Sky City jalapeno gallery


  1. Derwood Alinkofsky said

    September 1, 2006 @ 9:56 am

    Lerman, noone is responding to your latest posts on your website . The picture of the food at one of your top restaurants is dark and extremely unappetizing. It looks like portions they serve in prison. baked beans with a slab of burnt meat? Is that the kind of picture you think will wet people’s appetites?

  2. donmoseslerman said

    September 1, 2006 @ 11:47 am

    when i dont propose a guestion i dont intend for responses , that pictire is a steak at j&r steak house which all tha old time eaters will concur is the best steak house around ,and for you derwood I have 2 words and it aint happy birthdy

  3. Abe Kestenbaum said

    September 2, 2006 @ 1:43 am

    Lerman that retarded line of “i have two words for you and it aint happy birthday is getting old and stale. You have used that many times on this site and considering the copy cat that you are , i would bet that you stole it from someone else . You will be lucky if you are able to sell one of those fall line of clothing shirts. By the way who is that weirdo in the picture holding up one of your shirts for the camera?

  4. donmoseslerman said

    September 2, 2006 @ 11:18 am


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