IFOCE.com has a list of expected entrants at Saturday's Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich Eating Championship at the Isle in Biloxi, Mississppi. The eatfast facebook also announces that the MLE podcast will debut later this week.


  1. KevinRoss said

    January 4, 2010 @ 5:13 pm

    Good luck everyone! I saw a thing on TV about a place in San Diego called Cafe 222 that serves a peanut butter and banana sandwich, but using french toast and other ingredients instead of regular bread. It is supposed to be incredible. I’ll probably be gorging on that this weekend while y’all have your fun at the contest.

  2. SPBBBBMBBB said

    January 5, 2010 @ 11:13 am

    After much intense wife/family negotitations, I’ll be there flailing away, and will also be filiming for “I’m Maaad as Hell TV”, UNLESS, the semi-impossible happens, and Atlanta gets snowed in. That’s the deal I made….I also have to give up going to Birmingham, Al for Krystals. You single guys doing this, take note – make sure you marry a competitive eating fan.

    If you’re going, this episode’s topics include Tiger Woods’ situation, what drives people to cheat on each other, and, as always, any great rant on what makes you maaad as hell! Hope to see many people there, all freezing our butts off…..and especially ready to hear BB do Elvis!

  3. anonymous said

    January 5, 2010 @ 12:22 pm

    Great to have the Super Paul on board. A dedicated redneck for sure . Elvis would be proud of you. A southern contest without the bonebreaker is not a contest at all

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