Sixth Tone has an article about the resurgence of Chinese big-eating videos despite a law passed in 2021 prohibiting content promoting excessive eating or food waste.


  1. Anonymous said

    December 22, 2023 @ 4:19 pm

    Why not ? Nathan’s is owned by the CCP China. That is a fact here in China

  2. Anonymous said

    December 23, 2023 @ 7:43 pm

    419 is spot on

  3. Anonymous said

    December 24, 2023 @ 4:10 pm

    4:19 is an idiot, and has been told he’s wrong repeatedly.

  4. Anonymous said

    December 24, 2023 @ 11:05 pm

    To be exact Chinese ownership but manufactured here in the USA. Only the company is owned by the Chinese. Still CCP owned. No matter how you twist it still Chinese

  5. Anonymous said

    December 25, 2023 @ 1:56 pm

    419 I just looked it up. It’s true. Made here but owned by the Chinese get over it the person was wrong that told him. Look it up yourself Why deny the truth. We can all look it up together if you wish

  6. Anonymous said

    December 26, 2023 @ 8:11 pm

    Hell yeah!! I just checked on it. You are 100 percent right. Made here in the USA but not American owned. The Chinese own nathans lock stock and barrel. Oh well move on our country is in bad shape

  7. Anonymous said

    December 27, 2023 @ 2:28 pm

    410 is gullable and believes everything he is told is true

  8. Anonymous said

    December 27, 2023 @ 7:25 pm

    Nathan’s Famous is now owned by Smithfield, a subsidiary of the Chinese meat and food processing company WH Group. However, the family still owns the original Coney Island building and is the landlord for Nathan’s Famous there.Sep 26, 2023 Well there it folks read the truth

  9. Anonymous said

    December 28, 2023 @ 1:28 pm

    Thank you 725. I have been wandering what the truth is

  10. Anonymous said

    December 28, 2023 @ 1:31 pm

    Looks like all they kept was the coney building other than that alll Chinese weiners. So 410 looks like you were told wrong. Maybe investigate it instead of listening to others. The truth

  11. Anonymous said

    December 29, 2023 @ 2:30 am

    At least Nathans kept the Coney Island building Not
    Much but something. Also makes it all look good on Fourth of July kinda American but not really.

  12. Anonymous said

    December 30, 2023 @ 1:36 pm

    wow 410 looks like you have been repeatedly been told it’s true. Do you work at the lonely building

  13. Anonymous said

    December 30, 2023 @ 9:19 pm

    Every year it’s the same eaters . James Webb and Nikis Man are the only new guys . July the 4 th is getting rather repetitive.

  14. Anonymous said

    December 31, 2023 @ 1:57 pm

    Maybe we will send a competitor from China to represent our Nathan’s brand which we own So nice you celebrate with our Chinese owned Nathan’s hot dogs.

  15. Anonymous said

    December 31, 2023 @ 8:37 pm

    Who the F is “Nikis Man” ???

  16. Anonymous said

    January 1, 2024 @ 2:19 am

    Niki Sudo . Her baby daddy . The guy with the muscles . I forgot his name . Anyways just proves
    how there’s no real new stars in competitive eating and competitive eating is stale and perhaps
    even recessing

  17. Anonymous said

    January 1, 2024 @ 2:07 pm

    I’m guessing Niki’s man wins this year, chestnut 2nd, Webb third, Esper 4th, Suzuki or Pacpac 5th

  18. Anonymous said

    January 1, 2024 @ 3:20 pm

    I love Nick. So cute!!

  19. Anonymous said

    January 1, 2024 @ 3:24 pm

    Who will win the Nathan’s Chinese mustard bellt

  20. Anonymous said

    January 1, 2024 @ 7:09 pm

    207. Might be correct. It’s getting more interesting

  21. Anonymous said

    January 1, 2024 @ 7:57 pm

    207 you’re stupid. Her name is “Miki”. Her man’s name is Nick. I don’t think Nick will finish top 3 at Nathan’s this year.

    I wouldn’t say Nick is a “new guy” to MLE either. This is like his 6th year I think

  22. Anonymous said

    January 2, 2024 @ 2:16 pm

    Only a building?

  23. Anonymous said

    January 4, 2024 @ 9:15 pm

    Sounds like a threat!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Anonymous said

    January 5, 2024 @ 2:30 pm

    One lonely ass building that’s it. Nathan’s is minimized to a shack

  25. Anonymous said

    January 10, 2024 @ 12:14 am

    Nathan’s Chinese hot dogs

  26. Anonymous said

    January 10, 2024 @ 11:54 pm

    Nathan’s have a sour taste

  27. Anonymous said

    January 11, 2024 @ 12:12 pm

    Looks like 410 is the idiot that has been told he is wrong several times

  28. Anonymous said

    January 11, 2024 @ 10:07 pm

    Got that right

  29. Anonymous said

    January 12, 2024 @ 12:21 pm

    Cloverdale supplies all MLB stadiums. Best hot dog ever.

  30. Anonymous said

    January 12, 2024 @ 5:47 pm

    Sugardale, you mean??

  31. Anonymous said

    January 15, 2024 @ 11:31 pm

    No cloverdale meats

  32. Anonymous said

    January 16, 2024 @ 10:38 pm

    Cloverdale makes the best hot dog

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