Registration is now open for the Smoke’s Poutinerie World Poutine Eating Championship in Toronto August 10 and the World Slopper Eating Championship at the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo, CO on August 31.


  1. Anonymous said

    June 18, 2024 @ 8:42 am

    No more small events.

  2. Anonymous said

    August 30, 2024 @ 1:30 pm

    MLE is a pathetic, joke of an organization. They are letting MohMotion, literally the most toxic eater in America, to compete at the slopper contest again this year.

    Either they are clueless, or don’t care about the reputation and “track record” of the eaters they invite to their contests. Clearly there is not going to be a full field of actual pro eaters attending, so Moh was the next best thing that MLE could invite. As long as they fill the table with “eaters” and get paid by their sponsors, what does MLE care…

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