Bikini String Fry expected entrants

The IFOCE Bikini String Fry preview lists the following expected entrants: Joey Chestnut, Tim Janus, Chip Simpson, Seaver Miller, David Braunstein, Crazy Legs Conti & Larry McNeil

Comments (2)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    January 26, 2007 @ 1:08 pm

    Predicted Finish (I probably have it “bass-ackwards”):

    1. Joey:
    2. Chip
    3. Tim
    4. Crazy Legs
    5. Seaver

    Joey won’t have an easy time, but he’ll win. Chip will press him initially and then Joey will extend his lead. Tim — right there in third, by his lonesome. It will be very, very close between Legs and Seaver. Legs has the speed, and his stomach capacity has improved enough, whereby he’ll hold on to fourth, but barely.

  2. are you out of your mind? said

    January 27, 2007 @ 8:09 am

    You have 2 of the top 3 right but an upset is brewing just wait until this afternoon.

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