Registration is now open for the corn eating contest at the Sweet Corn Fiesta in West Palm Beach on April 26. (MLE's "Veggie Weekend" will not occur in 2015; the San Joaquin Asparagus Festival will be held the previous weekend.)


  1. anonymous said

    March 3, 2015 @ 12:41 pm

    I would be shocked if Shoudt shows up Imagine look on Conti face?

  2. casual eater said

    March 3, 2015 @ 12:48 pm

    After getting a whiff of Conti breath prior to the 2012 corn contest i think i will pass

  3. tampa said

    March 3, 2015 @ 1:47 pm

    stop kissing him

  4. anonymous said

    March 3, 2015 @ 2:56 pm

    I can vouch for 1248. His mouth didn’t necessarily smell like shit but sort of a lame attempt to brush his teeth with a dab of toothpaste while remainder smelled as though he just woke up

  5. how to brush said

    March 3, 2015 @ 3:17 pm

    1. Scrape tongue with walmart tongue scraper and foam.
    2. Toothpaste to fill entire brush repeat procedure 3 times
    3. Gargle with mouthwash 1 or two x .
    Guarantee your mouth wont smell for 3hrs . After that its a crap shot depending on how decayed your teeth are

  6. anonymous said

    March 3, 2015 @ 7:18 pm

    I don’t like the bashing on CLC here. Normally, I don’t contribute to these type of threads, but I want to state some things I learned about oral care. This is not meant to bash “how to brush” above (I think his/her method is a little overkill though 🙂 ), but just to offer my perspective:

    1. You do not need any foam for your tongue scraper. Just scrape the top (and sides) of the tongue once, so you cover all areas, and rinse with water. That’s where much of the bacteria are that cause bad breath. Your goal is to agitate the bacteria on at least a daily basis, so bad breath doesn’t get a chance to occur. You don’t need to scrape the bottom of the tongue.

    2. You do not need to fill the entire tooth brush with tooth paste. A dab, the size of a pea, will do. That’s enough to get your teeth clean and adds enough fluoride, if you use it (which is recommended). Brush twice a day at least.

    3. Mouthwash is unnecessary, and even harmful, as it gets rid of all your mouth’s good bacteria. You are just spending more money. It’s like using a feminine spray.

    4. Remember to floss as well, at least once a day, as bacteria and food particles also build up between your teeth and under your gums.

    This will be enough to prevent bad breath, if done on a daily basis.

  7. anonymous said

    March 4, 2015 @ 12:37 am

    718 try sitting next to that same individual on a train bus or in your passenger car seat that only put a dab of toothpaste on the brush without toungue scraping and mouthwash and the stink will be worse than not brushing their teeth at all

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