Possible outtakes from “Hungry” documentary
At least two people were interviewed for the Hungry documentary that are not listed in the credits for the film. Perhaps the outtakes could appear on a DVD if one is produced.
- Dave Wagner was interviewed about his video of Crazy Legs Conti being credited with a controversial victory in the 2010 Nathan’s qualifier in Escondido, CA.
- Grace Lee says she was filmed for the documentary before competing in the 2011 women’s finals in which she would receive a 20 hot dog deduction which would could her the $1,000 fifth place prize.
Brightest Young Things has a positive review of the film.
anonymous said
November 15, 2013 @ 7:16 pm
With BB there cheering on the crowd waiting on a line almost as long as an early Beatle movie or the opening of the Exorcist, there is no telling how far this film might go
anonymous said
November 15, 2013 @ 11:19 pm
30 min till movie starts . Not one person on line
beautifulbrian said
November 16, 2013 @ 11:14 am
Exactly 10 seconds of my first interview with Brad was all i saw in the film . This was it in its entirety. If anything else was shown at the end i did not see it.
ButtKicker said (Registered June 26, 2012)
November 16, 2013 @ 5:17 pm
There is a typo in the title of this post:
“which she would receive a 20 hot dog deduction which would could her the $1,000 fifth place prize”
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
November 16, 2013 @ 5:47 pm
Off-topic comments have been moved to
Dave Wagner said
November 16, 2013 @ 9:58 pm
So, could someone who actually watched the movie give a little detail? Was it worth watching? Redeeming qualities, misinformation, pluses, minuses, that sort of thing? It’s been a long timing coming to release… was it worth the wait in any way, or worth just a shoulder-shrug and move on? The only review I can find is over on Brian’s site…
anonymous said
November 17, 2013 @ 12:18 am
I can tell you that from what I heard
everytime a us male segment appeared, seiken made a trip to the mens room
anonymous said
November 17, 2013 @ 10:21 am
I hear Seiken has a big video coming up . Two as a matter fact. One is a review of Hungry. the other is a parody of Furious Pete opinion on El Wingador getting busted Both should be freakin hilarious Cant wait
beautifulbrian said
November 17, 2013 @ 10:52 am
From what i was told the interview with Brad at the end stole the entire show. The roar from the crowd was unprecedented and comedy at its best. Some of you like fatso and his buddy who starred in the movie slamming me under an assumed name is fine with me. You two faced fuckin phonies make me laugh. If we were on good terms an entire 360 would transpire. “Brian that was great stuff fantastic blah blah . but instead . “Ha ha Seiken sat alone” Seiken missed his interview” You know my shit was great you jealous fuckers cant stand to admit it. I am a pioneer in the sport . I created the satire . I created the internet shows with the eaters. In a sense aside from eating , i made the sport what it is today . I am heralded as a groundbreaker. If you think you are hurting me by referring to me as a loner creep sociopath blah blah its all out of personal contempt and jealousy. If your a fat fuck deal with it . If your a two faced hypocrite deal with it if your wife or gf looks like shit deal with it cause ill bring it out and let you about it ! Assholes
Anonymous said
November 17, 2013 @ 11:37 am
Brian Seiken, be better than this. Anyone who might want to support you will not. You air dirty laundry and attack. This is not how to make yourself known for something good.
beautifulbrian said
November 17, 2013 @ 11:49 am
Let me tell you something about Dave Wagner from CA. A class act beyond belief. Besides my editorial from my website , this man doesn’t even know me yet he put $100 in my pay pal account so i could purchase a HD flip cam two years ago. He did not have to do that l I did not ask him either. He told me to keep it low key but two years later i refuse to stay hush because i want everyone to know what a gem he is. His footage of Conti in Escondido was second to none. Lets forget for one minute that Conti and his close friends took it personal. Look at it as though it was rare JFK footage off the History channel . Would Joey Chestnut Tim Janus or some of the other big names take some of their prize winnings and deposit them into my pay pal account? Yeah till hell freezes over
Anonymous said
November 17, 2013 @ 12:41 pm
Brian Seiken has been a force in competitive eating for over a decade.
Anonymous said
November 17, 2013 @ 2:46 pm
Sometimes Brian’s dirty laundry does have a real shitty aroma.
Anonymous said
November 17, 2013 @ 4:08 pm
The only thing BB proves is that he can be bought.
Anonymous said
November 17, 2013 @ 4:26 pm
Brian sucks at life
anonymous said
November 17, 2013 @ 6:18 pm
Dont refer to him as just Brian unless you add the beautiful in front of it Got that ?
beautifulbrian said
November 17, 2013 @ 10:44 pm
It still upsets me that i threw out $17 on the movie and i could not even watch the interview. Did they show the entire interview from Criff dogs with Brad including the horse piss comment ? It was $5 cheaper at the theater and there was nobody on line. It would not surprise me if Koby Goldstein and Brad got in free. Millender only showed up because he thought he was in the movie . Ha ha good for his fat ass spent money for nothing . Hey Will did you go dutch or did your GF pay your way?
Anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 9:55 am
why the hell are you so concerned how Millender got into a movie? Let’s see, if was Friday night, he doesn’t live far I guess and it was a movie about CE which he enjoys to participate in. He also gets to hang with some friends. A scenario you BS would never be able to script.
violatiion of contract said
November 18, 2013 @ 10:20 am
attn attn Miki Sudo while under contract with the IFOCE competed in a saltine eating contest . Not good
anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 10:40 am
955 how dare you insinuate such nonsense and in the future do not imply Will intentions unless you get it from horse mouth.
Anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 11:01 am
hard to believe Seiken angry and attacking did not enjoy hungry always negative no wonder has no friends no control with mouth tells on his friends too
anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 11:03 am
Sudo and Kobe would make a lovely couple. I wonder if he knows who she is?
anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 11:46 am
This movie is going nowhere. Whoever saw it on Friday , consider yourself to be one of the lucky ones. 95% of the audience were family and friends of the producers who have no interest in competitive eating. They were there for support and nothing more . No DVD no TV run no nothing. I think the producers best bet is to upload it to youtube so everyone including the cheapos can watch it
anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 12:04 pm
anonymous @10:38 am I’m sure he feels those who bought popcorn should distributed to those who are too cheap or can’t afford popcorn
anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 12:19 pm
There you go 12:04. The help the underprivileged eater rule.
Anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 2:49 pm
Koby has a girlfriend manager.
Hungry VIP said
November 18, 2013 @ 3:44 pm
Kobayashi, Sciullo, Goldstein got comp tickets which equates to Millender & Badlands getting in for free. In order to get comp tickets, you had to appear in the movie for more then 30 seconds. Sure Shredder would of gotten in for free to if he were able to make it.
Heard from a reliable source that all of the above mentioned names had dinner together first. Did beautiful brian’s invite get misdirected?
Hungry VIP said
November 18, 2013 @ 3:46 pm
and Seiken’s source Big Brian Subich of the MLE was also with them. Backstabbing friend!
anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 4:49 pm
Yeah but i hear that Seiken got his $18 back through his credit card just like Krazy Kevin did when he bought Ryan Nerz Eat this Book , read it then returned it for a full refund . Aside from Kobe Seiken would not want to sit with those backstabbing piece of shits anyway Ha He got in free too !
beautifulbrian said
November 18, 2013 @ 4:56 pm
Hungry VIP i could give a rats ass. If this is an attempt to get me riled , it did not work. Try another angle B Subich will always be my friend. Kobe is numb to this bullshit l Scuillo is so into himself and so spaced out he wouldnt recognize me if i stared him dead in the eye . Hes not to blame either . The Goldsteins and tubby could eat shit and die for all i care . They are dead to me
two faced said
November 18, 2013 @ 5:11 pm
Yeah i would have to agree Subich is a backstabbing fucker. Most of his buddies are people that Seiken hates US Male,Janus, Edible, Millender, Torres LA Beast and the list goes on. I know Shredder does not like Subich but that might even change , If you are a friend you have to have at least one common enemy Damn!
anonymous said
November 18, 2013 @ 10:55 pm
Shredder and Subich have no problem with each other. Heard from a reliable source that they broke bread together Friday night and sung Stick to Blogging songs.
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 8:54 am
i cannot picture the both of them holding hands while singing along to stick to blogging tunes in a public eating establishment . Neither own the CD or cared to listen to it
Anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 9:14 am
They were probable making fun of stick to blogging but I doubt even that since they were too busy enjoying a nice dinner with fellow eaters in Little Italy.
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 9:42 am
enjoying a nice dinner with a bunch of phoney two faced asses especially that Shredder and his two faced wife . Big smiles then turn around and talk smack about them on the ride back home to LI
understanding the Goldsteins said
November 19, 2013 @ 10:27 am
For those of you that are not familiar with the name above , let me enlighten you. Both David and Allen are two very insecure paranoid people. One of them needs constant praise and reassurance from others . Without that constant praise everything falls apart . Case in point with Facebook. Although an animal such as Joe Rose deserves no mercy, Goldstein went out of his way to contact each and every common FB friend to drop Rose with an ultimatum that if they didn’t , they were not worth of being his FB friend any longer. What does that tell you? Paranoia and insecurity at its best.
. You immediately saw what happened on this very blog after Wingbowl when one or two posters questioned his tainted victory.When backed in a corner he couldn’t handle the adversity and replied back with something like “Oh the hell with all of you i don’t care what you think” That is the exact same response he would give if the world suddenly turned on him. I wouldn’t be shocked if he placed both hands on his head like all lunatics do. . He is also a bully. Bullies have to get in the last word and they talk a lot of smack. Once confronted by a bigger bully they back down or have no where to turn. Does not necessarily mean physical violence . The pen is sometimes mightier than the sword my friend. Another aspect of his cowardly yet paranoid intentions is to demean or box out his adversaries. Anyone who chooses to bully is admitting their inadequacy, and the extent to which a person bullies is a measure of their inadequacy. People like Dave Goldstein who bully, seem to have a need to feel powerful and
in control.
They derive pleasure from inflicting misery and suffering on their victims and show little empathy for the people they hurt. In Brian Seiken case, Goldstein feels that by alienating or boxing him out so to speak or by influencing others to go along with it, he has accomplished his paranoid mission of hate. With the exception of hardened criminals murderers rapists etc, those kind of people are the lowest form of trash you will ever meet.
The other Goldstein is the opposite of a ringleader . More of a follower or a sidekick. Like the kid in the classroom that chimes in with insults after the ringleader initiates the taunting . Another example is like the victim getting his ass whipped by the ringleader while his sidekick chips in with a few punches of his own. That sums up the other Goldstein to a science. They guy that goes along for the ride because they share the same contempt for the same victim. It doesn’t get more clear cut than that
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 10:47 am
Grace Lee interview would have brought nothing to the table but lies and boredom. I am glad they omitted the interview. Menchetti short tenure with the IFOCE would have provided some interesting incite. After he left in 2003 , aside from the info that Jarvis was feeding him for Speedeat, he had no direct involvement with the organization as a competitor or a spectator. It would be interesting to hear about his tell all regarding his second career with AICE
Anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 11:16 am
Shredder is not two faced, why would he make the trip all the way from LI to eat with people he really doesn’t like. Eating with Seiken and pretending to like him, now that’s two faced.
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 11:40 am
Seiken has no intention of breaking bread socializing or burying the hatchet with either Goldstein. Seiken saw the other one for a split second before the movie started , looked at him for a second and walked away. If someone were taunting me with personal nasty remarks under an assumed name on this site i would do just the same . Look at them and walk away
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 11:43 am
Shredder you are two faced . You had nothing but negative things to say about each and every comp eater in the IFOCE including Seiken . Smile in their face then behind their back you stab them. The intelligent ones saw right through you Your a fake a phoney a two faced backstabber and you get tired of people very quickly . I know trust me i know
Curious said
November 19, 2013 @ 12:00 pm
Who are the intelligent ones?
Anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 12:11 pm
That ol urss mayle and scherdder are a couple a swell chaps. Top notch in my boook. This Serrkin character sounds like a trouble maker..
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 12:28 pm
swell chaps are defined as ones that dont turn others against someone. or try to create that type of atmosphere. swell chaps dont make nasty remarks under assumed names. ol urss mayle an scherdder are those kind and not swell
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 1:48 pm
its funny how much one person trashes US Male, but Dave is a classy guy who went to the movie, then drove back in his brand new car which he won this past year and capped off the weekend by running a marathon! I wonder if the guy who trashes Dave ever won anything like a car or trips or ran a total of 26 miles in his lifetime!
Anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 1:58 pm
Awww poor baby Brian, you are as transparent as glass. If any one of the Goldsteins wanted to be friends with you again, you’d be on cloud 9.
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 5:09 pm
Understanding the Goldsteins hits it right on the nose. Sounds like reality tv in the makings
Anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 5:16 pm
How can Shredder be a follower? He dislikes Seiken all on his own. In fact, wasn’t US Male and Seiken still friends when Shredder dropped him like a bad habit.
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 6:17 pm
Dave Goldstein get it through your thick skull. Seiken doesn’t like you. Reason he sat alone was because he wants no part of you. Same with dinner. Matter of time before others see through you
Anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 6:54 pm
There is one main troublemaker and bully. Seiken. That is all you need to know.
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
November 19, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
This is my first opportunity to read the funny stuff that Brian Seiken writes above and all I can do is laugh. You sound like a broken record Brian and nobody cares what you have to say. I certainly don’t care. My life goes on.
As for the film, it was great to hang with wonderful people like Shredder, Subich, Badlands, Sciullo, Porkslap, Kobi and the guys that worked on the film. It was a good time with lots of laughs. The worst part was seeing your fat ass standing there when we entered the movie theater. I had nothing to say to you and vice versa, as I walked past you. Then we all continued to have more laughs watching the lonely sole in the 3rd row turn around to look back every minute as to see whats going on. Awww, what a shame. We knew how much it killed you to watch me & Brad on the screen.
I didn’t say one word to you yet you come on here like the whack job you are and start saying all this garbage. Why didn’t you rip into me when I was in your presence? Talk about the tough guy behind a keyboard. Hypocrite! I am a bully? Whatever. I’m not going to say anymore because you are a waste of my time. People love to laugh at your made up nonsense that you dream up so keep it going. Now pardon me while I go think of some new ways to draw attention to myself. HAHA!
Oh by the way, alot of us at the dinner table did agree that your stick to blogging songs were hilarious and well done.
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
November 19, 2013 @ 7:02 pm
and what makes you think cuz or myself want to break bread with you ever again. You could of just used your real name @ 11:40 mr obvious.
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 8:14 pm
You don’t have to explain yourself Dave. Karma is a bitch. He will get his someday.
understanding the goldsteins said
November 19, 2013 @ 8:21 pm
As stated earlier bullies even though they tend. to exhibit narcissist traits and have a strong tendency of having the last word,, they will at times give credit where credit is due . Case in point , Seiken stick to blogging.
beautifulbrian said
November 19, 2013 @ 8:28 pm
US Male dickstein I laughed at your fat ass on stage standing next to a great eater which you had no right to stand next to to begin with. Iturned around because I got sick of watching your bloated ass ruin what I thought was a pretty decent film. Oh and one more thing next time beat real competition like sqibb or jamee before you claim a prize you sure as hell aint worthy of
Kodak Moment said
November 19, 2013 @ 8:41 pm
I hear there were some nice pics taken of the gang at dinner. Dave, Allen, Brad, Big Brian and Badlands sure had a good time. I wonder if anyone will post them. Hint, Hint, Hint.
sick of shitstein said
November 19, 2013 @ 8:46 pm
Hey Shitstein everyone knows youre full of shit because you will chime right back under an assumed name and continue to rank on Seiken just like youve done in the past. You cant fool me or anyone else . 90% of the negative comments come from YOU. and a few from your fred Flintstone lookalike cuz. All those roach and hygiene remarks come from you and cuz. How do I know ? I did my research. Deny all you want . I know where most of the hate originates from.. You have nothing better to do. As far as that joke of a marathon. You probably took the subway most of tbe way then jogged maybe a mile to the finish line
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 8:53 pm
At least sicken competes with a real eating organization not like Goldstein who has to search for challenges and independent contests with the hope that his fake friends who couldn’t give a rats ass about him will shower him with constant reassurance to calm his insecurities
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 9:06 pm
Understanding the Goldstein speaks the truth people
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 9:08 pm
814 are you furious pete? Im glad hr got busted .Just look at his face ? Im glad he got busted. You sell cocaine and you get fucked my friend. Ha ha ha
anonymous said
November 19, 2013 @ 9:34 pm
Seiken’s many personalities are answering him under anonymous. How funny this is.
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 2:10 am
what was the name of the restaurant they ate at?
Anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 2:37 am
This site is a playground for imbeciles!
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 6:58 am
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 8:56 am
McDonald’s ha ha ha LMFAO!
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 9:52 am
Yeah its a site for 2 50 yr old imbeciles that cant stop poking fun at Seiken for no reason at all. Their lives at home must be so miserable and shitty that they come on here to let out their frustrations
Anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 10:11 am
Why is she in Utah? Is that how far she ran after she saw the roach motel?
beautifulbrian said
November 20, 2013 @ 10:33 am
Listen up you gorilla looking piece of shit. Only lowlifes such as yourself would go out of their way to create a hostile environment . I am not jealous that i wasn’t invited to dinner with you guys.It would be kind of strange for me to sit with someone that talks shit about me on this site under assumed name then posts under his real name to throw me off. What did upset me was the fact that you would actually go out of your way to fill up a row of seats in a theater just so i couldn’t sit there. Proud of yourself?. I would gladly sit at the same table with Subich, Brad and Badlands but i would never break bread with you and your two faced cousin. Not now not ever. Oh and as far as getting in your face at the theater . i looked at you ,. you looked at me. I sure as hell had no intention of shaking hands if thats what you expected. . I have a little more class than to make a scene in front of a bunch of people including the producers that came to have a good time. I know you created that little restaurant scenario thinking i would foam at the mouth or get pissed off . Not in the least. One thing you dont know about me is that i never hate friends that mingle with my adversaries and i rarely tell them not to associate with them but ill bet you do just the opposite. Why is that ? Because you are nothing but common filth and trash. I guess you are proud of what you did ? Makes you feel like a real man huh? You are nothing more than an ass with a junior high school mentality. As far as wingfarce. I dont have the final say as to whether you win another undeserved expensive prize. I am sure there will be many competing on that day to make sure that you dont win shit. As i said before when you beat Squibb or Jamee then get back to me i might just give you your just due
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 10:41 am
Siekens “GF” is a “model” in “Utah” very believable!
Anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 11:16 am
The real shame is that only one person is messing things up for so many. It does make competitive eating seem like there are petty idiotic people participating. The real sincere relationships between eaters and fans, things which go on in private or public never make it to the comments for good reasons and bad reasons.
LOL said
November 20, 2013 @ 11:55 am
No reason at all? Wow, that’s too bad to be so dumb and a victim, too.
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 2:08 pm
Seiken does not initiate the hate. Its always someone else and we know who the source is. Anytime seiken appears somewhere that one sneaky lowlife reports right back on this site like a news reporter with a big scoop .”wow you should have been there . Seiken was all by himself. Nobody talked to him .Everyone ignored him blahblah”.All bullishit all lies just hate.Thats why he responds back and dishes it right back to your pitiful fat ass
Anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 2:52 pm
Does Seiken really think anyone will listen to anything he says by starting with listen up you gorilla? No one person in competitive eating has made so many enemies. There is a very good reason everyone despises him. Look at the evidence with this incident alone. People in MLE, people who left, people in other groups, independents, all ignored him. He still wants to compete and cries victim.
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 4:52 pm
The savvy New Yorkers like rios and hardy were on to goldshit from the beginning. Thats why they ignored his barbecue invite 5 yrs ago
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 5:27 pm
Cut the shit already. It proves nothing.One insult just leads to the other one responding. Basically entertainment for the idiots that visit every day
beautifulbrian said
November 20, 2013 @ 5:30 pm
I got more than one gf. Banging two others in Brooklyn. You people know jack shit about my personal life .Ha
Anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 5:39 pm
4:52, if he is really 2 faced, he probably invited them and hoping they won’t come. I hear Seiken showed up wearing his trademark filthy sweat suit and greasy baseball cap.
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 6:19 pm
Seiken was invited . I heard he never showed. Probably saw through him also. Janus just deleted it period . Now thats funny
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 6:23 pm
The fact that US Male last name was Goldstein was one of the reasons he couldn’t stand him. It reminded him of another Goldstein he couldn’t stand
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 6:24 pm
I was referring to Arturo Rios in 624 comment
Firemarshall Bill said
November 20, 2013 @ 7:12 pm
The fire must of incinerated all the brain cells when it burned off the hair.
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 8:31 pm
Wow you mean all those eaters turned down the invite? Jarvis Janus Rios Hardy .I guess they had him figured out.Crazy Legs was there . I guess he didnt know any better
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 9:48 pm
What about the eaters that attended beautiful brian’s bbq? All the roach motel smegma you can eat. The cheap bastard wouldn’t lay out a dime.
anonymous said
November 20, 2013 @ 10:05 pm
Serken was invited to shredder bbq 7 yrs ago.I heard he has no friends so the best he could do was invite 3 old farts from his job and jervis.The food was pretty good though from what sereken reported
anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 6:31 am
How about the smell of the won Pathfinder’s heated seat he sits in everyday. Oh yeah, it still smells like leather. Gas you ask? There’s the $2500 won at Kobayashi’s hot dog contest for eating more then 11 hot dogs.
anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 9:10 am
consider that your one and only lucky gift. Next year you will walk away with nothing which is what you deserve
anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 9:11 am
84 comments of sheer stupidity
Seiken should drop Subich said
November 21, 2013 @ 11:50 am
Seiken should drop Subich image from his B&P page. If Subich were a real friend he would have dinner with Seiken and made sure Seiken sat with everyone. Instead he just went along with the crowd. IFOCE should not only suspend him for being part of an anti IFOCE film, but ban him for having dinner and socializing with non IFOCE members
Anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 12:00 pm
US Male won that truck because he a great wing eater. Seiken won a shiny quarter for the parking meter, a map of Ohio, and $100 pity money from TooJays. You think Dave cares about what you say, he shits on you pal, believe me. I would have loved to have seen him dismantle Seiken in that deli sandwich challenge but naturally chicken little ran away. Even his cuz who hasn’t trained a lick in 2 years can still whoop his ass. Keep competing Brian, Sam Barklay is waiting for you.
anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 1:54 pm
Surprise Seiken received much more $$$ from ifoce which your naive ass doesn’t even know about. Once Seiken gets total clearance from his doctor, its on to the mouthwatering deli sandwich at kibbutz. Its coming
Anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 2:07 pm
I know all about Seiken’s extra non eating related IFOCE income, and then some… I did my research too!
anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 4:56 pm
Ill bet you never knew about the best kept secret. Seiken got 20 g from Carnegie deli in conjunction with ifoce for eating Lebron james deli sandwich in 2010.Roll that around your mouth
anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 6:09 pm
Seiken will never ever ever finish the Kibbitz room challenge. Did the doctor clear him for Nathans? Sounds like chicken little alright. Doesn’t stand a chance unless they extend the time limit to 2 hours.
Anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 6:44 pm
BS got money from Carnegies Deli. 20G. Where did it go?
anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 8:15 pm
Wanna bet ? Remember jakes cheesesteak challenge?? Almost got the job done and you said he wouldn’t be able to get through half . Fooled you FOOL
Anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 9:26 pm
“almost” got the job done. Keep settling for mediocrity & failure you loser.
anonymous said
November 21, 2013 @ 10:38 pm
You barely finished the fuckin jakes sandwich you liar.Probably bribed the owner or told him to give you a break like swingbelly. Nothing you accomplish is ever 100% legit
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 9:17 am
20 G’s and still lives in a slum
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 10:20 am
Slum? He lives in a condo you ill informed dick . You wished you lived as good as he does .
Anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 11:23 am
A cockroach infested pig farm home of sorts….haven’t you seen his apt on the roach edition of cribs?
Anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 11:45 am
Seiken never won 20g in his life. He managed to squeeze a few hundred out of George Shea for being a commentator on one of those eats of strength shows and Dave Baer threw him some money for some project that never got off the ground. His condo is (was) probably very nice.
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 2:34 pm
You honestly believe the shredder picks up chicks? Ha ha ha
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 2:45 pm
Condo is a fancy word poor people instead of “apartment” or “One bedroom efficiency”
Nothing luxurious about seikens “condo”
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 3:43 pm
Why dont you pay him s visit one of these days instead of being negative and so judgmental on something you haven’t seen yet?. At least he makes it on his own instead of depending on the homely wife second income to pay the bills. Asshole
Orkin Man said
November 22, 2013 @ 4:39 pm
I pay Mr. Seiken a visit at least once a month. His fees pay my mortgage.
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 5:52 pm
Does anyone realize that nobody visits this site anymore? It’s become a joke with all these stupid comments that have nothing to do with competitive eating.
Anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 7:30 pm
I think this site is better now than it ever was.
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 8:40 pm
If Allen Goldstein is making some of these remarks about Seiken , its pretty sad that a 50yr old man would degrade himself like this.One thing to cry like a little bitch about getting screwed in the Nathans finals but this kind of behavior on his part is totally uncalled for. I guess some people never get over grade school mentality I wonder if his supervisor in the Veterans Admin building is aware that he is fucking around on the computer on company time instead of setting up hearing aid appointments for the handicapped vets
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 9:13 pm
I would have to agree with 730 . This is the type of entertainment you cannot find anywhere else
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 9:43 pm
Although not competitive eating related we should take some time to mourn the 50th anniv of the death of one of our greatest presidents . Kennedy was no Millard Fillmore
Anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 10:09 pm
Don’t think it’s that Goldstein making these remarks about Seiken, most govt computers have filters for websites like this one. There are many others who like to mess with Seiken’s head. What ever beef Shredder has with Seiken is long forgotten, but Seiken is still obsessed with him after all these years. Didn’t he say that with exception of the first time he made the Nathan’s finals, there other 4 experiences were no big deal. Unfortunately Seiken will never have any experience with Nathan’s except barely eating 10 or 11 hotdogs in a qualifier. It’s equally sad that a 55 year old man is so paranoid and has nothing else to live for except to win a eating contest.
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 10:17 pm
The big question on everyone mind is whether or not Will Millender will have sex with Brian Seiken in 2014
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 10:19 pm
Nope there are only two that mess with Seiken and everyone knows they reside in LI and NJ BTW Seiken was born in 1960 not 58
anonymous said
November 22, 2013 @ 10:20 pm
1009 is a Goldstein that you can take to the bank
Jam.Josh said (Registered April 11, 2013)
November 23, 2013 @ 1:39 am
Who are these irrelevant, old guys who can’t hang with today’s eaters and why are we talking about them?
Anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 3:25 am
Where is the great gavonne in all this, could his lack of input mean he is back in jail?
Anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 8:30 am
Gavonne has a happier holiday then Seiken.
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 9:45 am
Since Jarvis and Gorilla are Shredder only friends maybe he can invite both of them over for friday leftovers LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO
Enuf is enuf said
November 23, 2013 @ 10:52 am
Stop it with insults already. We all get it. The same comments over and over and over. No one cares, really. On a positive note, Lifetime channel is re-airing the Badlands Booker episode of Wife Swap from 2006 on 12/2 at 5pm. Happy Holidays to all.
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 11:16 am
The personal attacks on ones hygiene and or family life should stop. They can really hit home at times and it can get even worse or downright dirty if they continue.
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 11:59 am
Hey Goldstein how many friends and family members sold out the house to watch you on the big screen last Friday? None aside from Subich Koby & Scuillo who only showed up because they are in the movie and fatso only because he thought he would be in the movie . I am sure Subich , Shitter, Sciullo Booker and Fatboy Millender certainly did not extend the dinner invitation . It was you because you force yourself on people to be friends with you and not the other way around BTW how come Serken was not invited?
Anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 1:50 pm
How many family members and friends of Seiken and cheer him on in a contest? NONE…. He even has to harass poor fans and eater’s spouses to record the contest, then had the nerve to complain that the recording wasn’t professional. US Male has many fans, friends and family members that support him, wear his shirt and will cheer him on again when he wins another truck at Wingbowl 2014. If the movie wasn’t a midnight showing, more family members would have attended. Why wasn’t Seiken’s devoted sister or cousin from Howard Beach there? HUH HUH…
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 1:55 pm
Serken probably wasn’t invited because they wanted to enjoy their meal. What don’t you understand?
Anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 2:01 pm
Serken would have expected to have his food paid for. After all he is an ex pickle chump.
beautifulbrian said
November 23, 2013 @ 2:30 pm
Just to let you know I am enjoying every minute of this
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 2:34 pm
Hey Seiken good thing you weren’t invited . You would have needed one of those big cardboard sleeves they use to tray up mail to protect you from all that saliva being sprayed all over the table by the shitsteins
So true said
November 23, 2013 @ 2:36 pm
You couldn’t be more on the money 1:50. Ask Wild Bill & Andrew Kossuth about their spouses being hassled. How about the idiots that hold the camera for him on his stupid interviews? I recall one of his hated enemies doing it quite often.
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 3:00 pm
I think it’s time for seiken to put back his blog
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 3:14 pm
A blog that noone reads or comments on except for the blogger himself.
Anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 4:35 pm
Is there no end to this bullshit?!
Anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 4:40 pm
No one wants seiken around cuz he sucks balls. He doesn’t understand that and hopefully will after reading this hilarious thread.
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 5:51 pm
So comments made by Seiken such as the following are not cruel in any way:
“If your a fat fuck deal with it . If your a two faced hypocrite deal with it if your wife or gf looks like shit deal with it cause ill bring it out and let you about it ! Assholes”
“Or Brian will kick your ass you lowlife faggots.”
“Ha ha good for his fat ass spent money for nothing .” (to Will)
“The Goldsteins and tubby could eat shit and die for all i care.”
“Because you are nothing but common filth and trash” (to MALE)
“How soon we forget the roach infested shithole which he called a condo he resided in near shop & stop in Brooklyn some time ago” (to Allen)
AND there is much more. Don’t play victim Brian because it seems as the cruel remarks are going both ways. You have a way in bringing out the worst in people.
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 5:54 pm
Seiken, you boast that you’re “above†mentioning certain eaters on you site. You even said you’d never mention the names of Goldstein, millender, shredder, and a few others… yet here you are, obsessing over them “anonymouslyâ€and under fake names. If you really couldn’t “give two shits†about them, you wouldn’t waste so many hours talking about them here.
Anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 6:56 pm
I agree with you, Tim.
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 9:23 pm
This thread started out with those very names you mentioned . And those names appear to be the instigators.Seiken didnt instigate anything . With the exception of Millender, the rest wont admit who they actually are but even a 4yr old knows those vicious comments about Seiken originate from David and Allen Goldstein. You can come back and try to clean it up as much as you want but facts are facts and you dont need OJ ‘s stat page IP locations Plainview NY & Voorhies NJ to prove it because we know who the culprits are
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 9:27 pm
Lets stop beating a dead horse in trying to pin the blame on the innocent. Read the first few comments of this thread and its obvious who started the bullshit. ” I laughed watching Seiken sit all by himself blah blah” . At least Seiken pays his own rent . I doubt tubby does He still lives in Brooklyn with mama and papa . Gavonne hit it right on the nose
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 9:54 pm
:Taking a page out of OJ Rifkin supporting his claims with evidence. The first comment on the link provided, clearly proves who the initial troublemaker is. With the exception of one or two Seiken comments the next 10 are negative nasty and hateful comments directed towards Seiken. Lets be fair and say both parties are guilty of posting nasty shit. If you dont want to believe it then we can start all over again and start pointing fingers in one direction like the 133 comments posted
anonymous said
November 23, 2013 @ 10:09 pm
That’s not Tim more like Rich old fart Lefevre sticking his two cents where it dont belong
BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)
November 23, 2013 @ 10:50 pm
To show how much u know me, I don’t even live in brooklyn anymore lol
I don’t live with my mom, for at least the last two yrs.
I’ve had a full time job for the last 4yrs (with an 8 month layoff)
and yes I have had several women pay for me when we went out because unlike you, i know how to fuck a girl well enough for them to want to pay my way. You say it like its a bad thing, lmao.
And yes, you’re right, I did start shit on here first, AFTER you thought you were being clever and dissing me, thinking I would never see it. I was going to start it in the movie theater by giving you the finger, but you ran out of there so fast that I didn’t get the chance. Just like the keyboard gangster that you are.
Besides my “mistress” would have knocked you out quicker than I would. She was disgusted and creeper out by you the first time she saw your disgusting mug.
For the record, you know why I didn’t get into it with rose at Nathan’s? Because I couldn’t give a shit less at that point. I wasn’t going to defend your honor ya moe.
BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)
November 23, 2013 @ 11:07 pm
Oh and about going to the movie, who said it previously hit it on the head. I had no idea whether or not if be in the film. I mostly went to see a film about my hobby and support my buddy Dave and I live close enough for it not to have been going too far out of my way.
beautifulbrian said
November 23, 2013 @ 11:09 pm
Women pay for you ? You mean chicks with dicks might shell out a few bucks for your fat morbid ass. No real attractive woman white or black would date you unless they are desolate and desperate. Apparantly the one your are with fits the bill . Enjoy fatboy ! Yuccccch . Eat shit and rot you nasty looking fat monster. BTW i showed a pic of you to my GF and the first words out of her mouth was “He should hang himself on the spot”
anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 12:08 am
Here goes Seiken being nice again. You have no girlfriend.
BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)
November 24, 2013 @ 12:14 am
I didn’t know your hand grew a mouth. At least you’ve seen me with women. The only thing I’ve seen you with is a plastic bag with rubber gloves and a bottle of jergens.
beautifulbrian said
November 24, 2013 @ 1:25 am
At least my dick is big enough to fit both fists. Will would need at least 3 gastric bypass before he could actually see that mammoth 2.5 inch special while he takes a shower
false face said
November 24, 2013 @ 1:39 am
Hmm so lets see Seiken less than handful of haters who alternate posting their real names/alias or post only as an alias are as follows
1. The Shitstein cousins
2. Fatso Millender
3. Rich Old Fart Lefevre
4. Mama Conti If anyone else has the balls to post their real names while at the same time talk shit about Seiken under assumed names please feel free to do so. I need one more so i can make that handful to jerk off to LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOL
anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 2:02 am
Wow 142 comments about Seeken. Most of them from a few jealous haters with no life at all. I mean if they had a real life they wouldn’t bother responding back to such nonsense but since one of them has to force people to spend thanksgiving with them or go to their inlaws in another state because they have no real family nearby , that makes it kind of sad
Anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 5:04 am
Wonderful stuff here. My teenage delinquent nephew loves it!
Anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 9:32 am
Jealous haters of Sieken? What’s there to be jealous about, crappy dead end job, roach infested apartment, fake girlfriends, and the ability to only eat 9 hot dogs in 10 minutes……I am so jealous of all of that!
anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 10:52 am
Great recreation for cell mates housed in detention centers
anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 11:24 am
148 comments and counting . Shall we go for 200?
anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 11:34 am
it was comical to watch fred flinstone stand on a chair ” Oh no a roach” during the taping of one of Seikens BB corner shows. Imagine if the muscle bound (yeah right) midget actually saw a mouse ?
Anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 12:00 pm
Let’s all call up our best and end this before Thanksgiving. No one is perfect including anonymous me. Just not good stuff.
Anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 1:12 pm
Don’t forget about the black mold growing in the bathroom, 2 inches of dust, bacteria laden refrigerator, open cat food cans and the whole apt smelling like a dead horses ass. Not Goldstein, but warned not to go there if asked to do an interview. Glad I listened when I saw the vid of that slum.
anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 2:05 pm
Yeah but Seiken doesnt live there anymore so in effect you sound like even more of a moron by even going there. BTW you are Goldstein. and that dead apartment smells just like your filthy clothes and rancid breath when you ate with Seiken at that restaurant . Take a freakin bath
anonymous said
November 24, 2013 @ 2:08 pm
Hey 12 pm 2 losers with dead end lives started this shit so its obvious someone else is finishing it. As long as eatfeats exists and they have some dirty blog to spew their hate, the back and forth name calling will be eternal and i love it !