Wing Bowl article in Penthouse

(From Deadspin) The July 2008 edition of Penthouse will have an article about the Wing Bowl which can be read online (pictures are basically safe for work). The article focuses more on peripheral activities than on the eating competition.

The best composite of Wing Bowl attendees is this: They’re the men who get kicked out of sporting events—the boorish, drunken slobs who curse too loudly, start fights too easily, harass women too aggressively, and make watching a game uncomfortable for 90 percent of the other spectators. Even in Philadelphia, whose fans have a nationally known reputation for classlessness, this crowd is vile. Philly fans earned their rep for, among other offenses, throwing snowballs at Santa Claus in 1968, cheering when Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin lay motionless on the turf with a neck injury in 1999, and behaving so poorly at the old Veterans Stadium that the city was forced to assign a judge to the Vet on Eagles game days.


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