Link Buffet: March 12, 2008


Comments (5)


  1. Anonymous said

    March 12, 2008 @ 11:35 am

    Joey looks like Teddy Atlas.

  2. Rhonda Evans said

    March 12, 2008 @ 12:06 pm

    Jed looks a bit like Cookie Jarvis in that rendition. They did a bad job w/ Joey’s caricature. It looks like a combination between Herschel Walker and that guy Mc Bain from The Simpsons, but nothing like Joey.

  3. Gentleman Joe said

    March 12, 2008 @ 12:49 pm

    Joey looks like Joey, but Jed looks like a decent looking version of Cookie.

  4. Dr. Bigtime said

    March 13, 2008 @ 6:31 pm

    Wow. That’s awesome that I gots props from Koby. Thanks, Koby. Pound for pound, though, Koby is rock solid & probably a hell of a lot tougher than I am.

  5. SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)

    March 13, 2008 @ 7:46 pm

    yeah Bigtime,you made the Bigtime,thats a pretty great honor when Koby’s talking about you,Congrats…all those hours in the gym are paying off,Have A Nice Day 🙂

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