SCTimes has an article on Jeremiah "Fit vs. Food" Forster of St. Cloud, MN, a former competitive bodybuilder. He has completed over 60 eating challenges.


  1. anonymous said

    November 4, 2015 @ 12:14 pm

    Does OJ count food challenge wins as part of the person’s cash winnings, or only money earned at eating contests?

  2. anonymous said

    November 4, 2015 @ 1:17 pm

    I mean, does the Taco in a Bag Taco Trough challenge count as a food challenge or contest (the one where Kobayashi won $5,000)?

    Also, what about Wayback Burgers, where Molly Schuyler won $3,000?

    I don’t think money from food challenges are counted towards cash totals.

  3. anonymous said

    November 4, 2015 @ 3:12 pm

    What about a quarter towards the parking meter? Does that count as cash winnings?

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