Takeru Kobayashi has been officially announced as a competitor in Wing Bowl 20.
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Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
December 21, 2011 @ 8:10 am
That is a win-win for Kobayashi and WIP. He will get some bucks and a car and will give legitimacy to Wingbowl and would be wise to never go there again. They don’t need to fix the contest, he will win period. If they mess with it, they would be beyond stupid. The only people who could possibly beat Kobayashi fairly are MLE, and they will not be competing ever again. Attending yes, competing no. Go USMale, this will be a great year.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 21, 2011 @ 8:55 am
I think you’re right about Koby, 810. It is definitely a win for WIP and Wing Bowl, whereas I see a bit more risk for Koby (though the prospect of winning $20K is quite enticing), in that if he were to lose, his legendary status and proclamation as the world’s best competitive eater would take a blow.
Jon Squibb is one heck of a wing eater (probably one of the top three or four wing eaters in the world), and though Koby, the living legend, is one of the top two eaters in the world overall, he has no experience with wings. However, I’m sure he will practice quite a bit, as Koby will not go into a contest without having mastered the food he is competing with.
He didn’t make a very good decision not signing with MLE. I hope this decision is a wise one.
Judge Landis said
December 21, 2011 @ 10:47 am
Here’s where it gets embarrassing for Kobi. Of course Kobi will win, fix or not. All the amateurs who have never faced Kobi have no idea what it takes to eat against Kobi or Chestnut or top five MLE eaters, just ask Furious Pete or Wingador at Nathan’s or Bickel at the Nathan’s qualifier. That’s why MLE eaters were basically banned. The number of plates they threw out starting with Sonya was making it too hard to sustain any semblence of credibility of this event. So, it is fixed, which is where the embarassment factor comes into play — Angelo’s desire to make it interesting. They’ll throw out more of Kobi’s plates than even Sonya’s second Wing Bowl to make it close for Squibb. First, Angelo can’t show the world the vast difference of someone like Kobi is to Squibb. Second, Angelo needs the tension factor for the audience and media so if Kobi comes back next year he can have Squibb beat him and it won’t look too ridiculous.
Marcos The Monster Owens said (Registered August 16, 2011)
December 21, 2011 @ 11:29 am
This will be an awesome experience I just started eating this year in May & I can say that I’ve competed against great eaters like US Male Furious Pete Gentleman Joe Tiger Wings & Things Pat Bertoletti & come Febuary 3rd Kobyashi!
Anonymous said
December 21, 2011 @ 12:02 pm
Furious Pete never ate at Nathan’s. Good information.
Kobayashi will win Wing Bowl 20 said
December 21, 2011 @ 12:02 pm
he’ll win the car but can he drive???
Ha ha said
December 21, 2011 @ 12:15 pm
Stay tuned BB.com will feature Seiken eating 3.5 lbs of lasagna on youtube easily breaking that joke of a stunt
December 21, 2011 @ 12:16 pm
Truth is, Nobody even comes close to Kobayashi (except Bertoletti and Chestnut). No way in hell Squibb can beat him. Those that follow CE know that.
Judge Landis said
December 21, 2011 @ 12:41 pm
I meant Furious Pete eating against Kobi in general. Pete ate hot dogs and pizza against Kobi and Kobi wasn’t even trying hard. And yes it is good information. Kobi has beaten every non MLE eater he has gone up against like drums. So much so, he’s pretty much stopped doing it because the amount between him the non MLE eaters was so great the events were becoming less and less interesting to the media every time Kobi ate. The non competition Kobi faced in those events were hurting his image and his price tag for future events began to suffer. And those were pretty much the best non-MLE eaters that you could come up with. And at this Wing Bowl most of the top non MLE eaters know it’s fixed so they won’t even be attending (Pete learned that lesson last year). So how do you think Kobi’s going to do against a bunch of guys that can barely eat at these ridiculous qualifiers. The only way Angelo is going to be able to keep Squibb and this field of eaters close to Kobi is that Angelo’s going to have to throw out more plates than a Greek wedding.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 21, 2011 @ 12:49 pm
Depends on the food my friend … depends on the food.
Bertoletti would be lucky to top Koby one out of 10 times in any food.
Joey can top Koby three or four times out of 10 in any food.
Squibb probably couldn’t top Joey, Koby, or Pat in any food … except Wing Bowl. And if you underestimate the man you could be in for a rude awakening.
I say this knowing Koby will likely win, but I am not ruling Jon out.
To do so would be like ruling Sonya out of a wing or oyster or lobster or clam contest where she is a proven talent.
Of course, I know only one or two things about CE … surely only 1/3 as much as you Tooth, or Trooth, or whoever you are.
CE Eater Had ENuf said
December 21, 2011 @ 1:36 pm
Squibb, really? His name is sonymous with false counts and favoritism… hence the term “I was Squibbed” or “they were Squibbed” meaning the contest was rigged . What? Rhonda havent heard that expresion? Maybe you do not know as much as you profess about my sport
Judge Landis said
December 21, 2011 @ 2:15 pm
Rhonda, I’m going to have question you too about Squibb. And I’m not attacking you like the tone of that last ENUF. I believe in frank and accurate disagreements and debates as I know you do. So, I don’t think Squibb’s really shown anything except the abillity to win in a fixed contest. He never seems to participate in any other contests. Sure he’s done a couple of events in Atlantic City for example. But I have to say his inablity to perform at other events may stem from a fear in his exposure as an average, or even below average eater. I know wings are a specialty, and scince you mentioned Sonya, she has found events that utilize her skills. Why doesn’t, or why can’t, Squibb? It’s a fair question and I respect your knowlege of competitive eating.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 21, 2011 @ 2:15 pm
What are you talking about 1:36? Better you converse w/ yourself than with me.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 21, 2011 @ 2:42 pm
Hi Judge!
Okay, just like El Wingador was a 5-time WB winner (whether the contest was “rigged” or not), Squibb is not only a three-peat winner of WB, the man has (was given credit for) the most wings ever eaten at WB, set last year, 255.
Even Sonya Thomas, whom I consider to be one of the top two wing eaters in the world, along with Joey Chestnut, has only been given credit for 169 wings; Joey’s best performance is 241.
Wingador is a one-trick pony and won WB five times. Super Squibb is a one-trick pony too, but you cannot dismiss his WB record/performances.
Also, though I cannot remember the exact contest, Squibb has won at least two non-WB wing-eating events, albeit against much lesser company.
Again, Koby will probably, and should, easily kick ass. I’d make his odds about 1-2 and Squibb about 7-2, in fact, with Koby the overwhelming favorite. But I just can’t accept the fact that Squibb might as well not even show up, as far as first place is concerned. I’ve seen too much unpredictable (excuse my French) shit happen through the years.
Anonymous said
December 21, 2011 @ 2:45 pm
1:36 must be new, Rhonda has been here since before you were even thought of.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 21, 2011 @ 2:53 pm
Wait, now, I’m not that old. 🙂
Judge Landis said
December 21, 2011 @ 3:58 pm
Rhonda, okay Squibb gets credit for five Wing Bowls but I still don’t think that makes him an elite eater until he does an event other than wing bowl. You know his Wing Bowl victories generate interest so he’s been invited and maybe even offered money to go to other contests. Why not go? Yeah, I remember those two contests he did over the last five years. But, he had his chance to take on Kobi and Pete a number times this year, and in Pete’s case for many years, and he’s balked. I think that’s telling. Regarding Wing Bowl’s legitimacy, notice how they don’t weigh the wings? And don’t tell me it’s a time thing. Nothing’s more time consuming than judging each wing. Separate pans weighed before the contest for each eater is much faster. My point is, Wing Bowl is a terrible gauge of a what an eater can do. To much hanky panky. Squibb needs more varied and fairly judged contests under his belt. In my opinion, his refusal to eat at other legit contests, against top non-MLE eaters over the last several years makes him suspect. Wingador only did Wing Bowl until Nathan’s and look what happened. He was killed. I know wings are different than dogs, but not that much different.
Anonymous said
December 21, 2011 @ 4:57 pm
Maybe squib should just pull out so he is not embarased.
Show Me the Moneyyyyy said
December 21, 2011 @ 4:59 pm
Landis it sounds like you have a lot of money bet on Kobi.
Anonymous said
December 21, 2011 @ 5:14 pm
Wings are not counted. The plate is looked at, not touched. A number is stated and the wing fragments are discarded. EXAMPLE: pick plate up, 17 is the number dropped immediately in trash can. Takes about 2-4 seconds.
Anonymous said
December 21, 2011 @ 5:50 pm
Wingador won five wing bowls. S. Squib did three. Isnt that what Rhonda said also? You did not even read her post Landis. you have your mind made up already. You just want to argue until someone totally agrees with you.
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
December 21, 2011 @ 6:19 pm
I’ll go on the record as saying Squibb is a great eater and would definitely be top 10 in the IFOCE if he chose to go that direction. He won’t so it doesn’t matter but the guy has great capacity and speed. Not saying that wing bowl is not subjective but I was present in the audience or on stage for all his victories and he ate very well.
I would like to see him in a solid food contest vs Furious Pete or Menchetti. That would better gauge were he would fall in an overall ranking system.
As for me in this year’s wing bowl, I am probably scripted for third once again but I’ll have a fun day.
anonymous said
December 21, 2011 @ 6:23 pm
Notice how he used the word scripted. We know its a farce and so does he
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
December 21, 2011 @ 6:39 pm
Oh yeah Rhonda, Squibb won the Pizza Slaughterfest where he kicked mine and Boone’s asses. It was about 12 lbs of heavily topped slices (30 slices) and he took them down with no problem.
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
December 21, 2011 @ 6:41 pm
Here are Jon Squibb’s losses in the database. He has lost to Dave Brunelli twice and Joe Menchetti & Pete Czerwinski once
anonymous said
December 22, 2011 @ 3:48 am
Well Mr Male Butiful brian is about to break your lasagna record this weekend so get ready What do you think of that hmmm ? hmmm?
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 6:58 am
I mentioned this before, but it was months ago, so I’ll reiterate.
I DO NOT believe WB is scripted, in that a winner and other placings are predetermined. That’s too much work, requiring lots of coordination among everyone involved and that is probably the reason I thing WB is still a farce.
Yes, I do think WB is a farce; I think WB is the most subjective of any contest in the land. Each judge has his interpretation of what is a clean wing, what constitutes a reversal, on and on.
But no one can convince me that placings, to include the winner, are predetermined.
Again, given 10 contests with 10 different foods, Jon Squibb has virtually no chance to top Koby—-not even close.
But, in Wing Bowl, for the aforestated reasons, he DOES, even though, as I’ve said, Koby “should” win easily. … But there is at least a slight chance he will not.
I do not know how I can make things clearer, and that is my opinion, and you know what they say about those. Everybody has one. Mine is probably less important than most, but I believe strongly that I am not missing the mark by too much.
Anonymous said
December 22, 2011 @ 8:00 am
Rhonda do you think El wingador really ate 254 wings last year?
Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
December 22, 2011 @ 8:12 am
This is a first, at least for me, and a banner morning. I say that it is a first because of all of the discussions on eatfeats this is filled with information and has some continuity. I really like this, absolutely the best of eatfeats. Here is why. Before I respond I actually have to go back and read the whole because, as is happening more and more on here, there are serious discussions and back and forth and fun but real information shared but with different viewpoints and different information about one topic.
Really, this is absolutely the bomb. So before I say that I agree with Rhonda about the not scripting and predetermined winner, I have to go back and read the discussion. Congratulations to whomever is doing this blog with all sincere kudos and thanks. Rhonda said this recently. Whoever it is asks nothing and is incredibly dedicated. Those of us who follow CE with a passion would certainly miss this mysteriously created forum.
And, as Rhonda also said, this kind of comment may have a somewhat negative response, but it is a good time just before the New Year to really thank publicly the person or persons who is behind all of this and not wishing to be known publicly. That is a very very smart thing to do for many many reasons.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 8:13 am
Here’s another angle. Both WB organizers and Koby have had a falling out with MLE. For those people who believe that the winner of WB is predetermined, this should play right into your hands.
What a chance for Angelo and pals to diss MLE by having Koby win Wing Bowl, especially if he can be given credit for eating more wings than Joey, MLE’s current # 1.
I’m sure several of you will buy in to this.
Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
December 22, 2011 @ 8:24 am
As always, before I have even had a chance to read the whole as I said, Rhonda has come back with more to add to the discussion. What I love about Rhonda is that she sees the forest and speaks of the forest and doesn’t get caught in the leaves.
Yes, I would not buy into this theory, just as Rhonda suggests I do not think there are pre-determined winners, that would take way more scripting and could not really be done anyway because there are too many factors once the whole crazy whatever Wing Bowl is gets rolling.
In this case, I think examining the contest itself and its judging and setup is the only place to put the microscope on Wing Bowl. The main reason, aside from the tits and ass stuff and the fun floats and entrances, is that the contest is never run professionally. Hell, even MLE screws up often but at least there, people are serious about the contests and keep trying to get it right. Wing Bowl has no such mandate. It is a completely different ball of CE Froth. And I see absolutely no reason or incentive from their point of view to change that in any way whatsoever. It is a spectacle. One year it is one thing, the next another.
So they are very lucky to have Koby this year. And in further thinking about it thanks to the discussion, I do think Koby has a lot more to lose in this. I kind of wish that he were not participating. I keep hoping that he will not continue to flounder in CE. Overall, unfortunately his stance on the contract and then not participating in Nathans set his career on a course which he cannot change in a very major way. I hope that his is not an extreme talent somewhat wasted.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 8:25 am
Hmm: thanks for your thoughtful comments. I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt that way, and I suspect as many as 90% feel similarly, even if they don’t post it.
8:00. No way did Wingador clean 254 wings, nor do I believe that Squibb cleaned 255, nor do I believe that planners sat down and determined that it was going to be a close contest with Squibb eking out Wingador.
On the contrary, it would have probably made a better storyline if Wingador had won, since Squibb won the last two WBs.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 8:38 am
Hmm thanks again for your thoughts. I enjoy reading them more than all but those of a couple or three who post on eatfeats.
In terms of CE accomplishments, I have long had more respect for Kobayashi than any other competitive eater on the planet. I WANT to continue in that vein and I feel slighted FOR Koby seeing him eat at less than the upper echelons of CE.
I wouldn’t want to see Alex Ovechkin get sent to the minors to play for the Hershey Bears, even if he were relegated to the minor leagues for a lack of production. Similarly, I especially abhor the idea that Koby, for the past year-and-a-half has been eating and continues to eat with people he should be signing autographs for (and he probably will sign many at WB).
At least for me, something is horribly wrong with that picture.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 8:46 am
Oh, and not to mention these side-show challenges / record-breaking attempts (e.g. HDBs, turkey), which is not only insulting to other eaters and the “sport” itself, but it also makes Koby look cheap, as if he’s begging for, versus commanding, attention.
Anonymous said
December 22, 2011 @ 9:31 am
Rhonda I’m sorry for kind of repeating myself but do you think El Wingadore went through 13 plates. 20 on each plate? Cleaned or not cleaned, or do you think the # was fabricated all together?
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 9:47 am
0931: This is what I said earlier:
“8:00. No way did Wingador clean 254 wings, nor do I believe that Squibb cleaned 255, nor do I believe that planners sat down and determined that it was going to be a close contest with Squibb eking out Wingador.”
That’s about all I can say concerning that particular issue.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 9:57 am
I DO NOT think the numbers were made up out of thin air/fabricated. I don’t think any WB totals were. But the process by which the judges arrive at the numbers of wings eaten is subjective with inconsistently-applied rules.
If I try to conjecture further I will be deep in the weeds and just babbling. (I’m probably doing that as it is.)
Anonymous said
December 22, 2011 @ 10:08 am
The #s were not made up out of thin air is correct. They were built around Squibb’s #s. They werte totally fabricated . The Wing Bowl was billed as what it appeared to be. A face off between former champ and present. They kept there promise. If they say it’s going to be Squibb and Koby, that’s what it will be.
get a life people said
December 22, 2011 @ 10:56 am
Without Rhonda Evans the comment section would be dead. No way did wingador eat this clcean No way Wingador ate that clean. Who the hell cares. I do not believe Squibb will make this a close contest or maybe he will or maybe he wont? Bottom line ? You guys have very little going on in your lives to worry about trivial stupidity like wingbowl
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 11:26 am
10:56: If it is so trivial, why do you lower yourself to responding!
A CE blog is what this is!
Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
December 22, 2011 @ 11:54 am
Yes, the transparent 10:56, I second Rhonda’s comment. If we are enjoying ourselves and you are not, go back to your life, we do not need to be told what to do with ours. We like this CE blog, our choice, free country.
Now, and to repeat in a way, once again people are asking questions about specific numbers of the contest and whether or not this eater or that eater (insert almost any competitors name) ate the numbers reported, whether or not they were clean etc. The large picture is basically clear. There are no MLE type standards applied to Wing Bowl, there surely will never be. Why? Because it doesn’t really matter, it would be inefficient and crazy to try to weigh everything and they have no interest whatsoever in doing anything like that. Even if they did, shit happens. Again, MLE keeps trying to work to get things right and after all of these years, they still struggle.
Wingbowl is a spectacle, the contest itself is what interests those commenting here. If it were the overall spectacle, then people would just attend or follow it as best they can in any year. Afterward there may be comments about floats or presentations, a US Male or a Steakbellie having a terrific time, eating and being creative, etc. Yes, Go US Male who has it absolutely right. He will have a good time no matter what, has decided where he belongs in CE for now and is doing great. And his friends in MLE will be there too or other people’s friends. They like to have fun too, absolutely nothing wrong there. If there is, let MLE tell them and stop speculating here. All just conjecture.
The contest part, while it does give someone a big paycheck and a car, is again, a once a year event. So what happens happens, and it has to happen while the rest is going on, it is crazy and there is absolutely no continuity whatsoever. It is not as if they learn something from year to year and make changes to prevent mistakes.
Thus, the only question here really is about Kobayashi participating this year, that is what makes it interesting or not and since this IS a CE blog, people who are interested in this particular topic will comment here. Period. Amen.
anonymous said
December 22, 2011 @ 11:57 am
How can you be enjoying yourself when you are not part of the action? Watching a boxing match football or baseball game is enjoyable. You gain enjoyment from watching others eat? Kind of strange
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 12:21 pm
Also, Hmm can probably type as fast or faster than my 30-35 WPM, and even if we post a dozen times per day, I doubt either of us exhaust our break times at work. I know I don’t, and my boss is extremely happy with my output. But that’s neither here nor there.
Also, like he/she said, I like to respond to constructive comments and well presented contentions about topics that interest me, of which CE, and more specifically Koby’s first-ever WB, is one of them.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 22, 2011 @ 12:25 pm
We enjoy EXCHANGING ideas and thoughts. You,1157, evidently, enjoy CRITICIZING them. I opt for the former.