interviews Takeru Kobayashi has an interview with Takeru Kobayashi (via FreeKobayashi twitter), who has the following things to say about his former organization:
He also says that MLE has a tendency to send packages of eaters to particular events, with an eye towards tilting the balance towards favoured competitors.
“If they want one character to win [a particular contest]… They choose which [other] players are going to go there… and they can prevent other players who actually want be at that contest from going,” Kobayashi said through James.
That said, he’s quite emphatic in stating that he’s not accusing the competitive eating circuit of being fixed, just that the deck is occasionally stacked in favour of certain eaters.
“No, it’s not [fixed], but in their organization, on their terms… it’s close to being that way. They control it the way that they want it.”
The interview also mentions a thwarted deal with Johnsonville Sausages. (Kobayashi competed in an IFOCE Johnsonville bratwurst contest in 2006.)
“Johnsonville Sausages, for example, contacted Kobi and wanted to work with him… and he wanted to work with them, but he couldn’t,” James says. “They were holding him down, like ‘No… unless they go through us, you can’t work with them,’ which was heinous to him, because he had an agency in Japan that he was with… He didn’t belong to [MLE,] but they came up out of the blue and said ‘We own you, and we’re going to make people sign through us if they want anything to do with you.’”
The article lists Don Povia of HHR Media Group as Kobayashi’s manager. The HHR stands for, which Povia co-founded.
anonymous said
January 3, 2012 @ 2:36 pm
The first two paragraphs are right on the money . It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. Keep in mind that he rarely competed on the circuit with the exception of Krystals and Nathans which guaranteed him an appearance fee
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
January 3, 2012 @ 2:55 pm
I agree with 2:36. Koby is telling the truth. However, he is not helping his cause, whatever that is.
One thing about it. the boy is certainly free now.
Once the magnitude of his once shiniest CE star fades a bit more, I hope he becomes adept at a vocation at which he can earn a living. Of course, he can always marry into a wealthy family, I suppose.
I. unlike GJoe, do not believe that he’s financially set for life.
Blizzz said (Registered July 16, 2008)
January 4, 2012 @ 11:14 am
I have to say I disagree with most of you. I don’t think Koby is losing any face at all, in fact I think he is gaining more respect than ever. I don’t understand how people are losing respect for him when he is out doing his own thing without bowing down to the Shea’s. Shouldn’t that garner more respect? Keep in mind, no one really knows who Joey Chestnut is except the few people that visit this board and others on the competitive eating circuit. His name will likely never be a household term like “that skinny asian guy who eats all the hotdogs”. Maybe I’m wrong, but people really love Kobayashi, myself included.
I get to see more videos of him now doing stunts than I ever did when he was with MLE, and I think he enjoys being able to show off his talents to whomever he wants, whenever. I say go KOBY!
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
January 4, 2012 @ 12:06 pm
Blizz he may well be gaining more respect from some people, like yourself, and it’s admirable you think that way. However, he’s not getting the same level of reverence he had in MLE.
Without MLE he’s on his way to being referred to solely in past tense. I follow competitive eating, but it is difficult to remember the name of a single event that he’s done since he left MLE. Also, who did he beat? Furious Pete? So can about a dozen or more other competitive eaters. (I actually like and highly respect Furious Pete too.)
Yes, people love Koby. I love Koby, for what he was, not for what he is becoming. I’m actually sad for him.
In another couple of years his name will certainly get him a free meal and drinks, but it won’t pay his bills. He needs to be thinking about that.
To be more blunt, the guy seems to be “stuck on stupid,” as Joint Task Force Katrina Commander, Army LT GEN Russell Honore’ used to say.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
January 4, 2012 @ 12:54 pm
Koby is victimized by his own stubbornness. He’s used to being #1—-not # 2 or even #3 (where he was ranked just prior to his contractual breakdown with MLE).
Koby has come to realize he cannot beat Joey in HDBs (unless it’s in his own private contest). As such, he can never be the MLE #1-ranked eater, and MLE rules the roost as far as recognized world rankings. Koby knows it and resents it.
Koby’s pride will be not cause his ruination or anything like that. No. Koby will continue be the most recognized competitive eater who ever lived—-THE LEGEND himself. Yep, in that regard he will forever have my respect. But Koby’s pride has cost him dearly in other ways.
Just look at the tons of lucrative opportunities Koby has foregone by refusing to sign with MLE. He could have easily raked in upwards of $50K participating in stateside contests. And with his name being associated with MLE again, additional events and more prize money would have surfaced in the coming months. This would have made it better for MLE, of course, but also for Kobayashi himself, along with everyone associated with the sport.
Without MLE, competitive eating as we know it today would not exist. The Sheas are the entrepreneurs, the risk-takers. There is no incentive for them to exist if they cannot profit. Similarly, MLE cannot run a business by easing contractual bounds, so that their top eaters can go outside the organization to make as much money as they can.
What is MLE supposed to do, altruistically pay all expenses to launch “careers” of their top four or five eaters, only to say goodbye? Hardly—-it just doesn’t work that way. Unfortunately, Koby still thinks it should. He thinks the CE world should forever revolve around him, like he’s bigger than the “sport” itself.
Kobayashi has been used to having everything his way, basking in the euphoria of feeling invincible. Now that Super Koby has been exposed to Joey’s kryptonite, we’re seeing Koby the real person, and the tonic of facing reality seems to be too bitter for Koby to swallow (no pun intended).
anonymous said
January 4, 2012 @ 2:26 pm
Since the turn of the century or even before, eating contests have always existed . The Shea’s happen to take the idea to another level. It was their idea and only their idea to turn it into a sport.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
January 4, 2012 @ 2:27 pm
Rhonda really said it well in post 12:54
I’m saddened that Koby is throwing bombs at MLE. He’s free to do whatever he wants now, and bashing the MLE this far removed isnt necessary. I agree that MLE sends ‘packages’ of eaters to events, but he completely misunderstands the reason. They have favorites, but it’s only because they have to chose the right people that will represent the sponsor well at the event and at the Media pre and post events. If I had my way, I’d put Sonya at the center of each table with two of the fattest most sterotypical Table-Enders on each side of her for visual contrast. The spectacle is compelling. Fill the rest of the table with the ranks of the MLE and let the winner get his check.
I am doubly saddened that Koby would say this at the same time that he has signed an undisclosed deal to compete in Wing Bowl 20. Eating purists hate Wing Bowl for shoddy sometimes intentionally misreported accounting (btw its my favorite contest). Perhaps Koby should have asked Furious Pete about his experience in Philly.
If he is business minded, then I say good for Koby on WB, but dont crap on MLE
If he is purist/altruistic/moralistic than I say crap on MLE all you want, but dont align yourself with WB. They will screw you in a second and you will look foolish.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
January 4, 2012 @ 2:56 pm
Well said Steak! Thanks for sharing your view.
Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
January 4, 2012 @ 3:33 pm
Steak and Rhonda have it all right, 100 %. Koby’s actions show complete misunderstanding of his contractual responsibilities with MLE and why indeed, if he wants to be in eating contests, his contract is with them, they have to approve of any other arrangements he may wish to make. Right down to eater #50 or whoever is signed, that contract should be followed.
He continues to get some very very poor advice to which he clearly listens. What he is doing only continues to diminish his once shining star. If he is happy, I suppose, as I said before, that is fine. But if he thinks that he shall ever make the kind of money he could be making with MLE, he is really delusional.
And, I absolutely do not think that he is set for life, not at all. Yes many may wonder how he has managed so far, I would guess that whatever stash he may have had is being used up. And, will and would MLE ever want him again, particularly given his continuing stance and eating against himself? I would doubt it greatly. He still cannot give interviews in English and has a stylist for a manager, fluent in English surely but so called freedom comes at a price. He does not realize what that price really may be.
Sometimes one can stand on one’s principles, and in that case, one is left with nothing but said principles. His star is plummeting, that is so very very sad. As Rhonda said, sure, his name recognition is huge, and Joey will retire someday but so what. Wingbowl for Koby is about the worst decision he could have made. Well, perhaps it is the same as doing interviews and trashing MLE.
anonymous said
January 4, 2012 @ 4:13 pm
Steakbellie most of what you speculate is the truth but i have a problem with one of the sentences
“They have favorites, but it’s only because they have to chose the right people that will represent the sponsor well at the event and at the Media pre and post events” .
I would word it more like “They have favorites but it’s only because they have the need to choose the same favorites whom they believe will represent the sponsor well at the event and at the Media pre and post events”
So what you are saying is the favorites are always the right people? .
Anonymous said
January 4, 2012 @ 5:52 pm
anonymous sounds like a jealous seiken.
Anonymous said
January 4, 2012 @ 6:06 pm
4:13 is transparent or someone who keeps saying that MLE plays favorites and certain people are not given a chance. It’s a very old broken record. Some people are not very good at interviews. Matt Stonie is a great new eater and taking away nothing from his eating skills, he does not present himself well in front of the camera (Sorry Stonie). Chestnut used to be terrible at interviews, he has improved but still isn’t the best. And he is the number 1 eater. Some people go on trips because the others actually need an adult chaperone. Reliable, available, camera presence, representing the brand well, go and complain if you wish but MLE is a business and one screw-up screws everyone. Anyone who expects to be called for interviews but trashes a sponsors food or makes excuses pointing to that food’s preparation etc. etc. etc. is not going to be looked upon kindly by MLE. It seems pretty obvious to me, just plain common sense.
Anonymous said
January 4, 2012 @ 7:58 pm
Sounds like common sense to me, but common sense is not common to everybody.
anonymous said
January 4, 2012 @ 8:13 pm
We know who represents 6:06 . The chosen ones that have been taken care of by MLE all these years? Any guess as to whom that might be? . Very simple
anonymous said
January 4, 2012 @ 8:28 pm
Seiken did;t leave that comment asswipe. Why done you sturt comapain grammar from him to anonymus posts to see if you got a match . Seems thads all you good fer. While you at it send sum more email to sheas so yuo can get him permanent bann from rankings
anonymous said
January 4, 2012 @ 8:31 pm
You mean 413 makes common sense but common sense is not common to everybody especially ones that live in denial
Larell Marie Mele said
January 4, 2012 @ 9:48 pm
Rhonda, Steakbellie, Hmm – loved ur posts! So agree w/ya!
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
January 4, 2012 @ 10:29 pm
I dont know if the favorites are always right, but I like Anon 6:06 description of how it goes.
Pretend you work in the MLE office and you get a sudden gig to fill in 12 hours on the Mike & Mike Show on ESPN National Radio. Who’s the first call you are going to make?
Right, you are going to call CrazyLegs first, because your job is on the line if you send someone on national tv/radio that cant talk sports or impromtu or even bother to show up on time. CLC is out of town? Now you have the opportunity to give someone new a chance, but either way it’s your job if your eater screws up.
Lets look at SuperPaul. That guy has gotten some gigs out of being reliable and interesting. I’m sure he wants more, and has gone out and started making a career out of being on tv. He’s not sitting around and waiting for the Sheas. He’s out there hoofing it and getting that ugly mug in real movies and rap vids.
anonymous said
January 4, 2012 @ 10:53 pm
Third paragraph right again. Especially the part where you say :show up on time. Conti is never late and unlike some others , always shows up on time.. Those of you that sit around and wait for the Sheas to give you anything must be truly desperate fools
Last Resort said
January 5, 2012 @ 4:56 am
I’m sure mle would send Seiken if they had no where else to turn, but even with that no one knows who he is plus there’s the additional concern that he would run down the very sponsor he is suppose to promote, given his brutal honesty that he will sell out for nothing or nobody.
anonymous said
January 5, 2012 @ 10:36 am
Last resort have you ever thought that maybe Seiken does what he does because he realizes he will never get anywhere with mle? I am quite sure if he was taken care of like the so called “chosen ones” he would refrain from doing what he does best. I also think that anyone in their right mind would refrain from doing such Think about it . BTW not Seiken
IS he an idiot?!?!?! said
January 5, 2012 @ 10:42 am
Being in the MLE is like product marketing/branding/managment. They MADE him famous. He wants the rewards without supporting the partnership. Do you think NFL players call the shots and decide what games they will and will not play? They compete against team they want to affiliate with? Maybe he should go back to japan and try his hand and their gameshows. They way he thinks it works IS NOT how it works here.
“If they want one character to win [a particular contest]… They choose which [other] players are going to go there… and they can prevent other players who actually want be at that contest from going,” Kobayashi said through James.
That said, he’s quite emphatic in stating that he’s not accusing the competitive eating circuit of being fixed, just that the deck is occasionally stacked in favour of certain eaters.
“No, it’s not [fixed], but in their organization, on their terms… it’s close to being that way. They control it the way that they want it.”
This basically means that the MLE could have stacked the cards in YOUR favor Kobi. You are admitting in these quotes it is possible. No matter what language you say it.
anonymous said
January 5, 2012 @ 11:06 am
Its funny how as soon as one separates from MLE all the true colors and feelings come out. He never quoted any of this while he was with the organization. I guess it took an arrest and a piece of paper shoved in his face to bring out the worst in this guy
Naive said
January 5, 2012 @ 11:12 am
He may be playing naive saying MLE calls all the shots, just to get back at the organization. If he doesn’t realize that it’s the sponsor that chooses what eaters they want at their events than he’s got to be dumber than nails. Do you think MLE would have had any success telling the people that are paying them (the sponsor) here’s what eaters you’re getting have a nice day. Either’s he’s dumb, naive or just trying to give MLE a black eye. Most reporters see his eating efforts as being selfish and sad, particularly with the crashing of Nathan’s in 2010 and his solo contest on the rooftop in 2011. Maybe he should look in the mirror when it comes to why he can’t cut a deal with Johnsonville or any other major company. He has demonstrated no product loyalty, such as eating non-Nathan’s products at eating contests and demonstrations. I mean Nathan’s is the company that made him. So, what’s going to prevent Kobi from eating another competitor’s sausage the day after eats at Johnsonville because he won’t sign a contract. He’s not a good investment for product promotion.
Anonymous said
January 5, 2012 @ 11:28 am
Kobi appears to be about Kobi, for which you can’t blame him for self promotion, but who has ever seen him praise any other competitor, even when he was with M.L.E.? It really gets old seeing other people praise him so much without it meing reciprocated to a small degree. Sonya, CLC, Booker, and many others probably still admire him for his ability, and rightfully so. I guess he doesn’t want to lower himself to give anyone else any attention. Apparently that’s beneath the egomaniac.
US open competitor said
January 5, 2012 @ 11:35 am
He is not playing naive. He never spent any valuable time getting to know MLE. Everything went through the interpreter. An example of how out of sync he is or was as to whats going on, , the morning of the final rd of US Alka Seltzer open , he had no idea what he was going to be eating until i happened to run into him and his girfriend in the hotel lobby and showed him the menu
anonymous said
January 5, 2012 @ 11:43 am
11:28 is 100% correct. He has never to my knowledge praise any other competitor with MLE or without
Blizzz said (Registered July 16, 2008)
January 5, 2012 @ 3:29 pm
The MLE did not make Koby famous, they made him more famous. His participation in the food fighting show in Japan put him on the map and made him a huge celebrity over there. He had a choice to join MLE just like he had a choice to leave. He’s doing what best fits him and judging him for those decisions based on your own opinions on how he should operate is pretty naive. In addition he’s not bashing MLE, he’s simply stating facts. I really think most of you guys are pretty delusional about the whole situation and I find it very awkward and difficult to try to follow your trains of thought on the issue.
Anonymous said
January 5, 2012 @ 3:33 pm
I never heard of any food fighting show in Japan. What was that?
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
January 5, 2012 @ 3:47 pm
This Food Battle Club video has almost 8 million views
Anonymous said
January 5, 2012 @ 3:58 pm
Ahhh oh that. Now I do recall one or two people mentioning that. It couldn’t have been too popular though. I never saw it covered in the news from what I can remember.
Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)
January 5, 2012 @ 5:02 pm
Sponsorship is usually for a specified period of time. When its over you either renew, or move on. If you move on, its practically EXPECTED that you will go to a competitior. Loyalty is as good as the next check.
Every top eater, thru the short history has been about themselves. Its only when they get over taken or seemingly been shafted do they see the light.
Blizz, that looked like i wrote it, except mle didn’t make Kobi bigger, Kobi made mle.
Does Naive have an office at Shea communications or something?? What he/she said, flip it & then its correct.