UEPa event at Hamburg festival?

The Republican Herald has an article about the “A Taste of Hamburg-er” festival planned for Labor Day weekend in Hamburg, PA:

There’s also several contests planned for the festival, including a burger-eating contest, with the contestant that devours the most hamburgers in the designated time crowned the winner. There’s a $5 entry fee, and registration will begin the day of the festival.

“There’s talk that a group from the United Eaters of Pennsylvania will turn up to participate in the burger-eating contest, which will really bring some serious competition to the festival,” Kershner said.

Comments (2)


  1. Mega Munch said

    August 20, 2007 @ 6:30 pm

    Woot! UEPa in the house. We’ll be there. We should throw an invite out to that EATORF organization.

  2. Carey said

    August 20, 2007 @ 9:10 pm

    You can get them there by telling them about the cow bingo. Up there they call it “Cow Flop” and it is the basis behind many of their festivals. “Pistol” Pete can tell you about that.

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