the identity of eatfeats or whatever you think you can do to add something good and mature to the competitive eating community. I already wrote to you saying once again that you are doing yourself no favors by what you post here.

  24. Anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 4:30 pm

    I Quit. Seiken wins!

  25. BB most popular said

    October 30, 2011 @ 5:14 pm

    BB has been mentioned in one way or another on this web site far more than any other CEater in history. Check the stats. So why is Beautiful the most famous and most discussed CEater on Eatfeats and why? Cuz that dude is interesting, unique, and frightening! What a mix. I totally like his craziness… its a hoot.
    Go Brian Go!

  26. matter of time said

    October 30, 2011 @ 6:29 pm

    514 is right, If you go back to the eatfeats archives month by month from 2005-2008 Seiken updates are mentioned more than anything else. I think OJ is just giving him a 3yr rest . Just wait, by 2013 Seiken updates will take center stage on here once again

  27. Anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 6:32 pm

    I have come to have no respect for the owner of this website.

  28. anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 6:39 pm

    Even Elvis got the oink bug

  29. Anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 7:17 pm

    Fuck Brian Seiken and eatfeats. They deserve each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 7:32 pm

    Once eatfeats gave haters a voice to vent about others , thats when the conflicts amongst Seiken and other major league eaters started. Before eatfeats seiken negative comments on bits and pieces focused on eaters from rival organizations. This site has contributed nothing but play one against the other. Pat Philbin Joe Larue and Stephanie Torres were thrown out because of eatfeat mentioning their participation in non sanctioned events although Philbin notified them before hand. Juliet Lee almost got caught because of eatfeats. For all the good it accomplished with comp eating news he couldnt leave well enough alone by including comments

  31. elvis oinks said

    October 30, 2011 @ 7:35 pm

    here an oink there an oink everywhere an oink oink. If you read up on Elvis history , he claims that after he sung that song it was the low point in his career and gave up the movie scene for good

  32. Anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 8:21 pm

    Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. Eatfeats is in no way responsible for anyone leaving or being tossed from the IFOCE.

  33. Eaters or Cheaters said

    October 30, 2011 @ 8:52 pm

    @7:42 PM This site is about competitive eating, right? This site is not responsible for a single person getting removed from MLE. If you do not want to be credited for competeing in a event by Eatfeats… don’t compete. I’m against the dictatorship of MLE but don’t sign with them if you want to be your own boss and be able to choose the events you can win and make some cash.
    If I was aware that Eatfeats was not reporting events accurately and was censoring results to hide facts on who was at a event that would be the last time I would go to this site for information. Just so I don’t seem out of place posting on EF I have to mention… Seiken Rules! LOL

  34. Eaters or Cheaters said

    October 30, 2011 @ 8:53 pm

    Sorry @ 7:32 PM

  35. anonymous said

    October 30, 2011 @ 10:15 pm

    If you think that Stonie boring video will get more comments by moving the Seiken comments to another thread think again

  36. Polls said

    October 30, 2011 @ 10:32 pm

    First of all OJ RIfkin polls are extremely boring. What song should be retired? What is your opinion on chipmunking? Who should be ranked higher Pat Joey or Kobayashi. Who gives a rats ass? Those same questions have been repeated over and over again Seiken polls are far more interesting and get to the nitty gritty like Who is the Seiken hater on eatfeats?, Should IFOCE members refrain from socializing with former or non members. Those are real polls that provide real interest.

  37. Larell Marie Mele said

    October 31, 2011 @ 5:42 am

    Eaters/Cheaters – THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. Two Faces said

    October 31, 2011 @ 6:06 am

    Seiken goes through friends like a hot knife through butter. Except for new acquaintances who have yet to be betrayed by him, does he have any left!

  39. Two Faces said

    October 31, 2011 @ 7:47 am

    At least OJs polls aren’t about who has the worst body odor or who will be first to have nail a female eater. Why sacrifice others’ reputation for attention? It is weakness only.

  40. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    October 31, 2011 @ 8:11 am

    Much of what is written here is old news and repeating negative behaviors. Since it seems that many members and Seiken himself are not happy with this too frequent use of space about Seiken, detrimental to this site and to Seiken’s ego, I propose something else. It seems too much work to expect the owner of this site to have to police every comment as well as run the website and provide the information. It may not be a perfect plan but if there were a way to screen any comment which uses the words beautiful brian, Seiken, etc., that might make everyone happier. Beautiful Brian would have to give up his posting privileges or monitor himself with what he posts, others would have to agree not to slam him in harmful ways. There are fine lines here, no plan will be perfect.There will always be detractors and people who will try to skirt the rules, such as using “Brain” or saying things about him and his website without using those names. But later ojrifkin could delete those comments. Once people got used to the idea that their comments would be deleted, they might stop. The same goes for other comments about eaters, some of which border on libel. Of course there is no one to sue so forget that. Every website has common decency standards for posters. How about those of us posting also police ourselves. For example, 10:32 is only an ad for bringing people to Seiken’s site to see his poll. Whoever wrote it is anonymous but by Seiken’s own admission he has many alias names. So Seiken may well be doing the same thing he hates in others. He always seems to want an IP address and to know who is behind the computer. I think he can do that on his own website but not here. It is not his website. Just some suggestions to make this site more user-friendly for fans and eaters. It is not appropriate for a few people to spoil things for everyone.

  41. beautifulbrian said

    October 31, 2011 @ 9:30 am

    Nice idea HMM but Rifkin would never go for it. I personally feel he finds this stuff too entertaining to pass up. A few corrections on your comment. IP address and location are two different things. IP address only comes in handy for comparison purposes if someone uses an alias and then makes the mistake of posting under their real name next time out. IP location which includes city & state comes in very handy if you have an idea where some or all of these negative posters reside. I know where most of them reside so that would help greatly if i wanted to nail the pain in the ass. You might say Why is it so important for Seiken to know the identity? Wouldnt you want to know the identity of someone that seems to know so much about you while you know nothing about them except for the fact that they are obsessed with you? Since my blog attracts very little traffic or the fact that people are scared to post negative stuff knowing i have access to that info , doesnt help me very much. So far the only negative comments on my blog originate from one location and one location only and thats the public library in queens.. Nuff said! On the other hand OJ Rifkin is privy to that kind of info and he can reveal the troublemakers in a second. As far as Rifkin being too busy to police every comment , well its obvious you dont own a blog. As an administrator you have two choices. Either manage or screen comments or allow all comments . There is no in between. Since OJ chose to moderate all comments he has to approve or disapprove each one., He views all of them and rarely slips up. He also realizes that the majority of posters has his back so if he allows negative comments about him or his site , its basically a set up for that individual to get chopped down.

  42. Eyes Leaving Sockets said

    October 31, 2011 @ 10:03 am

    Seiken you want to know IP addresses because it gives you a sense of power and control. The joke is on you! Anyone can purchase one of scores of software that can alter your IP address. I, for one, can change my IP address at will. You blame anonymous people as having written something when they didn’t. Then people get on your bad boy list when they shouldn’t be. Keeping up with IP addresses will end up sending you to a mental institution. You belong there so that is appropriate.

  43. Anonymous said

    October 31, 2011 @ 11:02 am

    Seiken it sure does take time to screen all comments, and why should O.J. do that? This is not a protect seiken site. Look at all the bad stuff you say about this site, whereas OJ has never said a bad thing about you. Yet you go out of your way to diss so many eaters, like Tim, Sonya, Juliet’s Joey, World Champ Joey, Crazy Legs, Legs’ mom, Stephanie Torres, and Maria Sulkin, just to name a few. Yet, I do not recall either of them dissing you publicly via the internet at any time. One standard for Brian Seiken, another set of standards for everyone else. That’s why people write the comments they do and I cannot blame them. You are nothing but a trouble maker and you would be doing Pat, Stonie, Juliet and Sonya a favor by eliminating pictures and discussion of them. You are the biggest jerk that has ever been associated with competitive eating and you deserve the comments you read.

  44. Ignore Him said

    October 31, 2011 @ 11:08 am

    This string of of completely insane postings brought to you by “Beautiful” Brian Seiken. If you’re looking for crazy, batshit, paranoid behavior and postings always look to “Beautiful” Brian Seiken. We could go to great lengths to give this guy attention, or we could, as has been pointed many times in the past, just ignore him. Continuing giving this nut job attention is just a demonstration of the true definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  45. beautifulbrian said

    October 31, 2011 @ 1:09 pm

    1102 1003 blah blah blah why dont you eat shit and die You repeat the same bullshit over and over again and obviously nobody especially myself , pays any attention to you. You are a hater coward and that sums it up. Rant on about the lives i have destroyed. Dont bring Sonya & Juliet into the deal because i never said one bad word about either of them you fuckin troublemaker. There is only one thing you can do that will help yourself STATE YOUR NAME YOU COWARD DICK

  46. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    October 31, 2011 @ 1:26 pm

    Oh but you did say bad things about Sonya and about Juliet’s husband and about Stonie right here on eatfeats before you got cozy with him. Nice talk. On most forums your comment would be deleted immediately.

  47. I Can't See said

    October 31, 2011 @ 1:30 pm

    Bullshit Seiken! When you diss Juliet’s husband you knock her! When you go back several years and link Sonya not shaking Bob’s hand you are rubbing her nose on something she apologized for long ago. You can’t see that, which underscores the level of how sick you are.

  48. beautifulbrian said

    October 31, 2011 @ 1:41 pm

    Really ? Do some research and find the anti sonya and Juliet husband comments i left on here instead of generalizing with “bad things” Make yourself useful Stallion instead of just hating on me which is all that matters to you. Why dwell on the past with Stonie? Past is the past . It just kills you for me to be on good terms with anyone in CE. You would just love it if i was hated by everyone like that asshole 1102 & 3 Right ? Just admit it you anonymous fool with no life

  49. beautifulbrian said

    October 31, 2011 @ 1:44 pm

    I give up arguing with you morons. This is your life . Oink oink oink eatfeces was a much better approach in handling assholes like you. Thank god for that angel from heaven Keep up the good work

  50. say the word said

    October 31, 2011 @ 1:53 pm

    eatfeces eatfeces oink oink oink Seiken reported it first yes he did yes he did yes he did Old mchdonald has some pigs eey i eey i oo

    ignore him ignore him

  51. anonymous said

    October 31, 2011 @ 1:55 pm

    Oh but you did say bad things about juliet husband and sonya yes you did . Oh but you did say bad things about sonya and juliet husband yes you did yes you did

  52. Anonymous said

    October 31, 2011 @ 2:00 pm

    If this means you will go away from here for good I think that is your best path. Give up with us morons and go do something constructive. Good Luck to you.

  53. beautifulbrian said

    October 31, 2011 @ 2:06 pm

    Oh and one more thing to set the record straight you no life anonymous coward., Let Juliet and Sonya speak for themselves if they have something to say to me and stop being the spokesperson for other eaters. The next time i see Sonya and Juliet and mention what you said to either of them you know what their reply will be ? “Dont pay attention to those troublemakers on eatfeces they enjoy stirring up trouble” They have told me that time and time again and if you come back with “Seiken they are just being nice to you” Even if thats the case which i know is not, then so be it Nice is better than Nasty which is a term that defines you to the hilt !

  54. Ignore Him said

    October 31, 2011 @ 2:15 pm

    You guys are better than this. Ignore him. Think about who you are arguing with here. Just go to one event he is at and you really see just what a sad nobody he is. Everyone avoids him. No one invites him to any after parties or social events. When he finally corners someone with his pathetic Target camera an eater may do his crappy interview just in the hope that he will go away. He has no real friends in competitive eating and as it appears outside of competitive eating judging by all the fake names he has to make up in his support. Think about it, he spent an entire weekend at home arguing on a site he hates. What’s that tell you about how pathetic he is? He’s not worth a moment of your time arguing with. In fact, I would be more worried about what that says about you if he considered you a friend. Be proud he doesn’t like you. People like him you don’t need in your life. And, anybody in competitive eating has him figured out and if they haven’t they soon will.

  55. Don't fall for it said

    October 31, 2011 @ 2:35 pm

    Brian will be back posting and arguing with a vengence once he takes a deep breath and realizes this is all he has.

  56. Seiken fan said

    October 31, 2011 @ 2:36 pm

    Eyes leaving sockets oh how you are so wrong with your thoughts on IP. It cost money to acquire a proxy, Sometimes aol provides one but most of the time they are usually ineffective and unreliable. The original IP assigned to your PC is the default IP which usually shows up on wordpress no matter how you try to hide it. So think again before you throw out hard earned money for nothing

  57. Anonymous said

    October 31, 2011 @ 3:50 pm

    Yes, by all means Seiken, ask Juliet and Sonya to come on here and defend you. To the best of my knowledge they have never ever posted on here. If you think what you write here or on your blog earns you any points with any eaters or your own organization, think again. You will never ever be invited to travel internationally or given any favors because you do not deserve them. You are hell bent on destruction, period. Wild Bill has much more cred with the Fed than you do and for good reason. You called him a nasty name for absolutely no reason just as you do so many others. And when people call you on your behavior you change nothing, always have to be right. Come out punching, that is the sport you should be participating in. Boxing and bullying, that is your MO. So give us all a rest with the victim stuff. Enough is enough.

  58. Eyes Leaving Sockets said

    October 31, 2011 @ 4:03 pm

    Seiken (Fan) I am glad you think that on the IPs. I am going to finish off driving you to madness.

  59. Eyes Leaving Sockets said

    October 31, 2011 @ 4:10 pm

    Seiken trashing you on the net is a pretty good indicator that you are a decent person.

  60. Illiterate Eye Leaving Socket said

    October 31, 2011 @ 4:29 pm

    Eye wood luv 2 c Seiken go in 2 pugging. Seiken lying KOed on the canvas wood bee the best foto op

  61. Eyes Leaving Sockets said

    October 31, 2011 @ 4:31 pm

    This my most fave rite thread!

  62. beautifulbrian said

    October 31, 2011 @ 5:16 pm

    350 good idea I will ask both of them tonight just to make you happy but I doubt ill get a response. Unlike you who’s entire life is Brian seiken both of them have a life other than responding to such stupidity. Telll you what OJ if you put an end to those negative comments about me as well as those sarcastic remarks about how great I am I will cease posting here ever again . That’s a promise. In other words I don’t want my name mentioned in any future comments. As far as my updates I ain’t worrying bout that cause you won’t post them anyway. Un fortunately you can’t fulfill that promise because you take peasure watching me get slammed so that’s why ill keep doing what I’m doing which is posting under assumed names and embarrassing you and others that deserve it on here and my site Yes Bill is overweight but he won’t do much about it. He dissed my interview but he looked pretty stupid in doing so right after sonya and Juliet came through. Who the hell needs his boring ass interview about his 9th place finishes anyway ?

  63. beautifulbrian said

    October 31, 2011 @ 5:38 pm

    Oh and another thing 350 you no life coward piece of shh. Hate to burst your bubble but MLE has something planned for me bigger than Singapore yeah ain’t life a bitch fool. Take you’re dramatics along with the violins somewhere else

  64. teeth leave mouth said

    October 31, 2011 @ 7:44 pm

    eye leeve socket you illiterate joke seiken been boxin for 30 yrs. Why don you put o na pair of boxin glov and see how hits the canvas first shit talkon internet creyp

  65. Must be that time said

    October 31, 2011 @ 9:36 pm

    of month when we have hear about this crap. I think I remember Hank shutting up this resident genius, but Juliet’s husband probably won’t. I’m betting he really doesn’t care. Most likely he’s happy not to have to deal with some dumbass in his face. He and Hank are there for their women and if they have to put up with the ish that comes with it, they will. Sonya and Juliet are used to a-holes wetting themselves with cameras. That’s part of being a professional.

  66. Eyes Leaving Sockets said

    October 31, 2011 @ 10:28 pm

    Seiken gives the term anchor man a whole new meaning. He holds down the entire sport of CE. Anybody who has polls about which eater will nail a female eater or which eater has the worst BO is deranged.

  67. anonymous said

    October 31, 2011 @ 10:46 pm

    amazing how one will find any angle to refer to Seiken without mentioning his name. Let the obsession continue. I think this site should be renamed

  68. Note to BB said

    October 31, 2011 @ 10:50 pm

    Brian if you could stay away from this site eventually no one would write a single thing about you. Believe it! It really would not take that long. But you really don’t want that, its pretty obvious that you thrive on controversy and if there isn’t any you will invent one.

    You hate this site but are always commenting about EF on your web site and here. Enougth already…man you waste alot of your life stessing bout EF. I challenge you BB to please not write anything negative what so ever for just a month. You may be surprised on how much less stress you will encounter.

    Be cool brother and stop the mean spirited BS. Take the high road its good for the soul.

    You’re on crazy cat and people are going yank your chain if you hand it to them, might be best keeping that crazy shit to yo’self.

  69. beautifulbrian said

    October 31, 2011 @ 11:11 pm

    Not on crazy cat dude i call it as i see it and lately i see nothing but hate. You wanna put up some cash through my paypal acct that if i stop posting the hate wont go away?. They will either use the 936 approach by making reference to my name or sarcastic nonsense about how great an eater i am. I’ll go away for a month if you think it might work but you wait and see how someone will try to bring my name up and OJ will post it .The wheels of hate were set in motion a long time ago dude but thanks for the advice

  70. beautifulbrian said

    October 31, 2011 @ 11:46 pm

    1050 Its also obvious that you thrive on making me look like the deranged guy thats acting crazy. Why dont you address that issue with 1108 am and 350 pm who seem to be totally obsessed with me in what i consider a deranged way.? The others you wont address its only me that has the problem right? Good night another BB hater eatfeces ass kisser trying to make it look good

  71. beautifulbrian said

    November 1, 2011 @ 12:15 am

    1102 126 & 350 obviously one and the same , just heard back from Juliet . She says Joey never had a problem with me nor does she. Matter fact she said “we love you” . HA Called your bluff fool and you just lost. I guess your next move is to find another soured relationship of mine from years gone by in bits and pieces archives. Hmm lets see now . How bout miernicki or subich from 2007? LOL . What a fu — loser you are and it fits your name cause you just lost . Im waiting on Sonya . This should be even better. Maybe you should quit while youre ahead

  72. Anonymous said

    November 1, 2011 @ 7:52 am

    Note to BB is good advice.

  73. Anonymous said

    November 1, 2011 @ 8:48 am

    Seiken you have no feelings for other people. Juliet and Sonya are good people and don’t want to hurt your feelings. They are only two of the dozens of people you use, just as you are right now by expecting responses from them. You will exhaust all resources to find and latch on to any excuse for your lower than human actions. I hope Sonya does not respond. Doing so will reinforce your silly behavior. Give it a rest!

  74. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    November 1, 2011 @ 9:15 am

    Yesterday’s suggestion seems to have come to naught. My take now is this. Seiken tries to pin his perceived victimization on a few people and tries to ferret them out. He cannot get it through his head that there is a chorus trying to tell him that his actions are ridiculous and beyond. He spends so much time putting his likely suspects under a microscope that one wonders whether or not he even has time to sleep. This is a lose-lose situation.

  75. Anonymous said

    November 1, 2011 @ 9:19 am

    Seiken says 1102 126 & 350 obviously one and the same. Absolutely not true. I am one, but not the others.

  76. What a treat said

    November 1, 2011 @ 9:50 am

    That’s really sad that you would have have to bother a parent on Halloween night just to reinforce your delusion. If you really called Juliet, I’m sure she would never say anything negative. I doubt she has ever said anything negative to you (or any other eater for that matter). I feel bad for her that she had to be put in that position just so you can continue this stupidity. “We love you?” – that’s easily the funniest thing I’ve heard on this site in a while. You might want to get in touch with her husband to confirm that. I’m thinking it might translate to something closer to “We tolerate you so maybe you’ll shut up and leave us alone.”

  77. Don't fall for it said

    November 1, 2011 @ 11:27 am

    As soon as Brian confirms that Sonya and Juliet love him, he will try to get luv from Janus, Leg’s mom, Maria E and the Goldstein boys.

  78. Word Up said

    November 1, 2011 @ 11:36 am

    I propose a new word to Merriam-Webster.

    Seikenization (noun)

    Def: Failing to take responsibility for or recognize the harmful effect of one’s actions on others’ feelings.

    Example sentence: Brian’s failure to admit the damage his internet postings have on some of his former friends is another Seikenization of his behavior.

  79. Floating Green Sr said

    November 1, 2011 @ 11:47 am

    I love EatFeats!!

  80. Ignore Him said

    November 1, 2011 @ 11:58 am

    I knew this guy was crazy but this takes the cake. He publicly slams eaters and families then actually expects them to come on here a talk about what a great guy he is. Does this guy have any idea what that his actions have consequences. Wow this guy’s lost all reality. Oh, I bet that phone conversation went really well. Hi, this is the guy that slams your family on a public website. Do you like me? I would told him I love him too just to get this crackpot off the phone and change my number so fast it would make your head spin. What a liar. Because if this is true this guy just admitted to basically harassing other eaters in their homes. If I were that eater I would contact MLE and tell them I never want to see or hear from that stalker at any contest ever again.

  81. Anonymous said

    November 1, 2011 @ 1:33 pm

    Selective memory Part I: Yes, this would be 2011

    October 19 The incident actually brings back memories of Sonya Thomas dissing Bob Shoudt after the Carmines meatball contest in Atlantic City 2006 when Sonya finished second behind Bob in a very controversial event Here is the VIDEO of that one.

    October 25 Ive noticed Juliet Lee husband Joey gives me the cold shoulder of late. Its almost as though he’s doing me a huge favor by even conversating with me. I know how to handle that. Next time outta site outta mind until further notice which might mean forever!

    She loves me, she loves me, she loves me.

  82. Ignore Him said

    November 1, 2011 @ 2:02 pm

    My favorite selective memory is how in just this thread alone he calls everyone a coward and then hides behind the women’s petticoats to defend him. I guess he couldn’t think of any men to stick up for him. What a tough guy. I guess he’s still waiting to hear from them. Girls, protect me from those meanies! Girls tell everyone what a great guy I am for publicly slamming your loved ones! Yeah, I guess that ain’t gonna happen. Good for them! If you don’t have anything good to say about someone … well you guys know the rest.

  83. Wacky said

    November 1, 2011 @ 2:09 pm

    What? A five-year old spur-of-the-moment non incident? Sonya’s probably happy to have THAT brought up again by her “friend.”

    Joey probably WAS doing him “a huge favor” by talking to him. I bet he’s praying to be “outta site outta mind” forever. LOL

  84. Anonymous said

    November 1, 2011 @ 5:38 pm

    Brian I hate to see so many people ganging up on you. I agree with much of what everyone says and I hope you can take some of it to heart. Eatfeats is not going away and I hope your site stays around too, but not at the expense of people’s reputations.

  85. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    November 2, 2011 @ 1:03 am

    @Word Up – We call that a Sociopath…

  86. Antenna Head said

    November 2, 2011 @ 4:26 am

    Forget contests. This thread is much more interesting.

  87. Anonymous said

    November 2, 2011 @ 4:32 am

    Silence is often the same as agreeing with the masses, so by not coming to defend Seiken you can see how many people agree with Brian’s behavior.

  88. Bad Aroma said

    November 2, 2011 @ 5:51 am

    I would visit B.S’s site more often but he is too obnoxious. At last check he had a pile of shit on the front page. Is that suppose to attract people or flies?

  89. Defend? said

    November 2, 2011 @ 9:11 am

    What is there to defend – rude, stupid obnoxious foul-mouthed behavior? It’s not like you have to dream this stuff up. It’s pretty well documented. As is often the case, “silence is golden.” You’re right, that the less said the better. Most of us know what we’re agreeing with. One one person doesn’t get it, and that’s too bad.

  90. Ignore Him said

    November 2, 2011 @ 11:09 am

    I hope I am not being premature but It appears we all got our wish. His comments seemed to have stopped. I hope it isn’t just his medication kicking in and it’s just a temporary condition. But, I think we can now move on. Let’s agree not to give him the satisfaction of talking about him anymore. If we do continue to talk about him, his warped mind might percieve that people actually miss hearing anything he has to offer. Let us all agree to never mention his name again and make this site live up to its true potential. Frank, informative, meaningful, respectful, thoughtful, funny debates and conversations about competitive eating. When it comes to the “beautiful” one, like Fredo, you’re dead to me.

  91. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    November 2, 2011 @ 11:39 am

    Every teacher knows that one very difficult person can demand far too much attention while the rest of the class which does not misbehave and really wants to learn gets the shaft. No one is perfect but Seiken lives in his own warped world and continues to try to demean others while never taking responsibility for his own actions. Like someone else said, one set of standards for him, one for everyone else. I do think OJ must screen some comments but not all. He knows who is likely to misbehave in print so doesn’t allow those people’s posts to appear instantly. He is wise to do so. Surprised that his patience has not run out with this person. In his shoes I would think seriously about banning any and all posts from the so called beautiful one. He would not be missed for a blink of an eye.

  92. beautifulbrian said

    November 2, 2011 @ 12:24 pm

    No going anywhere . Ha! Keep it up i love every minute of it. The comments are so hilarious. I just happened to pop on now and notice how pitiful and sad that you people have nothing else going on your life except for me so therefore i cant let you down . One Seiken comment after the other so i guess i must be the most popular thing around? As far as Morbidly Fatso Millender if anyone is a sociopath its you Chubby! Go drop 200 lbs then get back to me . Takes me 3 weeks to lose 30. I guess its better metabolism and better self control.

  93. beautifulbrian said

    November 2, 2011 @ 12:29 pm

    Its amazing how you enjoy hiding under those cowardly names thinking the world flocks to this site. I could go on and on and on about how shallow your lives must me. Concentrating on one human being. Making their entire existence Brian Seiken. Convincing others im a child. It elevates your sorry existence to belittle others. I guess OJ and i couldnt strike a deal Hmm? I figured that from the get go. Even if he banned all hate comments about me it would last maybe a day or so but he just couldnt resist the temptation. Well guess what im back for good . Hey i tried to make peace didnt work so let the fun begin. Oh and by the way im posting from work so if you think im doing this on my time think again HA

  94. anonymous said

    November 2, 2011 @ 1:24 pm

    Eatfeces eatfeces oink oink oink oink Seiken repurted it furst

  95. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    November 2, 2011 @ 1:48 pm

    Seiken you are an idiot to put it mildly. You are completely obsessed and all of the things you accuse others of being. I suppose you would love it if this post continued to have 300 entries. You would call that a success, you won, you are a giant, you are the best. Get it through your thickest head in the world, this is not your website. You have your own and it is filled with hate and apparently has feces as a photo. Your HA’s and I wons convince no one. I really wish OJ would ban you. The we could quit seeing your name and calling you out. This site and all of competitive eating would be the real winners.

  96. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    November 2, 2011 @ 2:01 pm

    date Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 12:19 PM
    subject listen up fatso
    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.

    hide details 12:19 PM (1 hour ago)

    I wouldnt talk about sociopaths you fat morbid looking creep that can only find someone of the opposite sex through the internet. No real woman on this planet would give you the time of day if you approached them walking down the street. Do yourself a HUGE favor and invest some money in a stomach bypass. The diet thing aint working for you and it never will . You will obviously be a fat turd the rest of your depressing life. Enjoy

  97. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    November 2, 2011 @ 2:04 pm

    I would post the other one from when I was finally fed up and defriended him, but I deleted it, lol
    I really enjoy when people think that someone else actually cares about anything they spout and they continue to waste energy doing so.
    Then again I do care, because that means my name is still coming out of their mouth.

    Thanks Brian. Keep up the good work 🙂

  98. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    November 2, 2011 @ 2:05 pm

    Good Lord!

  99. Yo Ugly said

    November 2, 2011 @ 2:26 pm

    OMG he is hopeless. I’m writing a letter, sending a fax, and emailing MLE. I cannot imagine they would condone or in anyway want to be part of his madness.
    It’s hard not to feel sorry for him as he with out a doubt is mentally disturbed.

  100. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    November 2, 2011 @ 2:48 pm

    from [Offline]
    date Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 2:43 PM
    subject Re: listen up fatso
    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.

    hide details 2:43 PM (3 minutes ago)

    Will the internet is your only source or way of venting frustration. Enjoy you have nothing else to live for

  101. beautifulbrian said

    November 2, 2011 @ 2:49 pm

    Will Millender
    Here ya go dickbag. Peace out…

    Brian, if I thought anyone would give a shit about me defriending you, here is what I would post on my wall:
    Brian Seiken is an example of what I try to avoid but yet give the benefit of the doubt to until they run their mouth too much, a miserable old man who alienates everyone around him until finally he’s left to die alone. He uses his defensive nature to make everyone think he’s a “take no shit kinda guy” when really, it’s just a defense mechanism to keep people from getting to close to him. I tried to like the guy, but really, he’s a cunt. I’m tired of him talking about women, when the last time the guy got laid was during the Carter administration. I’m tired of reading these updates and websites where he thinks that ANYBODY cares about what he says. I’ve tried to be nice to the guy and treat him like a human being, but all attempts have been thwarted. He will be defriended, blocked and ignored. He can go fuck himself and realize that the last person that has and will give him a chance, is now done with his antics.

  102. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    November 2, 2011 @ 2:56 pm

    I would not say such a thing to my worst enemy.

  103. 5 y.o. said

    November 2, 2011 @ 3:04 pm

    Not many people would, Rhonda. I just happy that child doesn’t send me email. I feel sorry anyone who lets him get their email address. That really shows all you need to know about a 50 y.o. man. Incredibly sad. Just be happy you’re not him. I am.

  104. Please forward said

    November 2, 2011 @ 3:34 pm

    To: ; ;

    To whom this may be of concern,
    I’m writing you as a concerned fan of competitive eating in regards to Brian Seiken. I know he is ranked by your organization as one of your professional eaters and he has in the past competed in your organizations events.

    It is my opinion and I don’t believe my opinion to be unique, that this person is unstable and a represents himself and therefore MLE and IFOCE in a extreme negative manner. I understand many of your ranked eaters are colorful characters which does make your organization fun to be part of and watch. There is nothing fun, entertaining or family orientated about Mr. Seiken. He is a the epitome of a “loose cannon”.

    I feel he really may be dangerous to himself or others. His toxic writings on his own web site and on sites such as are quite disturbing to say the least. Please consider this when allowing him to have a connection to MLE or participation in future events hosted by the Major League of Eating. My recommendation would be to remove him from your rankings for the sake of the fans, competitors and especially your organizations good name.
    Thank you,

  105. Anonymous said

    November 2, 2011 @ 3:48 pm

    Honestly, I think it is time to make a copy of this thread and send it to MLE. He is completely out of control. Something special for him better than Singapore? And no, I do not for one second think that he is mentally ill. I used to feel sorry for him because his insecurities were so transparent. But this is beyond belief as he attacks people. Thank you Will for making this public. It hurts him period. Janus was right. Why shake his hand, he would just write something nasty about him anyway. Yes, write letters, send e-mails, it’s about time. He should be banned from here and banned from MLE. Call us fools and morons all you want, Seiken, you have no self-control whatsoever. Talk about anger.

  106. anonymous said

    November 2, 2011 @ 3:49 pm

    101 comments not bad for a #40 ranked eater with no titles

  107. Anonymous said

    November 2, 2011 @ 4:01 pm

    As expected, Seiken thinks this is good. What a fool. Let’s hear about your something special from MLE, Huh, Huh?

  108. Ignore Him said

    November 2, 2011 @ 4:31 pm

    The past is prologue. There was an old adage about another paranoid, mean spirited, but very smart fellow named Nixon. Rep. Peter Rodino was an ardent Nixon supporter up until the end. Nixon was repeatedly told if you lose Rodino you’ve lost the presidency. Well, when the smoking gun tapes came out Rodino voted for impeachment. That email to Milender is the smoking gun and you’ve lost Rhonda. It’s time for you to go. You can go quietly with a little dignity and maybe someday after the dust settles return maybe even a respected elder eater. But as of today, when it comes to CE you’re gone. Look around, they may not say it to your face but any supporters you may have had (Juliet, Sonya) are gone. I know you blame others. But someday I hope you will look at your actions in the mirror and realize that you did it to yourself and apologize to those you hurt. Oh, and 101 comments about what a sad, pathetic human being you are is not a trophy and if your smart be viewed as a wake up call back to some level decency.

  109. beautifulbrian said

    November 2, 2011 @ 5:17 pm

    Ha you could write whatever you want Fools. I notified the sheas . They think you are a bunch of fuckin clowns ha ha ha ha .I’ll get the last laugh just wait

  110. beautifulbrian said

    November 2, 2011 @ 5:33 pm

    Ha maybe the letter will make front page of the onion

  111. bible of the sport said

    November 2, 2011 @ 5:52 pm

    109 comments devoted to the beautiful one amazing amazing amazing I thought this blog was supposed to be about eating?

  112. anonymous said

    November 2, 2011 @ 8:06 pm

    Eatfeces eatfeces oink oink oink seiken reported it first oops I mean Brian reported it first.

  113. beautifulbrian said

    November 2, 2011 @ 8:42 pm

    Get this through you’re thick fuckin skull with moniker like hmm and ignore Brian . You don’t scare me one bit . I’ll go 15 rounds with any of you on the net. You think you can bully me off this site. Think again . The moreyou hate the more I refuel. You can’t break me you can’t hurt my feelings and I sure as hell ain’t apologizing for something you made up as a figment of you’re imagination. Oj why don’t you post the email that millender sent me first several months ago that warrantedthe response I gave ? That you fail to post right? Listen whoever you are Andrew lane . Rona , janus, mitolo you people are sad and you need help and lots of it. It’s almost like a satanic cult. Nothing else In you’re life but seiken seiken seiken . Give it up for god sake

  114. beautifulbrian said

    November 3, 2011 @ 12:23 am

    Using sonya and Juliet as scapegoats against me when both especially Juliet has no idea what you’re talking about. Go ahead make up more bullshit dig down deep from the bb archives of 2007 and see if you can locate some more horrendous things I said about other eaters. Like I said earlier you want this to.stop then stop mentioning my name or make reference to me PERiod. If not ill just keep on doin what I’m doin. It’s obvious that competitive eating. must be so dull that you screwed up stonie thread to concentrate on me

  115. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    November 3, 2011 @ 12:29 am

    Ahh, Mr Suckin posted the email I sent him.
    Here’s some details around that email.

    I posted something online that had to do with a girl I was dating at the time. And as per usual, he left one of his inappropriate comments. Which I usually did not mind, but if I felt someone else’s feelings would be hurt, I took it down. Apparently, he didn’t like that I took it down and blocked me from his wall. As though blocking his nonsense was punishment.
    The message he copied and pasted above was a response, in the same vein of the message he wrote about me. This is that message. Which also references others…

    After I deleted the comment: “Will Millender is an example of what i was talking about the other day. Self Pity the world revolves around him and his every move. sick and tired of reading about his internet relationships with less than attractive looking headcases . I like the guy but he’s prob doing alot better than i am right now and im tired of reading these updates and his FB friends that feed into that shit. I did not defriend him but put him and his posts on temp iggy”

    After defriending: “need to be a better judge of character when i add on certain people. Names like Jessica abdul Jabbar, Eva Ramirez, Mike Rosenberg, Will Millender all have one thing in common “Me Me Me” At one time i considered them FB friends for life . Glad 3 out of 4 showed their true colors and dropped me. I hope all 4 find happiness in their lives but i highly doubt it”

    I would feel a little more satisfied if he would actually learn something from all this, but unfortunately this is all for naught, and again, continues the cycle of giving an attention whore what they want. As an attention whore myself, I know all too well. At least my whoring is fun.

    I guess I’ll have to give him what he wants. Guess who the next rap song is going to be about, lol…

  116. Anonymous said

    November 3, 2011 @ 1:08 am

    Selective memory #2

    beautifulbrian said
    October 29, 2011 @ 4:14 pm

    Its funny how less than 2hrs after i mention Stonie video on bits and pieces OJ Rifkin just cant wait to show me up. Why dont you admit that you frequent my site 24/7 , find something you neglected to find , then assume credit for it. Nobody sneakier than you OJ, Here comes 936 the eatfeces shrink and all his alias names ready to chop me down. Its coming Stay tuned!

    November 1: Yes, it is still 2011

    Major league eaters that post on that site regardless of whether you post about topics un related to negativity, you are still in my mind a friend of the enemy. I wont hate you or lecture you about it but ill tell you this, i wont have the same respect for you as i did before . I wont be visiting nor will i be posting on there ever again so say whatever the hell you want about me only this time i wont be around to read it.

  117. beautifulbrian said

    November 3, 2011 @ 1:50 am

    Will thank you so much for acknowledging my FB comments. Is that your specialty of late copy paste copy past copy paste. Didnt you do the same with Gavonne a few months back in an effort to embarrass him ? Dont even go there with a song parody. I will bury you so bad in that department even your own mama will be embarrassed for sonny boy. Matter fact you read my mind . Im working on a ballad about you as we speak only i dont dwell on low end distorted hip hop to get my point across l You see i want fans to understand my lyrics fat boy without hearing “what did he just say”? Will lets face it you are the poster boy for self pity ok? I wont get into your weight issues because weve been down the road on that and i hate hitting a boy when hes down and youve been down and out for the count on many occasions. So lets forget that for a moment and concentrate on Will . And i :”Will ” say that you are a prime example of a whimp. A whimp that wont stand up for himself. A whimp that feels someone owes him something. When a pathetically disturbed individual like Gavonne made a move towards you , as big and imposing as you are , you just stood there. Reminds me of this dude from the old neighborhood . Ira Doofus Levine. Go ahead and write a song about me. Whatever you put on video mine will be twice as humiliating. Saw what happened when Gavonne tried his hand at it and then i responded back with mine ? Nuff said chubby

  118. beautifulbrian said

    November 3, 2011 @ 1:53 am

    Selective memory thank you for being a fan . The fact that you visit my site makes all the difference in the world. Now let me check my 109 am IP and find out who you might be. Better attach a proxy to that now so we can hopefully conceal your identity

  119. beautifulbrian said

    November 3, 2011 @ 2:11 am

    Will it makes it a hell of alot easier when my adversaries cater to you by allowing posting of personal emails right? . You dont see me stooping to that level now do you? It just shows what a pathetic untrusting two faced fuck you truly are. You should have quit while you were ahead after the first copy paste. Now what you are doing is taking the low road but thats to be expected from a down and out dope from Brooklyn that attended Kingsborough college. People are starting to have a different opinion about you now than earlier this afternoon when you were the poor victim of Brian Seiken insults from months prior.

  120. you forgot said

    November 3, 2011 @ 3:11 am

    Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
    November 2, 2011 @ 1:48 pm

    Seiken you are an idiot to put it mildly. You are completely obsessed and all of the things you accuse others of being. I suppose you would love it if this post continued to have 300 entries. You would call that a success, you won, you are a giant, you are the best. Get it through your thickest head in the world, this is not your website. You have your own and it is filled with hate and apparently has feces as a photo. Your HA’s and I wons convince no one. I really wish OJ would ban you. The we could quit seeing your name and calling you out. This site and all of competitive eating would be the real winners.

    Honestly Hmm i would love 300 entries but it wouldnt be fair to Matt. Maybe we could split 150 each. I wish OJ would ban me as well as ban you and the rest of that anonymous fucks like yourself that take pleasure in belitting me behind a PC

  121. Coming Back for More! said

    November 3, 2011 @ 6:20 am

    Seiken as long as you keep coming here you will continue to be pounded,

  122. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    November 3, 2011 @ 11:05 am

    “you forgot said” forgot to just post as Seiken. You set yourself up to be belittled over and over with your personal attacks on others. I guess your take is that you only do that when people deserve to be attacked. Flip that back to yourself, with your continued comments on here you deserve every one of the negative comments. Us morons and fools are only protecting ourselves and fighting back. We won’t stop. Sound familiar? Look in the mirror hard and long, once again eatfeats isn’t going anywhere. It is here to stay until the owner decides to close it down.

  123. Oil splits said

    November 3, 2011 @ 11:29 am

    I think Brian does what he does and it’s a free country after all so ha ha.

  124. Ba dump dump said

    November 3, 2011 @ 12:12 pm

    Hmm: Keep on em. But I thought you might enjoy a little dirty joke break. You’re right I just looked in the mirror it is hard and long. Now let’s get back to the action.

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