Onion article about fallen competitive eater
(from Steakbellie comment) The Onion has an article about a competitive eater who gets banned from the IFOCE after throwing a mayonnaise eating contest and has to resort to winning impromptu unsanctioned contests. The picture used for the article is from the Trip Rewards wing eating contest last year.
Ghost of Oleg said
June 8, 2008 @ 12:07 am
Don moses lerman copied that article from the onion and posted it on his website. Don lerman has resorted to just copy and paste articles on his site including horrendous grammatical errors and not one person bothering to comment on any of his posts. Lerman this is a disgrace and outrage to all Don Lerman fans of the universe. Do you really think anyone has any interest in purchasing your teeth on ebay?
Anonymous said
June 8, 2008 @ 12:49 am
this is don lerman speaking , I have been using this new format , because I’m in ill health and have no time to do otherwise , but I;ll have you know that Ihave received numerous offers for my partial dentures
Anonymous said
June 8, 2008 @ 5:52 am
My canine wants them.
Sargent Shriver said
June 8, 2008 @ 6:56 am
George Shea says hot dogs provide loads of nourishment . Don that is just what you need to get yourself back into tip top shape . Start training with 25 to 30 hot dogs every other day and the old Don moses lerman will be back with a furor the likes of which you will never see. As teddy roosevelt once said. “dont flinch dont foul but hit the line hard”
anonymous said
June 8, 2008 @ 7:34 am
His brother Jeff was a relief pitcher for the Montreal expos twins and other teams. He was convicted of armed robbery in a jewelry store a few years ago
Anonymous said
June 8, 2008 @ 8:44 am
The Fake Article Is not about Don . it is wrote by bb about Dale Boone
bb is testing the waters on how far he will push til he gets slap with a lawsuit.
liz said
June 8, 2008 @ 2:27 pm
Anonymous said
June 8, 2008 @ 3:28 pm
anonymous said
June 8, 2008 @ 4:35 pm
Dale Boone does not realize how much publicity he will be recieving for many years even though his name is not mentioned once in the song. Do these idiots realize they are making Boone a legendary figure by singing a ballad in his name. I dont believe that BB wrote this article . He does not work for the onion.
slim pickins said
June 8, 2008 @ 5:18 pm
looks just like a ball of hay but the dumb hillbilly threw it all away packed his bad to move to india cause we all know that he’s just plain ole dumb
WingKong said (Registered December 19, 2006)
June 9, 2008 @ 9:55 am
Man that was one handsome before picture who do you think that is???