Tangbro1 has a recap of a contest held in honor of the return of never ending pasta to the Olive Garden. Winner Christine Choi did 9 miles runs to work off the 8 bowls she ate.


  1. Don '' Moses''Lerman said

    August 25, 2009 @ 10:17 pm

    The best way to work off the Olive Garden is to puke it out, why would anyone want to eat in that sham of an Italian restaurant, you couldn’t get me to eat there for any amount of money the only other place that I would only eat at if it was a holiday and it was the only place open and I was drunk is Denny’s

  2. KevinRoss said

    October 2, 2009 @ 12:41 pm

    I could forgive the mediocre quality of the food at an all you can eat deal, and the olive garden certainly has mediocrity in spades, but this AYCE pasta deal has a serious lack of variety. Just plain pasta and sauce. And not even interesting sauce – they don’t even have a pesto for crying out loud. I would gladly pay more to have some sort of stuffed pasta or various protein options so each order is distinct. I can make a giant batch of plain pasta and sauce so easily at home – and it doesn’t require waiting eons while they bring each refill order back slower and sloweeeeerrrr and sllllloowwwwwerrrrr. . .

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