Pat Bertoletti wins Toronto poutine
update May 25 Toronto Globe and Mail video
Torontoist blog entry & gallery
Facebook group about Ben Do’s participation in the contest
Oddity Central gallery
Macleans article
update May 24 BlogTO and Reuters have blog entries with several pictures
update #2 The Globe and Mail has an article
update CTV and the Toronto Sun has an article
The eatingcontest twitter has full results
1) Pat Bertoletti 13 lbs
2) Tim “Gravy” Brown 10.5
3) “Buffalo” Jim Reeves 9.5
4) Pete Davekos 8.5
5) Micah “Wing Kong” Collins 7.75
6T) Ben Taylor 7
6T) Ben Do (amateur) 7
8) Crazy Legs Conti 6.5
9T) Mike Landrich 6.25
9T) “Wild” Bill Myers 4.5
11) Mila Claire 2.5
11T) Deb Primeau 2.5
DQ) Gus Tzounanakis 2 before DQ
The contest should start at noon.
Here is a list of the three amateur competitors.
A burgers & poutine contest was held in Kingston, Ontario in 2005.
Anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 1:13 pm
1st Pat Bertoletti 13 pounds 2nd Tim Brown 10.5 3rd Jim Reeves 9.5 4th Peter Davekos 8.5 5th Micah Collins 7.75
Anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 1:23 pm
Nice Win Pat!
Did Juliet get DQ’ed?
Awesome job by the amateur Ben Do!
Anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 1:37 pm
Let’s face it. Joey, Pat, and Pete own competitive eating, and to a slightly lesser degree Not. Bob. Everybody else is just taking a shit in their outhouses.
anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 4:22 pm
what happened to conti and juliet? Something smells rotten and it not poutine
anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 4:24 pm
In the Toronto sun picture Jim Reeves? I thought for a minute it was Don Zimmer
Anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 4:37 pm
Says here that legs did 6.5…
anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 4:57 pm
I agree with anony 1:37pm Those guys get all the publicity with the majority of table enders or midranked eaters get nothing but “Hey thanks for showing up at the contest “
anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 5:15 pm
No appearance fee for Juliet spelled Im not going
Anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 5:56 pm
Juliet is tops. She deserves an appearance fee.
KevinRoss said
May 22, 2010 @ 5:59 pm
Good job Mike!! I was wondering if you were going to show, what with your proximity to the Canadian border.
Anonymous said
May 22, 2010 @ 7:05 pm
Legs and Juliet are on the same level.
mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)
May 22, 2010 @ 9:36 pm
Thanks Kevin
It was a tough food. It was delicious, but once the gravy started congealing, the wall came quickly.
On another note, Ben Do doing 7 pounds is amazing. I hope he sticks with it and does more shows.
Anonymous said
May 23, 2010 @ 12:02 am
I can’t wait to see the great Pat Bertoletti devour oysters and clams! He will kick ass!
welcome senior club said
May 23, 2010 @ 7:42 am
Crazy was a great eater for years. Or so the hype was. Now he cannot eat popcorn out of a paper bag. His numbers are going down so fast that he will end up the likes of Super Paul, Hangman and Richard Foley.
Another reason to continue the Senior Club. Give CLC and other former contenders a place to compete amongst their own.
The Calendar says: said
May 23, 2010 @ 8:47 am
You will have to wait a long time because I believe Bertoletti is doing fries on Memorial Day, not clams.
What the hell is wrong with crazy legs? 3 contests, 3 terrible showings. Are we seeing the end of the great one or is he just in some sort of funk? Really, when you lose to Ben Do (no offense kid) you know your ranking is unjustified
survey says said
May 23, 2010 @ 9:19 am
My personal feelings as to why Crazy Legs is not doing well is that he might have been smitten by the love bug. He might have met someone other than his curent GF that has him in 7th heaven. Either that or the sheas ordered him to hold back on his totals for publicity purposes . The logical choice would be prolonged state of depression over not being able to reclaim his corn title
Shea Brothers again... said
May 24, 2010 @ 8:31 pm
While Pat is a champion on his own, obviously the Shea Brothers once again used their influence to make sure that Furious Pete wouldn’t get a spot here… . Everyone interested in competitive eating would love to see IFOCE vs. WLOCE vs. AICE vs. indeptendent eaters. Only the Shea Brothers stop it. I’m sure Bob and Pat would love to compete against Menchetti and Pete. And vice versa. But the Shea brothers have to keep the ARTIFICIAL level such that they earn the most money. An eater wins a contest and wins, say, 1000 dollars, I am sure the Shea brothers get AT LEAST 5000 dollars…
They don’t care about who’s the best, they only care about filling their OWN pockets.
Too stupid, again... said
May 24, 2010 @ 10:49 pm
I still can’t figure out how incredibly stupid ” Shea Brothers again…” is. Does anyone hold competitions to see who the sponsor wants in their commercials? Who cares about “Furious Pete” other than him? Who cares about AICE, WLOCE, or one of Pete’s roid-ridden pals?. Short answer – nobody with any money. If you want to play the game professionally, stop fooling yourself – nobody else here or anywhere else is going to buy into it. The only game that matters anywhere is the one the big boys and girls play. Cry all you want, but until you figure it out, play for a gift card to Costco. Have fun!
anonymous said
May 25, 2010 @ 12:27 am
Why would anyone care to watch wloce (why use caps) the two big guns in that organization were members of the IFOCE(why not use caps) amd they didnt accomplish much in that organization to begin with ,The only reason aice wants to challenge real eaters is so they can finally have a chance to vie for a purse greater than $500
Stupid? said
June 2, 2010 @ 10:44 pm
No, I can’t figure out how stupid “Too stupid, again…” is. I am not crying. But I’ll give you credit for at least being able to spell. Still, I will bet everything that your IQ is WAY below mine.
So let me explain it to you, IDIOT. Because your IQ qualifies you as an idiot compared to mine, even if you have a very high IQ… . So let me explain:
I want to see a TRUE world champion. This is not about money. This is not about several organizations. We have seen breaks of organizations in many sports. Like Snooker. Like Boxing. I just want to see an eater who holds the UNIFIED “belt”. But the Shea brothers will never allow that.
Do you get it now, IDIOT? Because, compared to me, you are. My IQ will blow you away. Do you get it now?