“Without a Trace” CE rerun tonight

The “Without a Trace” episode about a missing champion chili eater will be rerun on CBS tonight at 8pm.

Comments (14)


  1. anonymous said

    November 17, 2007 @ 8:36 pm

    This specific show is an outrage and sheds a bad light on competitive eaters. They portray them as dysfunctional outcasts to society that have no friends and little chance of forming relationships with the opposite sex with the exception of prostitutes. Not sure if they are referring to AICE or IFOCE when they make this comparison.

  2. Carey said

    November 18, 2007 @ 8:56 am

    They probably should have expanded their research beyond Don and Brian. Zing

  3. Friend of Brian said

    November 20, 2007 @ 8:27 am

    Brian does more for this sport than 99% of all involved.Its easy to say this behind his back but I bet you couldn’t say that to his face .What have you done Carey for this sport?

  4. Carey said

    November 20, 2007 @ 8:54 am

    I could go on a campaign and constantly rant about what I do and how I don’t get enough recognition, but I choose not to, so I will only reply to your question by saying lighten up. Besides, what is it that he does for the sport that you are referring to? Eating? An AOL page that he can’t even figure out how to link together?

  5. beautifulbrian said

    November 20, 2007 @ 9:44 am

    Carey you are one aice loser that without question fits the part of a dysfunctional being similar to the one anonymous posted regarding the without trace episode. You are going nowhere with your sorry ass life which is why you spend most of your time commenting on this site. You dont get any recognition because you look like an asshole and make yourself more of one on this site with your dumbass opinions . Looking at your pic i can see where hollywood could have easily cast you for a part in revenge of the nerds. I am not impressed by your army credentials either asswipe. Besides your 5lbs of strawberries that a little girl could eat , what have you accomplished in this sport besides being asshole of the month.? Let me add that there are basically only two retards that seem to take pleasure in taking potshots at me. One is Carey and the other is the Fake from SF or shall i refer to him as”Body by fake” . Go get a life and stop worrying or being jealous about what ive accomplished in this sport . You have accomplihsed nothing and you are nothing!

  6. Lerman fan said

    November 20, 2007 @ 9:49 am

    Don Lerman served in the marines and ill bet he could kick your little wimpy army ass any day . Faggot !

  7. donmoseslerman said

    November 20, 2007 @ 9:59 am

    I’m not looking to fight anyone , I’m not on the war path with any eater, but keep this in mind , I own and and teach a my own karate schooland I believe that is mentioned somewhere on this site ..don lerman

  8. Carey said

    November 20, 2007 @ 11:08 am

    Thanks for the feedback Brian. I wasn’t in the Army, btw, it was the Navy. Are we a little stressed out lately? Don, is that some kind of a threat, or just a response to Lerman fan’s bet?

    I just want to make clear though that I am not working for or representing Aice here, because any opinion of me shouldn’t be cast on Aice also, it is a fine organization that doesn’t deserve that. To do so would be like thinking badly about the IFOCE because of posters calling other people faggot, or constantly threatening others.

  9. donmoseslerman said

    November 20, 2007 @ 12:42 pm

    no threat whatsoever was only responding to lermans fan ,and nothing more i never read theabove posts and dont aggre with no other posters rude commmets and disassocate myself from them..don lerman

  10. donmoseslerman said

    November 20, 2007 @ 12:57 pm

    I want to say this forr the record , I just read the above posters and a I am very hurt that someone calling themselves lermans fan would use insults of this manner , as for the karate school , brian found an add of a karate scholl and the insteutctor looked like me , it was a joke nothing moe..don lermanr

  11. Jake from SF said

    November 20, 2007 @ 1:01 pm

    Whoa…. how did a post about a rerun of the Without a Trace CE episode turn into another CE bashing? Is no forum safe? And brian… why bring me into your problems with Carey? I have neither posted on this thread nor have I said anything bad about you in sometime. And that is the best you could say about insignificant little old me? No one has a problem with me but you. It seems like you have a beef with everyone. Who has ever had a problem with Carey. And the whole IFOCE vs. AICE is REALLY getting old. No one cares anymore but over-the-hill guys like you desperately trying to grab onto something so that you still seem relevant. Give it a rest…

  12. Carey said

    November 20, 2007 @ 3:28 pm

    I don’t know what happened Jake! I thought Brian would be happy that I mention his name because he isn’t mentioned in the original post. I guess I was wrong. Sorry he bought you into it.

    Don, I get it now. No hard feelings.

  13. Automoronomous said

    November 20, 2007 @ 6:23 pm

    this thread has a black belt in idiocy

  14. Friend of Brian said

    November 23, 2007 @ 8:44 am

    Carey your talk is cheap just like your eating skills

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