2012 Smoke’s Poutinerie Championship

update Oct 17 IFOCE.com has a contest report
Smoke’s has a facebook gallery
Meredith Boxberger has a video

update Oct 16 Torontoist and Rake & Herald have contest reports

update Oct 15 Videos KBDProductionsTV | Judy Nguyen | Jogbird
The KBDProductions caption says that amateur winner Jesse Kankula (4th place in PIE pizza contest) ate 7.25 pounds in 6 minutes , a higher rate 7.25 / 6 = 1.21 lb / min than Joey Chestnut (9.5 pounds / 10 minutes = .95 lb / min)

BlogTO has a blog entry

ALotAboutNothing has a gallery

update Oct 14 The Toronto Sun has a contest report

Canoe.ca has a gallery

Results via Chicago Piano update The rest of the results have been posted

1) Joey Chestnut 19 half lb boxes
2T) Tim Janus 17
2T) Bob Shoudt 17
4) Pat Bertoletti 16.75
5) Matthew Bonanno 13.75
6) Meredith Boxberger 11.33
7T) Jim Reeves 11
7T) Micah Collins 11
7T) Yasir Salem 11
7T) Ben Do 11
11) Larell Marie Mele 10.5
12) Andrew Kogutkiewicz 7.25
13) Maria “Edible” 7
14) Bill Myers 5.75
15) Mary Bowers 4

Amateur contest results
1 Jesse Kankula 7.25 pounds in 6 minutes
2 James Maxwell 5.25

5:14 The contest is over.

4:51 Everyone has been introduced. A picture of the table.

4:36 Introductions for pro contest has started

Joey Chestnut will compete

Toronto Sun preview

Short article about Meredith Boxberger

Comments (27)


  1. Anonymous said

    October 13, 2012 @ 5:18 pm

    38 minutes? Long contest.

  2. Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)

    October 13, 2012 @ 7:04 pm

    MLE has just tweeted the following results:

    1 Joey 19 half-lb boxes.
    2 BOB 17.
    2 X 17.
    4 Pat 16.75.
    5 Matt Bonnano 13.75.
    6. Deep Fried Diva 11.33
    7 BUF Jim 11.
    7 Wing Kong 11.
    7 Yasir 11.
    7 Ben Do 11
    11 Larell Marie 10.5
    12 The Bear 7.25.
    13 Maria edible 7.
    14 wild bill 5.75.
    15 Mary B 4

    Expect a report once the Oktoberfest Bratwursts one is done.

  3. anonymous said

    October 13, 2012 @ 7:50 pm

    Please don’t forget the ones that finished out of the money or 10 and below. It really does wonders for their self. esteem if it’s posted

  4. Anonymous said

    October 13, 2012 @ 8:41 pm

    The amateur contest had half pound boxes so those are the numbers not pounds

  5. Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)

    October 13, 2012 @ 9:37 pm

    Hello 7:50, are you referring to our Oktoberfest report? If so, we always try to list everybody that takes part in an event.

    Sadly, this is not always possible. For instance, we only have the names of the top seven in that particular chowdown, although I know from very good authority that 11 people took part.

    We’ll update it if we find out more.

  6. anonymous said

    October 13, 2012 @ 10:40 pm

    Nice to see Pat B and his main squeeze competing at the same table

  7. anonymous said

    October 14, 2012 @ 12:55 am

    Obvious Maria Edible is not cut out for this sport any longer. Maybe she should try her hand at punk rock. CBGB always has opening for female guitar player with tatoos

  8. Anonymous said

    October 14, 2012 @ 6:53 pm

    Who is Matt Bonnano ? Very impressive !

  9. what a loser said

    October 15, 2012 @ 2:11 pm

    Again without Seiken no video. I am sure the Seiken hater who copies pastes anything negative related to Seieken is foaming at the mouth right now searching all ends of the internet for a video of the Poutinerie contest

  10. Boxes not pounds said

    October 15, 2012 @ 2:52 pm

    The numbers reported for the amatuers should be boxes, not pounds. They used the same half pound boxes the pros used.

  11. Ben Do said (Registered September 1, 2012)

    October 15, 2012 @ 3:25 pm

    Just a few things to say. Matt Bonnano in only his second contest placing 5th behind the MLE’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th ranked eaters is very impressive. He will be big if he continues to eat. Not to take anything away from Jesse’s win, but the results of the amateur contest were announced incorrectly. He ate 7.25 half pound boxes, 3.6lbs, nowhere near what Joey ate. And many of my friends told me they had videos, but have yet to see anything. I will post when I get them.

  12. Just Another Meal said

    October 15, 2012 @ 3:52 pm

    The success of each and every event at which Seiken’s is not present is severely impaired. Without the man, each eating contest is merely an unglorified picnic.

  13. Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)

    October 15, 2012 @ 5:09 pm

    Here’s our report, with exclusive quotes from George Shea, Larell Marie ‘the Real Deal’ Mele, Yasir ‘the Doggy Bag’ Salem, Mary ‘I Love ‘Em Hot!’ Bowers and a hat tip to Ben Do for the above comment re Matt Bonnano: http://www.therakeandherald.tv/society/societystory.php?id=188

    Cheers, Ben.

  14. Bonanno Fan said

    October 15, 2012 @ 6:23 pm

    Just to get it right, Matt’s name is spelled Bonanno – and Poutine was his third contest, after doing wings back to back (amateur and pro) at the Buffalo wing fest. And he did better the second day at Buffalo than the first!

  15. Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)

    October 15, 2012 @ 7:54 pm

    Thanks for pointing that out, Bonanno Fan. Have amended the report and given you a hat tip too.

  16. Anonymous said

    October 15, 2012 @ 8:01 pm

    Ignatius, this was the first year in which half-pound boxes were used. Your story is a little off in that regard.

  17. Anonymous said

    October 15, 2012 @ 8:40 pm

    Ignatius Rake is the bee’s knees, whatever that means. He gives hat tips and entertains and wants to make things right. Funny, clever, filled with pleasurable reading and videos and photos, it is simply the absolute best. TERRIFIC! Thanks so much, we are all enjoying your passionate reporting.

  18. Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)

    October 15, 2012 @ 9:22 pm

    Didn’t realise Deep Dish was eating with a broken knee.

    Have updated our report accordingly and hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.

    MLE story here: http://ifoce.com/news.php?action=detail&sn=898

    Our updated report here: http://www.therakeandherald.tv/society/societystory.php?id=188

    By the way, OJ, MLE have revised the scores, with Mary Bowers now credited as having eaten 5 boxes not 4 as they had previously reported. The other totals remain unchanged, although I see they have also changed ‘Bonnano’ to ‘Bonanno’.

  19. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    October 15, 2012 @ 9:24 pm

    Hey Ignatius Rake…..Thx sooooo very much for the mentions! REALLY appreciate it!!!

  20. Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)

    October 15, 2012 @ 9:39 pm

    Hey, Real Deal, thanks for the quotes!

  21. anonymous said

    October 15, 2012 @ 9:51 pm

    Ignatius rake why don’t you mention beautifulbrian? He is the cornerstone of comp eating

  22. Anonymous said

    October 16, 2012 @ 3:55 am

    As the cornerstone, it should be the other way around. It is Seiken that should be mentioning Eatfeats and Rake and Herald, as a professional courtesy, so that those two sites can begin to receive some of the multitude of followers that beautifulbrian.com has.

  23. Anonymous said

    October 16, 2012 @ 6:49 am

    Either Seiken is staying up nights trying to insert himself into the real talented world of competitive eating via posting on eatfeats or someone is appropriately trying to mock him though I hate to say it, just the unvarnished truth. I am sure that IR has checked out Beautiful Brian’s website and can decide for themselves whether or not to include him. Either way, Seiken is paying no attention to his own website, just wants to keep being a pimple on here. Seiken, do something positive, Seiken mocker, keep his name off here, he does not deserve positive attention yet. He picks fights with everyone, in person and online. He could get positive attention eventually if he would try to work on his own website and stop his ridiculous pompous behaviors and really stop saying almost libelous things about people. Just a negative annoyance, if he would only stop commenting here inappropriately, eventually, people might pay positive attention to him.

  24. Anonymous said

    October 16, 2012 @ 10:24 am

    MLE has written quite a story about the contest and the participation of Pat and Joey. I guess it takes the highly unusual for them to write since for MLE, the emphasis on publicity is for the sponsors, not the eaters. Thus, it is fabulous to have both eatfeats and now Rake and Herald to cover all. It will not happen often that there will be a story like Pat’s broken knee and full cast etc., and I fully suspect that MLE “engineered” this scenario with bucks and support.

  25. Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)

    October 16, 2012 @ 2:40 pm

    “Ignatius rake why don’t you mention beautifulbrian? He is the cornerstone of comp eating”

    Hello, 9:51

    Thank you for your comment.

    We have mentioned Beautiful Brian here: http://www.therakeandherald.tv/society/societystory.php?id=182 as part of a wider report that also includes a link to http://beautifulbrian.com/ and a recommendation that readers “check out Beautiful’s ram-packed website”.

    Since the Rake & Herald launched in June this year, we have tried to cover as many competitive eating events as possible, whether they be MLE-, APE- or none-sanctioned events.

    We have also tried to cover restaurant and YouTube challenges.

    In our defence, the only one of these competitions where Beautiful Brian has competed (that we are aware of) is the taco eating contest at the Phantom Gourmet Food Festival (as covered in the link above).

    If we have inadvertently missed others then for this we apologise unreservedly.

    Importantly, it needs to be noted that we do not solely write about competitive eating (as a look round the Rake & Herald will quickly demonstrate).

    Instead, we cover pretty much anything that catches our interest, ranging from travel and booze to food, film, music, art and the paranormal.

    Have a look at this, for example, http://www.therakeandherald.tv/culture/culturestory.php?id=1196 or this http://www.therakeandherald.tv/travel/travelstory.php?id=153.

    Sadly, we simply do not have the time, staff or resources to write about everything that takes place in the sport, let alone everything else that interests us and hopefully our readers.

    The pile of stories waiting to be posted (not to mention written) is literally astronomical, with each one taking many hours to research and write, edit and illustrate.

    Even short press release-based stories take an inordinate amount of time.

    We are well aware that Beautiful Brian is a very important figure in competitive eating, indeed, as you say a “cornerstone” of the sport, and we would happily write about any competitions in which he takes part.

    I make no bones about the fact that we, being based in Europe, rely primarily upon Eat Feats, MLE, APE and individual gurgitators themselves in order to find out what events are taking place and then what the results were.

    As a consequence, our coverage of MLE’s events is probably stronger than our coverage of others.

    This is not a deliberate policy and simply arises because MLE is generally more forthcoming with information (particularly in terms of results) than others.

    Not that that statement is intended to either heap praise upon MLE or negatively criticise others.

    It is simply a fact.

    Likewise, we cannot be expected to write about something where we have no information.

    For the record, we have no intention of stealing the territory of either Beautifulbrian.com or Eat Feats.

    Rather, we just like a) writing b) competitive eating and c) writing about competitive eating, which we do simply as fans.

    We receive no money or any other form of payback for doing this, either directly or indirectly.

    We do it because we enjoy it in the same way many people write punk fanzines or blogs about cricket, tropical fish keeping or the latest developments in quantum physics.

    It is a hobby.

    We are well aware that there are gaps in our coverage.

    However, we have certainly never deliberately avoided covering or mentioning Beautiful Brian.

    Indeed, as stated on a previous post on this website, it is our intention to start running eater profiles in the coming weeks.

    We already have a number of competitive eaters lined up who are currently awaiting questions from us (apologies for the delay but we really do have a huge backlog of work to get through but we will be back in touch soon).

    If Beautiful Brian were interested in being profiled, we would be more than happy to run such an article.

    I apologise here and now to Beautiful Brian and his many fans if he or they think we have somehow neglected him.

    Indeed, if any fans would like to write a short article about why they like Beautiful Brian, we would be happy to run them providing they are not libellous, insulting to other gurgitators, websites, the sport in general or infringe a third-party’s copyright.

    You can read more about our submissions policy here: http://www.therakeandherald.tv/stuff/stuffstory.php?id=147

    As stated in a previous post on this website, we hold all gurgitators in equal regard as we think what they do is literally amazing, Beautiful Brian very much included.

    And Beautiful Brian, if you are reading this, please feel free to get in touch and keep us posted as to any forthcoming competitions in which you will participate so we can then cover them.

    I hope this clears things up a bit.

    Rakey Boy

  26. Anonymous said

    October 17, 2012 @ 7:06 pm

    Rake and Herald is a class act and does not give people disgusting nicknames like the above person does, picking fights with eaters in his own organization. Strange, perhaps he should change his name to Brooklyn Beast.

  27. anonymous said

    October 17, 2012 @ 10:02 pm

    Eaters in his own organization? Ha he told me he gets more respect from eaters outside his organization. Furious pete porkslap Brunelli US Male Joel Canon

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