Trivia answer: Eaters’ inspiration
Here is Brian Seiken’s answer to who inspired the following eaters: Charles Hardy, Cookie Jarvis, Don “Moses” Lerman and Brian Seiken:
Hardy’s union boss insisted he compete in a Nathans hot dog civil service contest for publicity in 1998 and he refused until his wife told him to go out and have some fun.
Jarvis father in law bet that jarvis couldnt win a matzah ball contest because he wasnt jewish. Jarvis entered a Bens matzah ball qualifier in 2001 . rest is history
Lermans nephew Ryan who used to accompany him to the contests for support saw a sign for the same Ben’s contest a year earlier and thought his uncle could take the title which he did.
My sister saw a sign for a Nathans hot dog contest in 1997 in oceanside ny. I thought it would be fun. Never knew it would get me to this level 9 yrs later
Luther said
October 8, 2006 @ 11:44 am
That’s very interesting and considerate of Brian to keep up with interest items like that.