TailgateFan.CBSLocal.com has an interview with George Shea. He says MLE would not sanction a ghost pepper or other ultra-spicy contest, but the organization held a "Battle Of The Bhut [Jolokia] XXX Wing Eating Championship" in 2010 and 2011. March 26, 2015 at 8:01 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Organizations | Permalink * Comments (8)
anonymous said
March 26, 2015 @ 11:13 am
Battle of the bhut sounds like something a former stinky major league eater or better yet former minor league eater with 1lb bologna title should have entered
agree said
March 26, 2015 @ 1:53 pm
just keep it going dude.Contribute to all the bullshit.Thanks for ruining a good site.
Anon said
March 27, 2015 @ 2:51 pm
George Shea needs to grow a pair of balls And come up with new and creative ways to grow the sport. Oh wait, he’s too busy being a huge douche.
anonymous said
March 27, 2015 @ 10:39 pm
Its all about contributing to the pot regardless of the sport in one way or another. How can owners of MLB NFL NBA pay the players these outrageous salaries? YOU the fan paying admission to watch them play.Percentage of gate helps to pay their salaries. Poker tournament survival is based upon number of buy in in order to create a prize pool.Are there buy in fees when registering for contest? NO. Thats why prize money is what it is and that is why 4th 5th 6th place finishers and below get nothing in return. Gotta put in to get something in return
anonymous said
March 28, 2015 @ 8:30 am
I had a dream last night (no shit real) that i drove to NC or some other south east state to compete in a contest without a confirmation . I found Ryan Nerz hotel number called him and asked if there was an opening He said no then hung up George Shea showed up out of no where and when i told him about it he became furious with Nerz
TBT said
March 28, 2015 @ 8:08 pm
Wow, that dream is outdated. What next, Kate Westfall and Mike Castellano will get involved in the dispute?
anonymous said
March 28, 2015 @ 9:32 pm
Honestly it was a weird dream Had no idea where it came from. Nerz answered the phone sounded like i either woke him up or disturbed him while he was in the middle of jerking off
anonymous said
March 29, 2015 @ 9:15 pm
Thanks for the good find OJ! For posterity’s sake, I am going to add the link to the article referred to: