How to avoid weight gain on 10,000 calories a day
Powerlifter Marty Gallagher has an article about his theory on how the more slender competitive eaters consume massive amounts of food and avoid gaining weight. He says that eating 6 meals spread throughout the day will produce less weight gain than one massive meal containing the same amount of calories. Sonya Thomas eating one giant meal seems to disprove Gallagher’s theory.
bubba yarbrough said
March 3, 2006 @ 11:25 am
I call B.S. the people I knew that were eating 6-10 times a day and not getting fat were also doing heavy weight training and a massive amount of cardio. Also the foods they were eating were very low fat high protein foods. Also he quotes Kobayashi alot, and kobayashi never went into that kind of detail but in fact said the opposite several times. This guy is just trying to prove his point by any means necesssary.
baughman said (Registered March 3, 2006)
March 3, 2006 @ 12:33 pm
By eating 6 smaller meals spread every 2-3 hours, your body is constantly working to digest that food. So your matabilism stays higher. When you eat 1 huge meal instead of 6 smaller ones. Your body cant digest that food properly so it turns it to fat and puts it on your body instead of processing it all in smaller chunks and sending the waist out. Now I believe Ms. Thomas said she does 2 hrs of cardio a day. this helps. If I as a lazy slob ate 10k calories a day no matter which way I gonna turn into Bluto the killer man blob . But I will gain slower if I eat it spread out over 6 meals instead of one big ground and pound feast. I like to think of myself as a bodybuilder with commitment issues. I know most of the jargon and how to use it, I am just to lazy to do it. I could go to the gym,but dang a coney dog sounds good. AAA I start next week hehe.
March 4, 2006 @ 1:31 am
Sonya will tell one reporter she eats one big burger king meal a day and tell another reporter something else. You dont know who to believe