Think You Can Compete, new eating challenges organization

Think You Can Compete, a league devoted to competitive eating challenges has launched. Competitors will film videos of their performances and post them to youtube or another online video host. The league will award prizes via paypal (and also charge admission fees) Two promotional videos have been posted to youtube: Video 1, Video 2. The official opening date is January 1, 2007, but the website has already started at

Comments (27)


  1. KevinRoss said (Registered December 16, 2006)

    December 16, 2006 @ 1:51 am

    This is intriguing. If it is implemented properly and enough people do it, it could be awesome. Table enders like me can only afford to travel to a select few contests, so it’d be fun to have regular competition that won’t require too much dough.

  2. badlands booker said

    December 16, 2006 @ 12:06 pm

    Very Cool. CE is really branching out big time

  3. Tom said

    December 16, 2006 @ 12:39 pm

    Thank you first to ojrifkin for discovering! Spreading the word is key! Please everyone check it out and tell your friends about it. It can be lots of fun!

    Kevin is right on – if enough people do it, it WILL be awesome. We have run through some tests of the process and it’s very solid and very easy!

    We are hoping to create a buzz so that when we launch on 1/1/07 we’ll have lots of people chomping at the bit to start the challenges!

  4. Elliot Cumeretsie said

    December 16, 2006 @ 1:03 pm

    This will certainly piss of the shea’s especially if ifoce eaters are involved. WHo cares

  5. Gentleman Joe said

    December 16, 2006 @ 1:24 pm

    How long til the $hea’s suspend someone for ‘competing’ in this?

  6. Mel says said

    December 16, 2006 @ 1:41 pm

    This could be the greatest competitive Eating stage in the World.I hope its sucsessfulall over the entire World.

    Good Luck.

  7. Mr Wright said

    December 16, 2006 @ 2:03 pm

    I think something of this magnitude long overdue. People that never got the recognition they deserved in the IFOCE should nurture this as if it is gold sent through heaven. This is perfect for retired eaters as well as active eaters

  8. Mel says said

    December 16, 2006 @ 4:16 pm

    I believe the best in the World have not ever been on stage and they would rather do this.New talent will be found and a New Eating org. will rise.

  9. Pessimist said

    December 16, 2006 @ 5:51 pm

    its over for the shea’s . This site even has a preview video featuring some of the IFOCE eaters

  10. Ed Charles said

    December 16, 2006 @ 5:57 pm

    Hey if you go to the ranking portion of the site they have me ranked number1 with 170 points. . Someone named Eric B is also ranked.

  11. Erik the Red said (Registered January 9, 2006)

    December 16, 2006 @ 7:45 pm

    Probably you don’t want to use peoples images, especially copyrighted photos, to promote something unless you have their permission. Probably you want to take that video down immediately unless you have gained permission and are paying all of the eaters. That is illegal and misuse of copyrighted material, that is cheap.

  12. Elliot Cumeretsie said

    December 16, 2006 @ 8:08 pm

    Agree with Erik . Sounds like some young kids trying to profit off of competitive eating without permission. They charge entry fees also. Prize money will be next to nothing. Expect aice to play a big role in drumming up biz for them. Someone should paste and copy this shit to the Shea’s

  13. Mega Munch said

    December 16, 2006 @ 11:11 pm

    Interesting to say the least. A league for everyone with a limitless table. True, prize money may be low, be it’s a lot more than most people can get in an IFOCE contest (which is nothing because they either can’t attend one, can’t get a spot at the table, or place high enough to make any money).

  14. The Sicilian said (Registered February 23, 2006)

    December 16, 2006 @ 11:46 pm

    Let me just say this once and for all. I know I am not considered an elite or great eater, but I know for for sure that the IFOCE/MLE is the real deal. To all those non-IFOCE folks commenting on eatfeats taht reap up animosity or talk crap about it, the truth is you can’t deal with the fact that currently, best organiztions and top eaters are in the IFOCE. I am positively sure that there are AICE and unknown eaters out there, but when you put these eaters
    1. Takeru Kobayashi
    2. Joey Chestnut
    3. Patrick Bertoletti
    4. Sonya Thomas
    5. Bob Shoudt
    6. ChipBurger Simpson
    7. Timothy Janus
    8. Richard LeFevre

    up against at team of another 8 eaters, these are by far the world’s (known) best. ANd yes I said, “known” because there are so many people in the world that can tear it up that have yet to be discovered.

    Right now, all these B.S. anti IFOCE comments and “eww” and “ahh” that about these up new sites, big deal! Let them come into the IFOCE, thats where people get recognized right now. All these other contests, sites and organizations are like the independent film industry some movies get noticed and others don’t, but overall the films that get known and recognized are the big screen films, they go to the Oscars and win them, winning and eating honors in the IFOCE is like the Oscars of competitive eating, bottom line.

  15. Mr Woodman said

    December 16, 2006 @ 11:50 pm

    I think it is a good idea because i love watching others perform eating stunts on video. It would also be a welcome relief not to hear the screeching voice of Angelo Cataldi while viewing a video of an eating stunt. The sad part is that the IFOCE will not go for it and we will be subjected to watching amateurs or eaters with limited skills perform these stunts. They got off on bad note already by featuring pictures of IFOCE members on the preview video without permission.

  16. Hmmm said

    December 17, 2006 @ 3:16 am

    Scilian, not sure you understand the spirit of independent eating. You have to sign a contract with the IFOCE and then they own you. That means that there is no eating at your local tavern or ice cream parlor for fun. For some people selling out is not what it is about, but rather enjoyment and sport.

  17. Words of Wisdom said

    December 17, 2006 @ 9:35 am

    Ok Menchetti alias Hmmm

  18. the boy king said

    December 17, 2006 @ 12:49 pm

    It seems like someone brainstormed a way to make a buck.
    But who’s really gonna pay to enter these “contests”?
    People will do it once, maybe twice. But there will always be someone (an experienced, trained eater) to swoop in and take the prize money.
    People will stop paying when they realize they can’t win.

  19. Mel said

    December 17, 2006 @ 2:03 pm

    This is how I look at this .

    The IFOCE is the Pro level and the best compete for World honors to be the best .

    This Video Clip stuff is good for the average Joe who would like to show his skills and also maybe be discovered and make it to the IFOCE.

    This is a fabulous idea but not anywhere near Pro stuff.

    Also it is not good to play video clips of current IFOCE members withour permission.It could get ugly.

    I thought the dude running this was a IFOCE Eater.Correct me Please

  20. Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)

    December 17, 2006 @ 7:49 pm

    This site will stay up till someone chokes to death. Some kid will try to eat 10 bananas and die and these guys will the sued into oblivion.

  21. Record keeper said

    December 17, 2006 @ 8:02 pm

    Saturday, December 16, 2006
    Boy Some People Are Touchy!

    Last night was noticed by (a competitive eating news blog, database and calendar). That is great! We appreciate that very much. We thanked the moderator, ojrifkin. Maybe some additional exposure. We thought that would be that.

    But we checked again this evening and some people who commented about us were ripping us a new one! Man, I guess they feel threatened! Cool!

    Our preview video #2 did contain images of some professional eaters. We have corrected that and replaced the video with the new one that does not contain such images.

    posted by Your TYCC Team at 10:17 PM | 0 Comments

  22. Elliot Cumeretsie said

    December 17, 2006 @ 8:05 pm

    By tommorow morning this site will be history . The sheas will not only sue them but this site condones the non use of EMT. A couple of kids trying to make some bucks. Sounds like those two dingbats that made that wingbowl movie

  23. Pharaoh said

    December 17, 2006 @ 9:24 pm

    An outrage i tell you . Let it be stricken from the records . So it shall be said . So it shall be done

  24. Gentleman Joe said

    December 17, 2006 @ 11:33 pm

    The only alias I have ever posted under is: The Truth. I haven’t, as of this moment posted as anyone but Gentleman Joe except for one accidental anonymous posting in 6 months or longer. Though, i’ve been tempted to do so.

    The sentiment is more Arnie or Coonie than me. Though, I agree w/ the statement, I don’t hold that level of anger, nor do I want to persuade anyone into leaving the ifoce. Its in my best interest for all of you to beat each other up, pay for your own travel, be happy w/a few interviews or tv appearences, while I make money, tickets & trips. I only care about the fame if its making me money or pussy. I’m married so, I guess i’ll have to settle for the money. Please, stay w/the ifoce/mle! Please!!!

  25. KevinRoss said (Registered December 16, 2006)

    December 18, 2006 @ 1:05 pm

    It’s good you took down the IFOCE images. That of course was copyright infringement (and misleading since it would insinuate IFOCE people were somehow involved). I still think it’s a good idea, especially for those not good enough to be competitive on the circuit, though I’m sure anyone with IFOCE contracts won’t be allowed to participate. I think, as mentioned, there is two main problems which have to be addressed. One is the safety/liability issue. Unlike profesionally run contests with an EMT available, there could be a choking risk if someone inexperienced tries to film himself. Certainly at least make an 18+ rule. Also, it may be hard to get people to pony up money, especially if they have no chance of winning. People are willing to travel to IFOCE contests and pay for that because it is a much higher level thing and such a great experience. To me, it’s worth the money. Not sure if people will feel the same about this. But you know, it’s a good concept for amateur eaters and people who don’t have aspirations to be the best in the world – and those that can’t afford to travel – but it’s anybody’s guess whether the concept can be properly and safely executed. My 2 cents. . .

  26. Rhonda Evans said

    December 18, 2006 @ 2:24 pm

    I’m from the old school and I don’t like it at all. But who am I. My ideas are probably like dinosaurs (extinct).

  27. Mega Munch said

    December 18, 2006 @ 2:27 pm

    Honestly, I think this thing could succeed WITHOUT prize money simply by harnessing the true spirit of competitive eating which is to just have fun. Also by tapping into people’s (i.e. 18-24 year old guys) desire to compete against each other.

    I also think this new thing should have a no pro eaters rule. Not that they’d be able to or would want to compete anyhow.

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