Rick the Manager: Wing Bowl 18 amateur only
Rick “The Manager” Russo has emailed that Wing Bowl 18 was officially announced on 610 WIP AM this morning. The contest will take place on February 5, 2010 and will be for amateurs only like Wing Bowl 17.
update Jan 12 This thread is now closed to additional comments. If the dispute between Rick & his critic must proceed, it should continue via email.
Anonymous said
November 24, 2009 @ 1:47 pm
Very smart move. Wingbowl should be amateur or local Philly contestants only. Ben’s matzo ball contests should have been amateur only. Letting the pros in is what killed it.
RICK THE MANAGER said (Registered January 31, 2009)
November 24, 2009 @ 1:51 pm
Here’s the email I wrote:
In an announcement this morning at 7:00 AM, Angelo Cataldi and 610 WIP Radio announced they will have Wing Bowl 18 on Friday, Feb 5, 2010.
In this announcement, they stated the success of the entourage pageantry without the pros last year was much better than years past, therefore, this year once again, “NO PROS.”
First, I spoke with the morning show’s engineer, Joe W., and he said, “We’re a radio contest, it’s not about the eating.”
Then I spoke to Angelo and Rhea Hughes on air, who said, “The pros are boring, they don’t have entourages or floats.” In a high note, they told me, “You are a GREAT SHOWMAN and understand our concept!”
This proves the Wing Bowl is about ratings and what the morning crew can talk about on the air, unfortunately it has nothing to do with eating wings.
I am a Philly guy who ate as an amateur last year in Wing Bowl 17. I am not sure yet of my decision to participate in this year’s contest. I will keep you posted.
anonymous said
November 24, 2009 @ 2:33 pm
Who gives a shit . It was never about eating wings to begin with. With the exception of Ron Koch and Rios eaters ranked 26 and below in ifoce are amateurs anyway .From 15-25 there are one or two that dont even belong there. Can you guess who??
Anonymous said
November 24, 2009 @ 2:57 pm
Someone loves to stir the stew.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
November 24, 2009 @ 3:44 pm
in some ways its a blessing.
Going as a fan = day of beer & strippers
Going as an Eater = 3 months of making floats, entourages and training & a day of getting screwed for the wing count.
This makes it easy on me.
Oh ... now I get it. said
November 24, 2009 @ 4:54 pm
To save time you really need only four floats to sum up the true “pageantry” and “concept” of the event. The first float could have a small asian woman on it while fans hurl beers and racial epithets at her. The second float pulled by strippers could be two giant papier-mache boobs made from photos of mothers, wives, daughers and sisters degraded by the event. The third float could be a huge bucket on wheels pulled by a drunk driver that fans can vomit into. The last float will be a flat bed truck with guys in Eagles jerseys beating the crap out of each other. Since since nobody with any eating talent is there, an eating contest is really unnecessary. In fact, let’s just change the name to the “Embarrassment Bowl.”
Cellblock 610 rules said
November 24, 2009 @ 6:40 pm
Rick the Manager did a wonderful job last year at wing bowl. For somebody thsat has never done competitve eating, he hung around and almost made the second round.
The respect this guy gets is unbelievable as well as the killer entourage he is able to assemble. Unfortunately for you anonymous pricks, you will bot be a part of it. Beer, boobs, good food and some killer camraderie (and a drunk, topless B.O.B).
Rick the Manger!!!! Rick the Manger (sings Badlands)
Interested.. said
November 24, 2009 @ 10:08 pm
Hmmm. Anon 233, who shouldn’t belong there?
anonymous said
November 25, 2009 @ 8:41 am
You make the call or let OJ take a poll Feelin guilty because you are ranked so high when you know they gave you a gift?
beautifulbrian said
November 25, 2009 @ 9:09 am
It has nothing to do with pros being boring. That is a very poor copout on his part when we all know the real reason is that they are tired of Joey walking away with another 20 grand. It’s ok for Wingador to take the prize money year after year because he is a local hero. Joey Chestnut means nothing to them. They never played by the rules and i can attest to that because i sat right there in the studio several years ago eavesdropptin on Angelo’s telephone conversation talking about eliminating several eaters that had already qualified . The year before when i messed up on the brisket stunt and came in second in the wingoff, They promised me if i won the wingoff or came in second i was assured a spot in wingbowl. Once again they went back on their word. They considered offering me Menchetti spot but i refused to accept it. The guy busts his but eating 10 big macs in 20 min and your gonna screw him out of a spot because he got thrown out of the IFOCE? Regardless of how bad he was doing in the popularity poll , that was a cold move as far as i’m concerned.The following year Kevin , Don and myself called in via threeway to confirm out stunts on the air but Angelo slammed the phone on us because we couldnt give him an opinion on how the Eagles would do that week. The 2004& 5 Wingbowl was probably the two most exciting of them all and they happened to include PRO EATERS. After 2005 i lost interest.
Mega Munch said
November 25, 2009 @ 9:56 am
Makes sense. It’s all about the pomp and circumstance and the entourages and floats bring that. To be honest, the eating part of Wing Bowl was always the most boring part (unless you’re an eater). A lot of fans are passed out or asleep by the end of the first round!
anonymous said
November 25, 2009 @ 11:16 am
Hmmm. Anon 233, who shouldn’t belong there?
21& 22 are jokes!
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
November 25, 2009 @ 6:49 pm
HaHA, Shredder and I are jokes. OK Anonymous dickhead, WHATEVER
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
November 25, 2009 @ 6:54 pm
Check out this video starring Joey Chestnut, Pat Bertoletti & Myself . It’s a classic!
Anonymous said
November 25, 2009 @ 7:15 pm
Classic what?
The Big Aristotle said (Registered November 5, 2009)
November 25, 2009 @ 11:22 pm
Male, male, male, You are a joke and you hinge you achievements on crooked contest after crooked contest. What have you done lately? Nothing but run your foul little mouth.
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
November 26, 2009 @ 2:17 am
Run my foul mouth? I will continue to run it when I have something to say and if you are man enough, you’ll come out of hiding and try to shut me up. I do not really care what you or any anonymous bitch has to say about me. I do my best, have fun and make the most of any opportunity I get to compete. If I am a joke and suck in your eyes, OH WELL.
Get a life dude.
Anonymous said
January 7, 2010 @ 11:47 pm
It’s amazing that this no talent, proffessional eating wanna be Rick the Manager is still trying to ride the coat tails of Dave The Dumpster. Everyone knows that Dave was the real show of wing bowl 14,15,and 16. And the Rick the Manager was just a royal pain in the ass that really didn’t do anything but cause all sorts of stress for everyone involved with the Dumpster. It was a real shame that because of Rick The Managers inability to handle Dave’s popularity that there friendship along with alot of Rick’s other friendships ended. But I guess when you have a wife with no self esteem and will do anything that her husband tells her to do no matter how degrading it is, you don’t need friends. If WIP lets this guy in this year just for bringing 7 slutty no talent losers to the radio station so he can eat food off of them , then wing bowl is definetly going into the toilet. I’m sure his wife will be one of the 7 women , I hope her teenage son and daughter are so proud of there mother and stepfather. It will be interesting to see how many of the Managers new professional eating buddies will waste there time to come in and be in his entourage. Or has he discarded them since he rode them for all the mileage he could and now doesn’t need them, just like he did to the Dumpster. He is very good at using people, until they fulfill there use to him. Everyone that has been used by him , hopes he has a very nice life alone or with no one other than his wife. But I’m sure once her looks and her willingness to make out with other women fades he will discard her also.
Crazy Legs Mom said (Registered February 16, 2006)
January 8, 2010 @ 8:59 am
I do not want to read something written by someone who anonymously or otherwise attacks other people’s wives, families, eaters, non-eaters in such a hateful way. Inappropriate is an understatement.
anonymous said
January 8, 2010 @ 9:53 am
Rick seems like a good guy, Why would his hot wife want to make out with another female unless its some knockout like helen haggerty
Fan of Rick the manager said
January 8, 2010 @ 12:33 pm
Anonymous, you are a real scumbag loser to attack the guy’s wife and family. Perhaps you, I mean the Dumpster, were just jealous that Rick has other friends in the eating world. You came at Rick hard last year because Dave the Dumpster was not in the spotlight. MAYBE BECAUSE YOU SUCKED IN EVERY WINGBOWL. What’s wrong with Rick giving it a try himself? You were asked to be in his entourage but declined.
You are mean, confused person in that big head of yours. Get help!!!
Hey Crazy Legs MOM, Happy New Year.
Anonymous said
January 8, 2010 @ 12:49 pm
Well said Crazy Legs Mom! I have had the privilege of meeting Rick The Manager and his beautiful wife and they are some of the nicest people I have ever met. I have gotten to know them pretty well over the past year or so and we have shared some wonderful times together. They have been nothing but gracious and kind people, not to mention a whole lot of fun to hang out with!
Anonymous said
January 8, 2010 @ 12:53 pm
This original story’s postings are from 6 weeks ago. Obviously, the 1-7-10 anonymous 11:47 hater who wrote this has nothing better to do than Google Rick The Manager’s name to see where Rick is going and what Rick is doing next in order to have some excitement in their own mundane lifeless existence. So you Googled Rick’s name and this is where it lead you, LONG LIVE EATFEATS! Maybe you should get off of your couch and see the light of day, worry about yourself, and maybe you too would be able to be somebody like Rick The Manager. And as per Rick’s wife, oh yes, voted Hottest Wife of CE by the real eaters, Mr. Anon 11:47, I’m sure you wish your wife or girlfriend was even half as good as Mrs. Manager. And by the way, who is the Dave person you are referring to anyway?
Anonymous said
January 8, 2010 @ 12:55 pm
Is that a typo above? Holy crap, I’ve only ever heard of Dave The Dumper.
Anonymous said
January 8, 2010 @ 12:57 pm
Shakespeare said it best, “Hell hath no fury like a Dumpster scorned.”
Anonymous said
January 8, 2010 @ 2:08 pm
Is this dumpster guy in junior high school? What the hell, rick the manager is awesome. I met rick and the lovely miss sherry in Chattanooga last year. they are not wanna-bes, they are the real deal in the competitive eating world. nobody even heard of Dave The Dumpster. Seeing the way this idiot posts, it’s no wonder he didn’t get into wing bowl with out rick’s help. it is now totally obvious that rick was the brains, the creative driving force, and the inventor behind dave the dumpster. so in reality, when rick gets into this years wing bowl, it will be his 5th time. 3 as the dumpster and 2 as the manager! Rick, keep on doing what you do and being rick the manager, it was you that made that loser and the way he writes he’s just jealous of where you are now and where he can’t be himself. GO MANAGER!
Sorry I can’t use my real name because of my Krystal affiliation.
anonymous said
January 8, 2010 @ 2:15 pm
Amazing that the anonymous asshole that usually has something negative to say about buyiful brian didnt accuse him of leaving those remarks about rick. I guess the text must have examined by fine tooth and comb before brian was let off the hook
Anonymous said
January 8, 2010 @ 2:22 pm
Anon 11:47, why are you so angry and jealous? My goodness, you have deep underlying issues that need professional attention. I can tell you didn’t get along with your mother and maybe your father did not approve of your life. It is a shame that you feel that you are a failure. Seek help and if you are married and/or have children, try to get a hug from them, you need it badly. But really examine your issues and heal from within. If healing is not performed, I am confident that we will be reading of your suicide or you going Postal.
Anonymous said
January 8, 2010 @ 2:36 pm
I don’t think Beautiful Brian has any problems with Rick, does he? Brian, we all know you’re dying to chime in on this.
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
January 8, 2010 @ 4:43 pm
I am glad to call Mr & MRS Rick Manager Russo friends. Rick is always very gracious and there for you if needed. To make those comments about Sheri and their personal life is just wrong. You f**kin weisel!
Brian is on his way to Biloxi to perform the hits of Elvis.
Peace to all
Anonymous said
January 9, 2010 @ 7:16 am
Hey FAN OF RICK THE MANAGER BL_W ME. You don’t even know me and I was never asked to be in his entourage dumb ass. And as far as the Dumpster sucking in every wing bowl he was in get your facts straight, he did make the second round his last year, more than Rick has done and alot of the other professional eaters. So get your facts straight before you open your mouth. You sound stupid!!!! I have no problem with Rick being in Wing Bowl , but why did he have to bad mouth Dave at every turn. Dave told him he had no interest in doing wing bowl last year, but he felt it necessary to bad mouth him at every turn. So maybe he was a little jealous of the Dumpster.If you new the whole story behind everything Rick did to Dave over the last year you would know why Dave and alot of of us think he is a DI__Head. OH by the way Crazy Legs get a haircut and a life. US Male LOSER.
Anonymous said
January 9, 2010 @ 10:15 am
Good luck getting into this year’s wing bowl Rick! Everyone knows with your creativity its likely a guarantee. Also certain bashers know that the only reason they made it into wing bowl is due to your creativity. You have the most original ideas associated with competitive eating. Reading above, it sounds like somebody is really upset that you’re having fun and doing everything with your hot wife and not him.
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
January 9, 2010 @ 11:21 am
Wah wah wah. Use your real name weisel. I am sure Rick does not care about you bashing him but as I said, you are a real d**k to bash Sherri and the family.
The only reason Dave made it into the second round in his last attempt was because WIP wanted to throw a bone to some no-names and screw the pros as they always do. Come on, you think Dave really did better than Humble Bob, Wing Kong, Steakbellie, Erik the Red, Dr Bigtime, Brian Subich? Put down the crack pipe dude.
I am a loser and proud of it. WHOOOAAAA
MRS. MANAGER said (Registered January 9, 2010)
January 9, 2010 @ 11:36 am
Good press, bad press, it’s all press. I LOVE BEING TALKED ABOUT! Keep it coming!!
Anonymous said
January 9, 2010 @ 5:00 pm
Hey Us Male why don’t you shut your mouth. You have no idea what when down between Dave and the rest of us who were supposed to be his friends. But again here is an ASSHOLE who has to get involved. Mind your own business. Maybe if you removed your head from his ASS you may do better in competions. I can’t wait till Rick screws you over like he did Dave and all of us. And Mrs. Managers comments just prove that they don’t give a shit about anyone. As far as attacking his family I didn’t attack his family just his wife because she is involved. If she doesn’t want to be involved then she should shut her mouth also. Rick has put down Dave’s wife and other peoples girlfriends at every turn so he and his wife deserve whatever gets saiid about them. It’s funny how according to you losers Dave wouldn’t have gotten anywhere without Rick, that’s why he became a dick and tried to make Dave look bad every chance he got. Had he just gotten into wing bowl and kept his mouth shut there would have been no ptoblem, but because of his insecurities he had to try and make Dave look bad. Unfortuanetly it didn’t work because Dave didn’t care about wing bowl anymore. He’d been there and done that. So I’ll leave you losers with one final thought FUCK OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
January 10, 2010 @ 11:50 am
I don’t care what went down between Rick & his old friends. There is two sides to every story. Whining on eatfeats gets you nowhere though.
I promise to remove my head from Rick’s ass. That could be the solution to me doing better. Thanks for the tip you cry baby. No matter what, and I am not saying I am anything to write home about, I will always be a better competitive eater than Dumpster. I met Dave and found him to be a nice guy but he really is not a very good competitive eater. Time to move on. Enough of this crap
WingKong said (Registered December 19, 2006)
January 10, 2010 @ 1:37 pm
Anon January 7, 2010 @ 11:47 pm,
You went so far over the line on this one you can’t even see the line anymore….A lot of crappy and over the line comments get said here that probably shouldn’t be…but at least it between eater and eaters ONLY. I can guarantee that Rick (who may or may not have said anything about your wife or girlfriend) NEVER said it in this forum, and why, because it doesn’t belong here…and just by mentioning their children on here regardless of what you said is a down right low blow and cowardly in my book…I would think if you were going to make completely uncalled for comments about a Rick’s wife and kids you would at least have the guts to put your name to it…spouses, significants and children have no place being mentioned here, ever.
And for the record mail, removing your head from Rick’s rear isn’t gonna help your eating… 😉
Anonymous said
January 11, 2010 @ 12:16 am
Wow anon. 1/7/10 11:47 (and 1/9 7:16 and 1/9 5:00) you have some serious anger issues. What I don’t get is if you chose to not be friends with Rick anymore, then why are you writing anything about him, his wife or his family? Why do you care what any of them think or do? Based on the way you speak in your posting(s), I’m thinking you are really the one with “no self esteemâ€. What person in their right mind would choose a forum such as this to slam someone he/she supposedly doesn’t care anything about anymore (and in such a vulgar way)? Are you sure you’re not the one who’s a “little jealousâ€?
If “everyone knows that Dave was the real show of wing bowl 14, 15, and 16â€, then where was he for Wing Bowl 17? Oh, that’s right, sitting in the audience because he didn’t make it in the tryouts (Wing off). But in your delusional mind, it was really that “he had no interest in doing wing bowl last yearâ€, and according to the Anon. 1/9 5:00 posting, “Dave didn’t care about wing bowl anymore. He’d been there and done that.â€. “Didn’t careâ€, “No interestâ€, then why try out?
Anon. 11:47, I do, in part, agree with one thing you said, it really is “amazing that this no talent, professional eating wanna be†DAVE THE DUMPSTER made it into Wing Bowl three years in a row. Maybe Rick should be getting THANKS instead of getting bashed. If it weren’t for him, Dave The Dumpster wouldn’t even exist; as was evident in Wing Bowl 17.
Rick, you don’t have to “try to make Dave look badâ€, Dave did that all himself.
Anon. 1/9 7:16, if you truly want to remain anonymous, I suggest you remember to ALWAYS speak in third person. Oh, and don’t worry, I’m sure Rick will have no problems with people keeping him company in his “very nice lifeâ€.
Rick, judging from the crowd of people around you, your “inability to handle Dave’s popularityâ€, your “insecurities†and your way of “using people†seems to be working well for you. KEEP BEING YOU and GOOD LUCK.
Mrs. Manager, all I have to say is, “YOU GO GIRLâ€!
Pro Eaters, YOU GUYS ARE GREAT. Good luck in all you do.
beautifulbrian said
January 11, 2010 @ 2:09 am
Wow i wish you guys would come to bat for me when i get slammed like that. Just kidding. Wing Kong i now deem you new Ed Jarvis of the modern era. With that remark about my weight and building a castle with my debris you have sullied your way into the Cookie hall of fame for most sarcastic remarks when in the company of BB. I thought i was rid of him but now he lives through you. Ooy vay! I vowed never to post on this site but on occasion i cant help but stick my two cents in when the topic involves something i happen to specialize in and that is controversy. If you want to trash someone, spouse included i can give you a list of some candidates and Rick and his wife are the last people i would think of . They are good upstanding american citizens with good hearts. Sheri is one of my facebook friends and is very attractive. Speaking of attractive and i should really save this for bits and pieces but what the hell. ., The chick that crowned Notorious BOB with his Mrs Butterworth crown was not bad looking at all. .A younger version of Don Lermans sister.Don send me a picture of Bonnie in 1977 so i could confirm that. Don you listening? Dont get angry with me now I know your family is off limits and I know your sister is happily married but tell Bonnie she is better looking than most 60yr olds out there. . . This one appeared about as interested in me as my ass. When i mentioned my website she was like yeah yeah beautifulbrian i know all about it. Similar to the blowoff that US Male recieved from Chip Simpson at a wing eating contest in buffalo a few years ago. I recieved half a smile while Tim and Erik got the purly white treatment .for a split second.after being awarded for finishing in the money. Lucky studs .. Wing Kong was not as fortunate. No i didnt pull a Dale Boone by acting obnoxious by saying something that would have got my face smacked. I dont mess with sponsors. although sometimes it can be tempting.if they just happen to be female and good looking which is rare. I just dont need to get a call from the Shea’s the next day asking me what my intentions were. . . Not my style.. Again just kidding. Bob agreed with me at the airport that the chick had it going on. Bob, like me you have good taste in women. Over and out Good job with the PB& Banana Guys did a marvelous job .
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
January 11, 2010 @ 9:11 am
anonymously talking about a mans family is disgusting. f you.
Anonymous said
January 11, 2010 @ 12:36 pm
best case scenario for you
your 6 nathans hotdog performance dont make you less of a man. you should be proud. most people wouldnt even try. no reason to take it out on people. they way you lashed out is being read by a lot of people as whacked. people dont know you here. even if you were right, the way you went about it makes you seem wrong.
actual case scenario
you are whacked. you think wb is a real contest. you think becuase al and angelo talked you up that you are something to wb. wb is a wip money maker. you worked for free and they used you. you got squat in compensation. all you got is an inflated ego that knows no bounds. now that you lost your easy stunts to get into wb, you are locked out. you couldnt get a stunt approved that you actually could complete and you were forced to embarass yourself in a wing off. when you see that people decided to keep living life without you, you went from dave the dumpster to bitter boy. years from know you will see that you were all upset about something as stupid as a radio station revenue generator.
for that you trashed good peeps in a way that was totally inappropriate. jealousy real messed you up.
Anonymous said
January 11, 2010 @ 1:00 pm
i forgot. as long as we are now allowed to talk about peoples wives, i will to. mrs rick is totally hot. dave, i am willing to bet that you think so to and dont want to admit it.
once you get past her looks though, you see she is a great lady who anyone would be proud to take home to moms. you know that to be the truth. no needs to makeup stuff about her.
dave, come back to reality, the waters good, jump in.
nunonabun said
January 11, 2010 @ 1:28 pm
BB that girl from the PB and B was hot, the Brunette, hands down. I will dream about her for a month.
To the unknown poster out there….
Look shit talking between eaters is fair game, bad mouthing children should get your ass kicked though, and be a man if you want to talk about a guys wife and do it in person.
beautifulbrian said
January 11, 2010 @ 2:29 pm
When you go to my site nunonabun brunette is standing next to me. Not that hot in the pic but in person she is one fine lookin woman. Facially a younger version of Raquel Welch. Not making any excuses for my shitty performance at the table but one look at her and i totally lost my appetite for food. Don’t care one bit if she got a ring either. Where i come from we never take that into consideration. but i think i might challenge you on the sleep aspect.for i might not sleep for two months maybe more. . Southern chicks give you the time of day as opposed to the ones up north.”Now that’s a matter of fact son and you know it well thats why i call myself a US Male”. Ooops sorry Elvis and US Male.
Anonymous said
January 12, 2010 @ 6:51 am
There’s alot being said about anonymous on this web site and what a dick I am for taking shots at Rick and his wife. Saying I should use my real name, as I read through all these comments I see that there are alot of you that won’t use your real names to bash me. So I guess in your little fantasy world of competitive eating the rules don’t apply to you. I wrote what I did after hearing Rick on WIP and as far as I’m concerned evrytime I hear him talk I want to puke. I really don’t know what Dave’s feelings are on him anymore, as far as I know he doeasn’t even care. This is something I needed to get off my chest one last time. So all of you that are taking shots at Dave need to grow up, why not come after me. I’m the one who feels this way not him. As far as Dave being used by WIP , all of you are being used by the IFOC, and yes most of you are getting paid something. That’s great for you. Rick however has never earned a dime doing anything in competitive eating. It just gets a little ridiculous to here him spout off saying he is a manager for competitive eaters and other talent. He has never managed anyone and has never been paid. He is nothing but a groopy for you guys. He is someone going through a mid-life crisis and can’t handle or is disapointed with the fact he is a Landscaper. I don’t know why he wants so bad to be someone or something he is not he has had a 25 year run and built a sucessful business, that he is now letting go to shit. All because he thinks at 45 years old he is gonna be dicovered. Nothing against professional eating or eaters, but you guys are not A list celebrities. I understand many of you are nice guys according to Dave
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
January 12, 2010 @ 9:55 am
damn look at all the fun stuff ive been missing, well i dont know about all that finger pointing going on above me, nor do i give a shit, I do know this – 1) Rick The Manager is a great guy and a gracious host everytime i see him or talk to him on the phone. 2) His wife Sherri is awesome and hot, i personally would like it if she kissed more girls (to quote the great modern day philosopher Paris Hilton “that’s hot”) 3) Rick’s stunt was the best so far and had the most thought and creativity put into it, if you wanna talk smack show up at an event, ask to be next to the eater you have a problem with and see who eats more or as my buddy U.S.Male says “put up or shut up” (if he doesnt say that he was thinking it) East Coast Eaters Rock! – Have A Nice Day 🙂
Quint85325 said (Registered January 12, 2010)
January 12, 2010 @ 2:19 pm
I Love hearing people Bash others about What he did or What he said…..The fact of the matter is. If you can deal with the fact that you are in the Public Eye, doing something that you LOVE to do and allowing and competing with others that LOVE to do too, and you LOST AT IT…..GET OVER IT!!!!….If you Lost…Take it like a man Dave. To all The Haters out there…Wether you Like or Dislike Rick, Crazy Legs, Booker or any other of the Eaters……REMEMBER ONE THING. You are the LOSER that Looks like S#&T when you bad mouth one of your competitors’ wife or children. As Mentioned above by SKYoBOZO ….Ricks puts thought and creativity into what he does both In his PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL Life…….and NUNONABON states…If you want to talk smack about Other’s Wives and Children…..You should be cast aside…It just shows your lack of Professionalism and Jealously….But Hey, thats all good, just shows who the SMACKED A$$ is the World of Competitive eating is….
As one of the Anonymous comments above….NO ONE NEED’s TO MAKE DAVE LOOK BAD…..HE DOES A GREAT JOB OF THAT HIMSELF….
Anonymous said
January 12, 2010 @ 3:37 pm
Are you fucking ASSHOLES that thick. I can’t believe that you continue to Bash Dave when Dave has nothing to do with this. I find it very amusing that all you guys get pissed if someone says something about Rick, but yet you are all taking shots at Dave when he doesn’t know anything that is being said. You are a bunch of hippocrates. As far as Rick’s stunt being the best ever, that’s BULLSHIT. It sounded like he may be turning into a bit of a Fag if you ask me. If he is this great manger of eaters and other talent why couldn’t he come up with 7 girls. He had to use a dog and a guy. Enough said. If you guys knew anything about the process that went on over the last three years with Rick being involved with Dave, you would know that this stunt was similar to what Dave wanted to do for his entourage, but Rick cried until it was changed. Then he shows up this year to do this stunt, what a phoney. Get an original idea. Dave’s last year in wing bowl we all planned on going to Tom and Jerry’s and Rick refused to go saying Gentleman Jerry was an Asshole and a Jerk-Off. So he and Sherrie went to the strip club where Joey’s party was and started the party 2hours before he showed up, and used up the open bar time limit. Nice guy. But last year Tom and Jerry’s was the place to go because he said so, and now he has the winner of the last 3 or 4 entourage entrances helping him out. Just using another person along the way to try and win. I wonder what made Jerry a great guy this year when just 2 years ago he was an Asshole. The one constant is Rick is a user and an ASSHOLE and always will be. I’ll repeat myself one more time I can’t wait until you all realize you are just being USED. One last note for the person that said if you have a problem with someone sit next to them at a compition and settle it by who can eat more, Rick has never beaten Dave and never will. That’s the difference between Rick and Dave, Dave started his wing bowl appearances just to have fun and say he did it, Rick on the other hand couldn’t handle the fact that Dave didn’t care if anyone recognized him or he became a semi celebrity and when it happened and he saw that Dave didn’t have to push himself on everyone to get recognized he couldn’t handle it. That is why there friendship ended, not because of jealousy on Dave’s part , but on Ricks.I know all you blind sheep that are following him won’t believe that but I don’t care and I know Dave doesn’t care what you LOSERS think. So I’ll say it again FUCK OFF!!! I hope you all choke on your next eating competition. Out of all of you the only guys that are worth anything and cool to hang out with are Humble Bob, Joey, and Pat as for the rest of you wannabes, GET A LIFE!!!!!
Quint85325 said (Registered January 12, 2010)
January 12, 2010 @ 3:47 pm
First Off ASSHOLE….Dave Does know about this SHIT, because last year my girl called him OUT on Something he said and Dave admitted to saying it to her on Facebook in a comment……Dave is and Ass….But you are the whole ASSHOLE speaking they way you do….
You can bust on Dave, Rick or anyone else for that matter…..But to Bust on someones family and children is just wrong….GROW the Hell Up Yourself….Maybe Rick has never beaten Dave…..So What…..Its about having fun and that is one thing Rick does, with his family and friends and fans…..As for you, Dave and whomever else…..Kiss the Ass of the Chicken You EAT you JERK
short attention span theater said
January 12, 2010 @ 3:57 pm
Can’t everyone limit these comments to two short sentences? I got no time to read “War And Peace” 22 times a day. GET AN EDITOR! Good use of caps in most comments, I must say.
nunonabun said
January 12, 2010 @ 5:05 pm
It is when you go after kids you should get your nuts stomped on. If you ran your trap about my kids I would beat you then stick my car keys in our junk.
Now a wife or girlfriend could earn some bashing but even then a real man would let that shit slide. It is just like if some woman slapped you, walk away and let it go. Unless she stole you woman and then your a poon anyhow for not being man enough to keep her.
No one cares if Dave and Rick are banging each others mouths in a bus stop. I have nothing to back that up but you never know. If you think Rick is an asshole or Dave is an asshole great. I am sure there is Days of Our Lives back story to the hate between folks but dont be such a bitch about it.
Lets focus on amount of meat they can get down and screw the baby momma drama.
agree said
January 12, 2010 @ 5:44 pm
I agree if you got a beef with rick dave or whomever call them on the phone or reservr a block of spacr with oj rifkin,You want to ait out your laundry for free right? Besides this site is for butiful brian bashers only. Go on some wingbowl blog and lrt your frustrations out over there