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1h00m Challenge
28 inch pizza
Pointersaurus Pizza [Link]
Pointer's Delivery pointersdelivery.com
Richmond Heights, MO

for 2 person teams, $500 awarded to sub 1 hour finishers

Tags: Pizza Eating Challenges (list | blog) | Saint Louis (list | blog)

Prizes: 1: $500

?2006 Mar 41 14 minPat "Deep Dish" Bertoletti Chicago, IL
?2006 Mar 41 14 minHall "Hoover" Hunt Jacksonville Beach, FL
?2010 Apr 191 48 minDaniel "Get ya some" Graham
?2010 Apr 191 48 minRandy Santel Randy & Dan pummeled the pizza early and took their time to finish the last 1/4th
?2006 Mar 41 48 minJoey "Jaws" Chestnut Westfield, IN
?2006 Mar 41 48 minTim "Eater X" Janus New York City, NY
1 unapproved modification

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