Up and coming eaters of African descent

Toward the end of Brian Seiken’s most recent TV show, he asks Charles Hardy about the lack of African-American eaters on the IFOCE circuit following in his and Badlands Booker’s path. Hardy mentions that his son will try to help rectify that situation when he competes in the Molly Pitcher Nathan’s qualifier in June. Oscar Juma of Nairobi, Kenya is another eater of African descent who could possible have an impact in competitive eating. Juma won Lindsey Wilson College’s chicken wing contest by eating 35 wings in 3 minutes. Juma is a member of Lindsey Wilson College’s national champion soccer team.

Other African-American eaters to pay attention to include:
Jerman “Black Death” Pressley, who finished in the top five in last month’s Wing Bowl 14

Adedayo Adeniran, Duke University 2004 hot dog champion, 2005 runner-up (but with a better performance than in 2004). Adedayo could solve the problem could lack of successors to Booker and Hardy as well as Sonya Thomas and Carlene LeFevre at the same time.

Comments (2)



    March 9, 2006 @ 1:52 pm

    this is don lerman , i think that you are making a mistake of injecting race into the competitive eating .as for myself i fell that i ‘am champ for all the peolple, i am not the white champ or the jewish champ ,but everybody champ , i think that up till now competitve eating had no race card played . tis sounds like curtis sliwa and his anti semetic tyrade and this i fell is wrong.don lerman

  2. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    March 10, 2006 @ 10:49 am

    The most recent comment has been rejected due to impersonation and racist content.

  3. nikotin po?eti said (Comment pending approval)

    February 23, 2022 @ 8:25 pm

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