Chattanooga Pulse KSO III report

The Chattanooga Pulse has an excellent writeup of Krystal Square Off III with a lot of interesting information.

Comments (11)


  1. Joey Reigns Supreme! said

    November 8, 2006 @ 8:54 am

    Joey Chestnut: The Greatest Competitive Eater Who Ever Lived.

    No eater alive can compare to Joey.
    Joey is in a league by himself.
    No other world eater is even close to Joey.
    Having Joey eat alongside other eaters is a downright insult.
    Joey will always mop the floor up with every other American eater.
    Kobyashy is not in Joey’s league. Joey has been cheated four times in his losses to him. He has never really lost to Japan’s best eater. He has mopped the floor up with Koby every time.
    All other American eaters are simply crap and do not deserve to be at the same table as Joey.
    Joey is royalty. He is the absolute ruler of all eating and always will be.
    Get that through your heads everyone. You are duking it out for Joey’s table scraps.
    Joey is so great he should be paid a stipend just to appear at a contest. All other eaters should bow to him and pay Joey homage whenever he enters a contest area.

    Jo-ee Jo-ee Jo-ee!!!

  2. Joey Reigns Supreme! said

    November 8, 2006 @ 9:10 am

    Congratulations Joey on another fabulous victory! Sorry you didn’t receive what you earned. Also, if the other eaters got a corvette, Joey deserved a Mazzeratti!

  3. Anonymous said

    November 8, 2006 @ 2:01 pm

    says Sonya Thomas, “sometimes he isn’t good

  4. Rhonda Evans said

    November 8, 2006 @ 3:02 pm

    Anon – She knows. Look at Barrick. Look at meatballs. Look at Vienna Sausages. Look at turkey. Look at Chili Cheese Fries. Look at the US Open. Need I go on?

    Also, when Sonya says “not good” I’m certain Sonya means either not at his VERY best (as Joey is an absolutely great eater) or that the food is not particularly best suited for him. Remember, English is her second language and semantics/translations are difficult from her native Korean.

    Also, Joey has had a great run lately but he is NOT invincible to other Americans. Look Joey is GREAT in sandwich foods and most finger foods. But if there is much more strategy involved than 1) Quickly put food in mouth, 2) quickly swallow, 3) repeat, then Joey is vulnerable.

    Such is the case with the upcoming Posole contest. As a matter of fact, I think there’s a very good chance that Pat or Tim can (not necessarily will, but can) beat him this weekend. Posole is more suited to Pat’s style than Joey’s. Just like Pat would likely beat Joey in ice cream, and Sonya, Rich, AND Tim would likely beat Joey in an endurance contest. I’m sure of it — especially Sonya.

    If you think Joey looks sick after most short contests. He WOULD be sick after Sonya got done with him in a contest of say an hour or more. (And I believe pretty much the same for Rich and Tim, versus Joey, in such an event.) Too bad there ain’t no such animal. I’d pay money to see that!!

  5. Anonymous said

    November 8, 2006 @ 3:35 pm

    Wings and Ribs are two technique foods he did OK in. I would love to see any other US eater do 91 krystals in 15 minutes. He does have capacity.

    chili cheese fries he lost by 1 ounce to Sonya. I guess she wasn’t good then either.

    Weird how some people get slammed by a quote from an article and others always get free passes. So if you say beforehand that “feels a little off today” that contest doesn’t count.

    But you are right. Joey should be up for every contest. He only goes to school full time, works fulltime and does more contests that all but about 7 or 8 eaters. With that light schedule he should be better prepared for each contest.

    Get a grip. TWO humans have eaten 40+ HDB. Two humans have eaten 77+ Krystals.

    Keep making excuses. “Yeah but if it is a Tuesday and it is over 55 degress in a state west of the mississippi in a technique food in a contest over 13 minutes, obviously he would lose.”

    Here is a big clue for you. Look under the table the next time. See who really eats what and who leaves what.

  6. Gentleman Joe said

    November 8, 2006 @ 3:52 pm

    Anything over 15 minutes except a debris food like wings is ridiculous. Its not that good for wings either.

    This has little to do w/ the food but keeping the crowd entertained/interested. Even the Shea’s can’t keep a crowd entertained beyond the eating for more than 15 minutes. (many would say more like 5-10 minutes)

    I have no doubt that Sonya & R. LeFevre would be outstanding in a contest an hour long or longer, but know one wants to see that here. Go to Japan if you want to eat for an hour+.

  7. Rhonda Evans said

    November 8, 2006 @ 4:10 pm

    Joey is a GREAT eater. But if there is much more strategy involved than 1) quickly put food in mouth, 2) quickly swallow, 3) repeat, then Joey is vulnerable.

    Sonya is an absolute magician. She is not nearly as good as Joey overall, and Joey is absolutely deserving to be #1 in the US! But Sonya can and WILL beat him in various foods (quite an accomplichment for a 100-lbs girl I might add, whom Joey outweighs 2-1), as will Pat, Chip, and Tim. They are all SMARTER eaters who DO NOT look like they’re ready to heave all over the place at the end of the contest.

    And Kobayashi will always have Joey’s number. Kobayashi’s weakest foods are the sandwich foods like burgers and dogs. I know what I’m saying. Let him face Joey in any other food and it will be a laugher!

  8. kid said

    November 8, 2006 @ 9:05 pm

    Thank you ojrifkin for providing the link to the article. It was a good read.
    (Rhonda Evan’s post above was a good read too…)

  9. SuperPaul said

    November 8, 2006 @ 11:22 pm

    Great article…I especially enjoyed the crowd photo, and the game of “where’s #35” that I figured out the answer to…what the heck are all you other maniacs arguing about??

  10. Locust said

    November 9, 2006 @ 2:00 pm

    Joe, I’d settle for 20 minutes.

  11. Rhonda Evans said

    November 9, 2006 @ 2:34 pm

    Locust, you, Sonya and Tim would be absolutely awesome in such contests (20 + minutes) involving most foods. I think it would be a blast and would involve more strategy than short contests, because pacing oneself would be very important.

    I’ve always thought the longer contests would be more fun, and I think there should be few events shorter than 12 – 15 minutes. That’s when many superb eaters like yourself are just getting into a groove!

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